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Scheduling in Delay Graphs with Applications to Optical Networks Isaac Keslassy (Stanford University), Murali Kodialam, T.V. Lakshman, Dimitri Stiliadis.

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Presentation on theme: "Scheduling in Delay Graphs with Applications to Optical Networks Isaac Keslassy (Stanford University), Murali Kodialam, T.V. Lakshman, Dimitri Stiliadis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scheduling in Delay Graphs with Applications to Optical Networks Isaac Keslassy (Stanford University), Murali Kodialam, T.V. Lakshman, Dimitri Stiliadis (Bell-Labs)

2 Problem Motivation  MAN WDM optical ring with N nodes  For each node i, one tunable transmitter, and one fixed receiver at wavelength λ i. 12 3 i N λ1λ1 λ2λ2 λ3λ3 λiλi λNλN  When and how can we guarantee 100% throughput?

3 Outline  Introduction: Scheduling with no Delays  Bipartite Delay Graph  TSS Algorithm  Theorems on Separable Architectures  Non-Separable Architectures

4  Assume no propagation delays (each packet transmitted is immediately received)  A single transmitter and receiver per node => when i sends to j, i cannot send to j’≠j and j cannot receive from i’≠i  Slotted time, fixed-size packets Scheduling with no Delays

5  Input:  Birkhoff-von Neumann (BvN) schedule: A frame of F matrices S 1,…,S F such that  Arrivals ≤ Services: R’ ≤ S 1 +.. + S F  {S i }’s are permutation matrices: any node sends and receives at most one packet per time-slot  Known result: decomposition always exists Frame-Based Scheduling

6 Example of BvN Schedule No transmitter conflicts No receiver conflicts Frame

7  Propagation delays << time-slot ?  Example: MAN WDM ring  30km ring, 10Gbps, 1kb packets  Time-slot = 1kb/(10Gb/s) = 100ns  Max propagation delay = 30km/(3.10 8 m/s) = 100μs  Clearly impossible to neglect delays Neglecting Delays?

8 Outline  Introduction: Scheduling with no Delays  Bipartite Delay Graph  TSS Algorithm  Theorems on Separable Architectures  Non-Separable Architectures

9  Question: Can we extend Birkhoff- von Neumann (BvN) to general case of WDM mesh with delays  Method: 1. Provide simple model for mesh 2. Use model to extend BvN Question

10 General WDM Mesh Architecture 2 λ2λ2 λ1λ1 1 N λNλN i λiλi

11  Star Coupler Examples of WDM Architectures 1 2 N λ1λ1 λ2λ2 λNλN i λiλi 12 3 i N λ1λ1 λ2λ2 λ3λ3 λiλi λNλN  Ring

12  Arbitrary mesh with constant delays  Arbitrary routing policy such that all paths to a given node form a spanning tree Mesh Model d i s λdλd

13  Property: if packets collide on the path, they would also have collided at the receiver Mesh Model d i s d d d d λdλd

14  Property: if packets collide on the path, they would also have collided at the receiver  No collision at receiver  no collision on path  We need to prevent only two types of collision:  At the transmitter  At the receiver Mesh Model

15  Bipartite delay graph: bipartite graph with weights  ij (delay from i to j) Bipartite Delay Graph i j  ij

16 Example of Bipartite Delay Graph 1 3 2 λ1λ1 λ3λ3 λ2λ2  12 =1  23 =1  31 =1 2 3 1 2 3 1 3 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 3

17 Using the Bipartite Delay Graph in the Schedule transmitter conflicts receiver conflicts 2 3 1 2 3 1 3 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 3 2 λ1λ1 λ3λ3 λ2λ2  12 =1  23 =1  31 =1 Conflict

18 Delay Graph of a Star Coupler i N 1 j N 1 u1u1 uiui uNuN v1v1 vjvj vNvN  Delay in a star coupler:

19 Delay Graph of a Ring  Delay in a ring: 12 k i N j uiui vivi

20 Outline  Introduction: Scheduling with no Delays  Bipartite Delay Graph  TSS Algorithm  Theorems on Separable Architectures  Non-Separable Architectures

21 Birkhoff-von Neumann Schedule Example with 3 nodes 3 1 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 3 1 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 3 1 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 3 1 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 Frame Sender 1 Sender 2 Sender 3 time Frame

22 2 3 1 2 3 1 u1u1 u2u2 u3u3 v1v1 v2v2 v3v3 Time-Shifted Scheduling (TSS) in a Star Coupler

23 2 3 1 2 3 1 u1u1 u2u2 u3u3 v1v1 v2v2 v3v3 Sender 1 Sender 2 Sender 3 time (at senders) u1u1 u2u2 u3u3 332332332332 113113113113 221221221221 time (at star coupler) Time-Shifted Scheduling (TSS) in a Star Coupler

24 2 3 1 2 3 1 u1u1 u2u2 u3u3 v1v1 v2v2 v3v3 Sender 1 Sender 2 Sender 3 332332332332 113113113113 221221221221 time (at star coupler) Time-Shifted Scheduling (TSS) in a Star Coupler

25 2 3 1 2 3 1 u1u1 u2u2 u3u3 v1v1 v2v2 v3v3 Sender 1 Sender 2 Sender 3 11111111 1111 time (at star coupler) v1v1 time (at node 1) Time-Shifted Scheduling (TSS) in a Star Coupler

26  In a star coupler, TSS works:  In a ring with RTT T, and a schedule of frame length F=T, TSS also works (shifting time by T doesn’t matter): and the schedule is modulo F=T. TSS in a Star Coupler and in a Ring

27  Separable architecture:  T-Separable architecture:  A separable architecture is T-separable for all T  F-rate matrix: Rate matrix for which (optimal) BvN decomposition has frame length F Definitions (more general setting)

28 Properties  Property 1: Using the TSS algorithm, an F-separable architecture can schedule any F-rate matrix.  Example: ring of RTT F  Property 2: Using the TSS algorithm, a separable architecture can schedule any rate matrix.  Example: star coupler

29 Outline  Introduction: Scheduling with no Delays  Bipartite Delay Graph  TSS Algorithm  Theorems on Separable Architectures  Non-Separable Architectures

30 Can we always extend BvN?  No! Even for simple matrices…  Example: ring With cyclical scheduling of two matrices, each of the 3 pairs has to be associated to either matrix, but there are at most 3 elements (  one pair) per matrix  BvN impossible here 1 3 2 1 1 1

31 Theorems (Necessity and Sufficiency)  Theorem 1: An architecture can schedule any F-rate matrix iff the architecture is F-separable.  Proof: if not F-separable, exhibit counter-example  Theorem 2: An architecture can schedule any rate matrix iff the architecture is separable.  Proof: needs to be F-separable for all F  Corollary (Negative result): Guaranteed frame- based scheduling cannot be achieved in non- separable architectures.

32 Outline  Introduction: Scheduling with no Delays  Bipartite Delay Graph  TSS Algorithm  Theorems on Separable Architectures  Non-Separable Architectures

33 Non-Separable Delay Graphs  Guaranteed schedule in non-separable architecture?  need to make it separable  Assume we can add delay lines  ij between nodes.  How to minimize the sum of these delay lines?

34 Non-Separable Delay Graphs  Dual formulation of Maximum Weight Matching Problem in Bipartite Delay Graph  Separable architecture: all matches are MWM  Non-separable architecture: solving MWM gives minimum amount of additional delay lines

35 Summary  The bipartite delay graph can model any mesh architecture  An architecture can schedule any F-rate matrix iff it is F-separable (e.g. ring of RTT=F)  An architecture can schedule any rate matrix iff it is separable (e.g. star coupler)  Non-separable architectures can schedule any rate matrix at minimum cost by adding delay lines and using maximum weight matching

36 Thank you.

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