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Compact Routing and Locality in Peer-to-Peer Systems Ittai Abraham School of Computer Science and Engineering Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Internet Activity After 1992 – Dominated by the web browser Client Server paradigm Clients are Lightweight and Transient Low bandwidth, computational power and storage requirements Most servers are relatively simple and static (HTTP) Distributed Computing community mostly focused on robustifying servers for load balancing and high availability, targeting mostly at clusters of dozens of servers at the most How will Internet Activity look like in the future ?
Tomorrow’s Internet ? Internet peers will be stateful and will have a persistent connection Have high bandwidth, computational power and storage capabilities Peers are capable of acting both as a server and as a client Will have an active network presence Symmetric, decentralized, self organizing paradigm
Peer-to-peer Systems Group of peers wish to maintain a shared information data structure Complications Large group Enormous amounts of information Group is spatially distributed Dynamically changing Heterogeneous Selfish/faulty/malicious participants Challenge: provide efficient access to the shared information data structure
Distributed Hash Tables A universe U of object ids. A hash function h maps U into a smaller set S spreading ids without many collisions A set V of nodes that forms a distributed system The set S is partitioned in to |V| parts, and each node in V maintains its relevant part of the hash table Basic operations are lookup and store: Given an object id A, find the hash value h(A), route to the node that maintains the key h(A), and read/write the object A
DHT Lookup Example Hash function h(x) = x mod 1009 For this example each node with id i maintains all the objects whose has hash value is in [1009*i/6,1009*(i+1)/6) 6 5 2 3 0 14 Node 2 wants to find the value of the object with id 1009001 Hash value is 1, so need to route to node with id 0
Traditional Complexity Measures of Distributed Hash Tables Degree (local memory) of the overlay network O(1), O(log k n), O(n 1/k ) Number of hops from source node to target node O(log n), O(log n/loglog n), O(1) But counting hops does not take into account a weighted communication network
Locality Awareness s t x
Low Stretch Routing Two models: Peers communicate through a weighted network G= The cost of communication d(s,t) between peers in V induces a metric space M= I General metric Growth bounded metric, Euclidean metric, Doubling metric In either case the stretch of a routing scheme RS is the maximal ratio over all pairs of d RS (s,t)/d(s,t)
Routing on a weighted graph Devise a distributed routing scheme such that: a node that knows the label of a target node can send a message that will be routed to the target node Main complexity measures: Stretch: the ratio between the cost of the path taken by the routing protocol and the cost of a minimum cost path from source to destination. Memory: the number of bits stored in each node. A solution is compact if memory is o(n)
Routing on a weighted graph Lower bounds: Stretch < 3 requires Ω(n) bits per node [Gavoille & Gengler 01] Stretch < 5 requires Ω (√n) bits per node [Thorup & Zwick 01] Stretch < 2k-1 requires Ω (n 1/k ) bits per node [Thorup & Zwick 01] Under the Erdosh conjecture Two main variants: Labeled routing: designer can choose the labels of nodes Name Independent routing: node labels are given by an adversary Labeled routing: Stretch 3 with Õ(n 2/3 ) bits [Cowen 99] Stretch 3 with Õ(√n) bits [Thorup & Zwick 01] Stretch 4k-1 with Õ(n 1/k ) bits [Thorup & Zwick 01]
Name Independent Routing Awerbuch, Bar-Noy, Linial & Peleg 89 With Õ(n 1/k ) bits – stretch O(k 2 9 k ) With Õ(n 2/3 ) bits – stretch 468 With Õ(√n) bits – stretch 2593 Awerbuch & Peleg 90 (Sparse Partitions) For diameters that are polynomial in n With Õ(n 1/k ) bits – stretch O(k 2 ) With Õ(n 2/3 ) bits – stretch 624 With Õ(√n) bits – stretch 1088 Arias, Cowen, Laing, Rajaraman & Taka 03 With Õ(√n) bits – stretch 5 [A, Gavoille, Malkhi], DISC 04, Stretch O(k) [A, Gavoille, Malkhi, Nisam, Thorup], SPAA 04, Stretch 3
Compact Name-Independent Routing with Minimum Stretch [A, Gavoille, Malkhi, Nisan, and Thorup SPAA 2004] Optimal stretch 3 with Õ(√n) bits Construction in polynomial time Routing decisions performed in constant time Surprisingly, with Õ(√n) bits allowing the designer to label the nodes does not improve the stretch factor compared to the task when node labels are predetermined by an adversary.
The Recipe Ingredients Vicinity routing Random coloring to √n colors Hash labels to colors Labeled routing on trees Landmarks Partial shortest path trees
Vicinity Routing Let B(u) denote the (√n log n)-closest nodes to u (ties broken consistently) For all vB(u), node u stores the next hop of a minimum cost path from u to v Simple property [ABLP 89]: If vB(u) and w is on a minimum cost path from u to v, then vB(w) u B(u) v w
Random Coloring to √n Colors Every node u chooses a random color c(u) With high probability Every color set has O(√n) nodes Every node has in its vicinity at least one node from every color set Polynomial number of tests Each test can be done in logspace Derandomization using the pseudo random generator of Nisan
Hash Labels to Colors Label u is hashed to a color h(u){1… √n} At most O(√n log n) hashed to same color Trivial if node labels are a permutation of 1…n Otherwise can collision free hash to n 2.5 and then use the techniques of Tarjan and Yao to hash to √n in constant time. Can be deradomized similarly to deterministic dictionaries of Hagerup, Milerstein, & Pagh
Labeled Routing on Trees Based on DFS Interval Routing, improved by Thorup & Zwick 01 and Frainiaud & Gavoille 01 A node is heavy if its sub-tree contains more than half of the nodes of its parent’s sub-tree Each node stores its DFS interval and the DFS interval of its heavy child (if it has one) Storage is O(log n) bits A node’s label consists of the names of the non- heavy nodes on the path from the root Labels require O(log 2 n) bits Routing to v on node u: If v is not in u’s interval then send to parent If v is in u’s heavy child interval then send to heavy Otherwise u’s label contains the appropriate child
Landmarks Let R(T,v) be the routing information stored at node v for routing on tree T Let T(u) be the minimum cost tree rooted at u One color is designated as special Let L be the set of all nodes l such that c(l)=special color Every node u maintains R(T(l),u) for all lL This requires Õ(√n) bits For node u, let l(u) be a landmark in B(u)
Partial Shortest Path Trees Every node v stores R(T(u),v) for all uB(v) Requires Õ(√n) bits Let L(T,u) be the label of u on tree T Simple property: If xB(y) then given L(T(x),y), node x can route to node y along a minimum cost path y B(y) x w
Case 1: Inside B(u) Use vicinity routing u v
Case 2: B(u) and B(v) are close Any node on any minimal path from u to v is either in B(u) or in B(v) u y x v Vicinity route to wB(u) s.t. c(w)=h(v) Node w stores L(T(w),u),x,(xy),L(T(y),v) Partial tree route to u on T(w) Vicinity routing to y Partial tree route to v on T(y) w
Case 3: B(u) and B(v) are far Any minimal path from u to v contains a node that is not in B(u) or in B(v) u Vicinity route to wB(u) s.t. c(w)=h(v) Node w stores L(T(l(v)),l(v)) and L(T(l(v)),v) Tree route on T(l(v)) to l(v) and then to v v wl(v)
Storage on node u Routing information and colors in B(u) [Vicinity] R(T(l),u) for all lL[Landmarks] R(T(v),u) for all vB(u) [Partial Trees] For all v such that c(u)=h(v) minimum of 1. Path to l(v) and then to v. Store 2. Let P(u,w,v) be a path from u to v composed of an MCP from u to w, and of an MCP from w to v, such that: u \in B(w), there exists an edge (x y) along the minimum path from w to v such that x B(w) and y B(v) Among all the these paths choose the lowest cost path P(u,w,v) and store
Routing from u to v If vB(u) use vicinity routing If vL use tree routing on T(v) Otherwise vicinity route to wB(u) such that c(w)=h(v) Node w stores either, and routing proceeds to l(v) and then to v, and routing proceeds to w then x to y and finally to v
Better than stretch 3 ? There are worst case metrics in which stretch 3 is the best possible (many edges and high girth) But do these metrics depict real world distances ? Studies show that many networks have a bounded expansion ratio. Density changes are somewhat gradual [Plaxton, Rajaraman & Rica 1997]: Required Expected (large) constant stretch Deployments: Tapestry (Berkeley), Pastry (MS UK)
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