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9/23/08G080469-00-Z Status of the S5 calibration Michael Landry For the Calibration Committee LSC September 2008 Michael Landry For the Calibration Committee.

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Presentation on theme: "9/23/08G080469-00-Z Status of the S5 calibration Michael Landry For the Calibration Committee LSC September 2008 Michael Landry For the Calibration Committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 9/23/08G080469-00-Z Status of the S5 calibration Michael Landry For the Calibration Committee LSC September 2008 Michael Landry For the Calibration Committee LSC September 2008

2 9/23/08G080469-00-Z Outline  h(f) Status  V3 summary.  V4 status - improvements.  Expectations for S6 calibration.  Next talk: Xavier Siemens: h(t) report  V3 h(t) - validation, systematics, hardware injections.  S6.  h(f) Status  V3 summary.  V4 status - improvements.  Expectations for S6 calibration.  Next talk: Xavier Siemens: h(t) report  V3 h(t) - validation, systematics, hardware injections.  S6.

3 9/23/08G080469-00-Z V3 h(f) Calibration  Valid throughout S5, from 40-3000 Hz.  Employed in several publications (e.g. Crab, GRB070201, SGR).  DC values from V4 employed in final V3 calibration.  Valid throughout S5, from 40-3000 Hz.  Employed in several publications (e.g. Crab, GRB070201, SGR).  DC values from V4 employed in final V3 calibration.

4 9/23/08G080469-00-Z Reminder of DC issues  Significant effort has gone into understanding the DC calibrations.  at the outset of S5, DC methods (3) disagreed at the 20% level.  Now, the multiple DC methods agree within the one-sigma error bars of the official method  Significant effort has gone into understanding the DC calibrations.  at the outset of S5, DC methods (3) disagreed at the 20% level.  Now, the multiple DC methods agree within the one-sigma error bars of the official method

5 9/23/08G080469-00-Z Resultant V3 strains  DC calibration shifts  H1: 7.4%   H2: 6.2%   L1: 4%   High-water BNS marks for S5 shift accordingly to:  H1 15.1 Mpc   H2 7.3 Mpc   L1: 15.7 Mpc   DC calibration shifts  H1: 7.4%   H2: 6.2%   L1: 4%   High-water BNS marks for S5 shift accordingly to:  H1 15.1 Mpc   H2 7.3 Mpc   L1: 15.7 Mpc 

6 9/23/08G080469-00-Z V3, V4 OLG Comparisons L1 V3 V4

7 9/23/08G080469-00-Z Epochs Changes in Im(  ) occur due to changes in the detector configuration or time- delay shifts. We see time-delay shifts after front-end reboots. (<30  s) No new epochs for V4

8 9/23/08G080469-00-Z Status of V4  Many improvements in OLG model, measurement agreement.  Time delay validation by direct measurements  Code mods and bug fixes (Pade approximation, sign error in complex conjugation)  Residuals aid high-frequency agreement  Request from burst group to go to 6.5kHz (as high as we can go, given the butterfly resonance).  L1 models complete, factors being generated.  H1, H2 models nearly done.  Many improvements in OLG model, measurement agreement.  Time delay validation by direct measurements  Code mods and bug fixes (Pade approximation, sign error in complex conjugation)  Residuals aid high-frequency agreement  Request from burst group to go to 6.5kHz (as high as we can go, given the butterfly resonance).  L1 models complete, factors being generated.  H1, H2 models nearly done.

9 9/23/08G080469-00-Z What’s left?  Finalize H1, H2 models and generate files.  Produce error budget.  Release models for h(t) generation.  Release S5 V4 calibration documents.  Get reviewed.  Publish calibration papers.  Finalize H1, H2 models and generate files.  Produce error budget.  Release models for h(t) generation.  Release S5 V4 calibration documents.  Get reviewed.  Publish calibration papers.

10 9/23/08G080469-00-Z Expectations for S6  New sensing scheme will modify the calibration some for S6. Otherwise, propose doing nothing new for this science run. Leverage what was learned in S5.  Have to have photon calibrators running in S6.  Our early calibrations for S5 were accurate at the level of 10% (plus systematics). Expect the same for S6, but with systematics correctly accounted for.  Need access to the machines prior to run in order to obtain h(f) and h(t) for online analyses.  Clearly we need to move to a quicker release of finalized h(t) for searches.  Recruitment of volunteers for h(t) was successful (see following talk), we’re recruiting for h(f).  DAC summit: we’ll ask the search groups, what calibration can they live with.  New sensing scheme will modify the calibration some for S6. Otherwise, propose doing nothing new for this science run. Leverage what was learned in S5.  Have to have photon calibrators running in S6.  Our early calibrations for S5 were accurate at the level of 10% (plus systematics). Expect the same for S6, but with systematics correctly accounted for.  Need access to the machines prior to run in order to obtain h(f) and h(t) for online analyses.  Clearly we need to move to a quicker release of finalized h(t) for searches.  Recruitment of volunteers for h(t) was successful (see following talk), we’re recruiting for h(f).  DAC summit: we’ll ask the search groups, what calibration can they live with.

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