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The Acute Phase Response Activated in response to “alarm” cytokines: IL-1, IL-6. Enhances host resistance, minimizes tissue injury, promotes resolution.

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Presentation on theme: "The Acute Phase Response Activated in response to “alarm” cytokines: IL-1, IL-6. Enhances host resistance, minimizes tissue injury, promotes resolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Acute Phase Response Activated in response to “alarm” cytokines: IL-1, IL-6. Enhances host resistance, minimizes tissue injury, promotes resolution and repair of inflammatory lesion.

2 The Inflammatory Response Produced through: (I) Ab Independence (a) Tissue Injury (b) Alternate complement pathway (II) Ab Dependence (a) Classical complement (b) Mast cell degranulation

3 Mediators of Inflammation

4 Mast Cell Mediators

5 Chemokines` Function: Stimulates chemokinesis and chemotaxis (a chemotactic cytokine.) Two types: –C-C (produced mainly by activated T cells - acts mainly on subsets of m/p’s and T H cells). e.g. RANTES –C-X-C (produced mainly by m/p’s, endothelial cells, fibroblasts - acts mainly on neutrophils). e.g. IL-8


7 The Complement Pathway

8 Biological Functions of Complement

9 Biological Functions of Macrophages Phagocytosis Antigen-presenting cell Cytokine production

10 Innate vs Acquired Immunity

11 Innate-Adaptive Immunity

12 The Antiviral Response

13 Fc Receptors

14 Antiviral Immunity

15 TNF 

16 Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity I

17 T Cell Receptor

18 Mechanism of T Cell Triggering

19 Successful Effector Cell Stimulation Requires Accessory Molecules

20 T H 1 vs T H 2


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