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1 Partitioning Algorithms: Basic Concepts Partition n objects into k clusters Optimize the chosen partitioning criterion Example: minimize the Squared Error Squared Error of a cluster m i is the mean (centroid) of C i Squared Error of a clustering
2 Example of Square Error of Cluster 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 C i ={P1, P2, P3} P1 = (3, 7) P2 = (2, 3) P3 = (7, 5) m i = (4, 5) |d(P1, m i )| 2 =(3-4) 2 +(7-5) 2 =5 |d(P2, m i )| 2 =8 |d(P3, m i )| 2 =9 Error (C i )=5+8+9=22 P3 P2 P1 mimi
3 Example of Square Error of Cluster 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 C j ={P4, P5, P6} P4 = (4, 6) P5 = (5, 5) P6 = (3, 4) m j = (4, 5) |d(P4, m j )| 2 =(4-4) 2 +(6-5) 2 =1 |d(P5, m j )| 2 =1 |d(P6, m j )| 2 =1 Error (C j )=1+1+1=3 P5 P6 P4 mjmj
4 Partitioning Algorithms: Basic Concepts Global optimal: examine all possible partitions k n possible partitions, too expensive! Heuristic methods: k-means and k-medoids k-means (MacQueen’67): Each cluster is represented by center of cluster k-medoids (Kaufman & Rousseeuw’87): Each cluster is represented by one of the objects (medoid) in cluster
5 K-means Initialization Arbitrarily choose k objects as the initial cluster centers (centroids) Iteration until no change For each object O i Calculate the distances between O i and the k centroids (Re)assign O i to the cluster whose centroid is the closest to O i Update the cluster centroids based on current assignment
6 k-Means Clustering Method cluster mean current clusters new clusters objects relocated
7 Example For simplicity, 1 dimensional objects and k=2. Objects: 1, 2, 5, 6,7 K-means: Randomly select 5 and 6 as initial centroids; => Two clusters {1,2,5} and {6,7}; meanC1=8/3, meanC2=6.5 => {1,2}, {5,6,7}; meanC1=1.5, meanC2=6 => no change. Aggregate dissimilarity = 0.5^2 + 0.5^2 + 1^2 + 1^2 = 2.5
8 Variations of k-Means Method Aspects of variants of k-means Selection of initial k centroids E.g., choose k farthest points Dissimilarity calculations E.g., use Manhattan distance Strategies to calculate cluster means E.g., update the means incrementally
9 Strengths of k-Means Method Strength Relatively efficient for large datasets O(tkn) where n is # objects, k is # clusters, and t is # iterations; normally, k, t <<n Often terminates at a local optimum global optimum may be found using techniques such as deterministic annealing and genetic algorithms
10 Weakness of k-Means Method Weakness Applicable only when mean is defined, then what about categorical data? k-modes algorithm Unable to handle noisy data and outliers k-medoids algorithm Need to specify k, number of clusters, in advance Hierarchical algorithms Density-based algorithms
11 k-modes Algorithm Handling categorical data: k-modes (Huang’98) Replacing means of clusters with modes Given n records in cluster, mode is record made up of most frequent attribute values In the example cluster, mode = (<=30, medium, yes, fair) Using new dissimilarity measures to deal with categorical objects
12 A Problem of K-means Sensitive to outliers Outlier: objects with extremely large (or small) values May substantially distort the distribution of the data + + Outlier
13 k-Medoids Clustering Method k-medoids: Find k representative objects, called medoids PAM (Partitioning Around Medoids, 1987) CLARA (Kaufmann & Rousseeuw, 1990) CLARANS (Ng & Han, 1994): Randomized sampling 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0123456789 k-meansk-medoids
14 PAM (Partitioning Around Medoids) (1987) PAM (Kaufman and Rousseeuw, 1987) Arbitrarily choose k objects as the initial medoids Until no change, do (Re)assign each object to the cluster with the nearest medoid Improve the quality of the k-medoids (Randomly select a nonmedoid object, O random, compute the total cost of swapping a medoid with O random) Work for small data sets (100 objects in 5 clusters) Not efficient for medium and large data sets
15 Swapping Cost For each pair of a medoid m and a non-medoid object h, measure whether h is better than m as a medoid Use the squared-error criterion Compute E h -E m Negative: swapping brings benefit Choose the minimum swapping cost
16 Four Swapping Cases When a medoid m is to be swapped with a non-medoid object h, check each of other non-medoid objects j j is in cluster of m reassign j Case 1: j is closer to some k than to h; after swapping m and h, j relocates to cluster represented by k Case 2: j is closer to h than to k; after swapping m and h, j is in cluster represented by h j is in cluster of some k, not m compare k with h Case 3: j is closer to some k than to h; after swapping m and h, j remains in cluster represented by k Case 4: j is closer to h than to k; after swapping m and h, j is in cluster represented by h
17 PAM Clustering: Total swapping cost TC mh = j C jmh j m h k k m hj k m h j Case 2 Case 3 h m k j Case 1 Case 4 C jmh = d(j, h) d(j,k) < 0
18 Complexity of PAM Arbitrarily choose k objects as the initial medoids Until no change, do (Re)assign each object to the cluster with the nearest medoid Improve the quality of the k- medoids For each pair of medoid m and non-medoid object h Calculate the swapping cost TC mh = j C jmh O(1) O((n-k) 2 *k) O((n-k)*k) O((n-k) 2 *k) (n-k)*k times O(n-k)
19 Strength and Weakness of PAM PAM is more robust than k-means in the presence of outliers because a medoid is less influenced by outliers or other extreme values than a mean PAM works efficiently for small data sets but does not scale well for large data sets O(k(n-k) 2 ) for each iteration where n is # of data objects, k is # of clusters Can we find the medoids faster?
20 CLARA (Clustering Large Applications) (1990) CLARA (Kaufmann and Rousseeuw in 1990) Built in statistical analysis packages, such as S+ It draws multiple samples of data set, applies PAM on each sample, gives best clustering as output Handle larger data sets than PAM (1,000 objects in 10 clusters) Efficiency and effectiveness depends on the sampling
21 CLARA - Algorithm Set mincost to MAXIMUM; Repeat q times // draws q samples Create S by drawing s objects randomly from D; Generate the set of medoids M from S by applying the PAM algorithm; Compute cost(M,D) If cost(M, D)<mincost Mincost = cost(M, D); Bestset = M; Endif; Endrepeat; Return Bestset;
22 Complexity of CLARA Set mincost to MAXIMUM; Repeat q times Create S by drawing s objects randomly from D; Generate the set of medoids M from S by applying the PAM algorithm; Compute cost(M,D) If cost(M, D)<mincost Mincost = cost(M, D); Bestset = M; Endif ; Endrepeat; Return Bestset; O(1) O((s-k) 2 *k) O((n-k)*k) O(1) O((s-k) 2 *k+(n-k)*k)
23 Strengths and Weaknesses of CLARA Strength: Handle larger data sets than PAM (1,000 objects in 10 clusters) Weakness: Efficiency depends on sample size A good clustering based on samples will not necessarily represent a good clustering of whole data set if sample is biased
24 CLARANS (“Randomized” CLARA) (1994) CLARANS (A Clustering Algorithm based on Randomized Search) (Ng and Han’94) CLARANS draws sample in solution space dynamically A solution is a set of k medoids The solutions space contains solutions in total The solution space can be represented by a graph where every node is a potential solution, i.e., a set of k medoids
25 Graph Abstraction Every node is a potential solution (k-medoid) Every node is associated with a squared error Two nodes are adjacent if they differ by one medoid Every node has k(n k) adjacent nodes {O 1,O 2,…,O k } {O k+1,O 2,…,O k } {O k+n,O 2,…,O k } … n-k neighbors for one medoid k(n k) neighbors for one node …
26 Graph Abstraction: CLARANS Start with a randomly selected node, check at most m neighbors randomly If a better adjacent node is found, moves to node and continue; otherwise, current node is local optimum; re- starts with another randomly selected node to search for another local optimum When h local optimum have been found, returns best result as overall result
27 CLARANS N NN C C N NN < Local minimum … Compare no more than maxneighbor times numlocal Best Node Local minimum … … …
28 CLARANS - Algorithm Set mincost to MAXIMUM; For i=1 to h do // find h local optimum Randomly select a node as the current node C in the graph; J = 1; // counter of neighbors Repeat Randomly select a neighbor N of C; If Cost(N,D)<Cost(C,D) Assign N as the current node C; J = 1; Else J++; Endif; Until J > m Update mincost with Cost(C,D) if applicableEnd for; End For Return bestnode;
29 Graph Abstraction (k-means, k-modes, k-medoids) Each vertex is a set of k-representative objects (means, modes, medoids) Each iteration produces a new set of k-representative objects with lower overall dissimilarity Iterations correspond to a hill descent process in a landscape (graph) of vertices
30 Comparison with PAM Search for minimum in graph (landscape) At each step, all adjacent vertices are examined; the one with deepest descent is chosen as next k-medoids Search continues until minimum is reached For large n and k values (n=1,000, k=10), examining all k(n k) adjacent vertices is time consuming; inefficient for large data sets CLARANS vs PAM For large and medium data sets, it is obvious that CLARANS is much more efficient than PAM For small data sets, CLARANS outperforms PAM significantly
31 When n=80, CLARANS is 5 times faster than PAM, while the cluster quality is the same.
32 Comparision with CLARA CLARANS vs CLARA CLARANS is always able to find clusterings of better quality than those found by CLARA; CLARANS may use much more time than CLARA When the time used is the same, CLARANS is still better than CLARA
34 Hierarchies of Co-expressed Genes and Coherent Patterns The interpretation of co-expressed genes and coherent patterns mainly depends on the domain knowledge
35 A Subtle Situation To split or not to split? It ’ s a question. group A group A 1 group A 2
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