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SOWK 6003 Social Work Research Week 9 Survey Research By Dr. Paul Wong.

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Presentation on theme: "SOWK 6003 Social Work Research Week 9 Survey Research By Dr. Paul Wong."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOWK 6003 Social Work Research Week 9 Survey Research By Dr. Paul Wong

2 Survey Research is to…. The administration of questionnaires to a sample of respondents selected from some population Especially appropriate for making descriptive studies of large populations; survey data may also be used for explanatory purposes

3 Questionnaires may be used in 3 ways: Self-administered questionnaires Face-to-face administrations Telephone/web-based surveys

4 Non-responses Require follow-up mailings for self- administered questionnaires should be sent to potential respondents who fail to respond to the initial appeal Properly monitoring questionnaires returns will provide a good guide to determining when a follow-up mailing is appropriate

5 Characteristics of interviewers Neutral Trained

6 Advantages of self-administered questionnaires Cost-effective; Lack of interviewer’s bias; The possibility of anonymity and privacy to encourage more candid responses on sensitive issues

7 Fact-to-face Fewer incomplete and misunderstood items; Higher return rates;

8 Weaknesses Somewhat artificial and potentially superficial

9 Using IT for survey Computer-assisted data collection Respondents may not be representative of the intended population

10 Useful information: y_FAQs.htm y_FAQs.htm About web survey: ds/archive/? ds/archive/? Make good use of our C&S D information

11 In class activity 1 Please go to google.scholar and find a survey study that is related to your research proposal

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