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Inquiry and Information Technology Integration: Cognitive Apprenticeship Learning Environment Model Mara Alagic Catherine Yeotis Catherine Yeotis Glyn.

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Presentation on theme: "Inquiry and Information Technology Integration: Cognitive Apprenticeship Learning Environment Model Mara Alagic Catherine Yeotis Catherine Yeotis Glyn."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inquiry and Information Technology Integration: Cognitive Apprenticeship Learning Environment Model Mara Alagic Catherine Yeotis Catherine Yeotis Glyn Rimmington David Koert

2 Systems Thinking Example STELLA

3 SITE 2003 Albuquerque CALEM 3

4 SITE 2003 Albuquerque CALEM 4 Cognitive Tools Cognitive tools should –represent knowledge –be generalizable –engage the learner in critical thinking –assist learners to acquire skills that are generalizable and transferable to other contexts –be simple but powerful, and easy to learn

5 SITE 2003 Albuquerque CALEM 5 Cognitive Tools Jonassen (1992) describes cognitive tools as “generalizable tools that can facilitate cognitive processing”, devices that support, guide, and extend the thinking processes of their users Cognitive tools can make it easier for learners to process information, but their main "goal is to make effective use of the mental efforts of the learner" (Jonassen & Reeves, 1996, p.10)

6 SITE 2003 Albuquerque CALEM 6 K-12 Module Cognitive apprenticeship Metacognitive scaffolding Action research Reflective Practice  Teacher-module  School-module: SMT content in IT environment Module Layers

7 SITE 2003 Albuquerque CALEM 7 Robotics Example Starting with simple robots Integrating more complex components, sensors, and advanced programming Earth space science, spatial relationships, coordinate geometry IT concepts integrated: modeling and abstraction, algorithmic thinking, digital information of information IT concepts integrated: modeling and abstraction, algorithmic thinking, digital information of information

8 SITE 2003 Albuquerque CALEM 8 CALEM The CALEM is a dynamic evolving, team-driven model, integrating state-of-the-art information technology cognitive tools and inquiry into teaching, learning, and research of teachers and teacher educators.

9 SITE 2003 Albuquerque CALEM 9 Inquiry Inquiry is at the heart of learning To develop competence in an area of inquiry, learners must have –a deep foundation of factual knowledge –understanding of facts and ideas in the context of a conceptual framework –ability to organize knowledge in ways that facilitate retrieval and application (NRC, 2000)

10 SITE 2003 Albuquerque CALEM 10 Cognitive Apprenticeship During the cognitive apprenticeship activities (Collins, 1991) learners participate in sequenced guided activity and interact, in ways similar to that of the craft apprenticeship, but with more emphasis on the cognitive development skills.

11 SITE 2003 Albuquerque CALEM 11 Cognitive Apprenticeship The cognitive apprenticeship is a representation of the Vygotskian “zone of proximal development" that suggests project/problem-based group-work for students with appropriate scaffolding by the teacher.

12 SITE 2003 Albuquerque CALEM 12 Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development ZPD A ZPD B

13 SITE 2003 Albuquerque CALEM 13 Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development ZPD A ZPD B

14 SITE 2003 Albuquerque CALEM 14 Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development ZPD A ZPD B ZPD I

15 SITE 2003 Albuquerque CALEM 15 Information Technology Information Technology Perhaps the major challenge for individuals embarking on the goal of lifelong FITness involves deciding when to learn a new tool, when to change to a new technology, when to devote energy to increasing technological competency, and when to allocate time to other professional activities. (NRC & NAS, 1999)

16 SITE 2003 Albuquerque CALEM 16 Information Technology Information Technology When using IT in learning situations, focusing on inquiry-oriented activities, the IT is most often used as a tool in the context of solving a problem to augment communication by expanding audiences to broaden collection of representations

17 SITE 2003 Albuquerque CALEM 17 FITness: Fluency with Information Technology Fluency with Information Technology refers to effective utilizing of information technology resources (NRC & NAS, 1999)  Intellectual capabilities  Central concepts  IT skills

18 SITE 2003 Albuquerque CALEM 18 Fluency with Information Technology Intellectual capabilities - “life skills” that are formulated in the context of IT Central concepts for IT fluency include key aspects of computer programs, information systems, local and wide area networks, etc. IT skills include such items as using a spreadsheet, graphics and/or art network package etc.

19 SITE 2003 Albuquerque CALEM 19 Learning Environment

20 SITE 2003 Albuquerque CALEM 20 Enabling Contexts Framing learning needs Providing preconditions for inquiry- oriented learning  externally imposed and  externally induced contexts

21 SITE 2003 Albuquerque CALEM 21 Dynamic Resources Interactive dynamic resources are evolving as the learning environment develops, through –time –new information –…

22 SITE 2003 Albuquerque CALEM 22 Generating Tools Generating tools are used to represent and manipulate concepts under study and range from  physical (e.g. robots) to  remote (remote-sensing instrumentation) to  virtual (e.g. Virtual Lab/Factory)

23 SITE 2003 Albuquerque CALEM 23 CALEM K-12 Module Cognitive apprenticeship Metacognitive scaffolding Action research Reflective Practice  Apprenticeship  Scaffolding  strategic  conceptual  procedural  metacognitive  Action research Module Components

24 SITE 2003 Albuquerque CALEM 24 Systems Thinking Example STELLA (Structured Thinking Experiential Learning Laboratory with Animation) PBL: Model of an international space habitat for long-term survival of humans that covers recycling of nutrients and oxygen Problem solving, measurement, modeling

25 SITE 2003 Albuquerque CALEM 25 Systems Thinking A. Basic symbols B. Feedback loops C. Rimmington (2002)

26 SITE 2003 Albuquerque CALEM 26 Systems Thinking Rimmington (2002)

27 SITE 2003 Albuquerque CALEM 27 Systems Thinking Rimmington (2002) Anger - Hatred Violent Acts Tolerance Years

28 SITE 2003 Albuquerque CALEM 28 Remote Laboratory Example Remote Laboratory is used to provide students and teachers access to laboratory facilities and training at a central location which would otherwise be unavailable due to limitations in funding and personnel – Virtual instrument window – Students at remote location

29 SITE 2003 Albuquerque CALEM 29 Collaborative Experiences Preceding CALEM (1)  Courses  Technology in the mathematics classroom  Computers in science  Robotics in the classroom  Grant-related activities  Teacher Designed Mathematics  Integrated & Seamless Engineering Education (I_SEE)  Facilitating Engineering Thinking with the Aid of a Dynamic Content Environment

30 SITE 2003 Albuquerque CALEM 30 Collaborative Experiences Preceding CALEM (2)  Global learning  WSU & QUT: Instructional strategies in mathematics and science for elementary teachers  Other global learning activities  Other  Lego™ Mindstorms™ Robotics - Collaborative program between the colleges of Engineering and Education  Internet2 activities

31 SITE 2003 Albuquerque CALEM 31 Contact Information Mara Alagic, Mathematics education Cathy Yeotis, Science education Glyn Rimmington, Global Learning David Koert, Mechanical Engineering

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