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By Stefan Rummel 05/05/2008 Prof. Rudowsky CIS 9.5 Brooklyn College.

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Presentation on theme: "By Stefan Rummel 05/05/2008 Prof. Rudowsky CIS 9.5 Brooklyn College."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Stefan Rummel 05/05/2008 Prof. Rudowsky CIS 9.5 Brooklyn College

2 Observing nature to find new solutions

3  Observing behaviour of social insects  Living in swarms  Transfer behaviour to artificial models

4 Explaining swarm intelligence using ants as an example



7  As an individual simple and helpless  As a group they form a collective intelligence  To solve complex problems

8 Definition of swarm intelligence? “Swarm intelligence (SI) is artificial intelligence based on the collective behavior of decentralized, self- organized systems”

9 Modelling swarm behaviour  Ants find the shortest, and fastest way to a food source  Using pheromones to communicate Food

10  Marco Dorigo  Developed mathematical algorithm  With the help of computer simulation of artifical ant Modelling swarm behaviour for the „travelling salesman problem“

11 Wikipedia as an example of swarm behaviour

12 Collaborative Film Making Project „A swarm of Angels“  Fund  Film  Flow Towards open source, collaborative Media

13 Swarm intelligence and Robotics  Swarm-bot project  Robots using swarm behaviour  Search & Rescue

14 Thanks for your attention

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