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Adaptive Control Theory Professor Ming-Shaung Ju Dept. of Mechanical Engineering National Cheng Kung University x62163.

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Presentation on theme: "Adaptive Control Theory Professor Ming-Shaung Ju Dept. of Mechanical Engineering National Cheng Kung University x62163."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adaptive Control Theory Professor Ming-Shaung Ju Dept. of Mechanical Engineering National Cheng Kung University x62163

2 Goals To introduce basic concepts and fundamental principles of adaptive control systems To introduce basic concepts and fundamental principles of adaptive control systems To familiar with analysis and design procedures for adaptive systems To familiar with analysis and design procedures for adaptive systems To gain experience on applying adaptive control theory to solve practical problem To gain experience on applying adaptive control theory to solve practical problem

3 Text: Gang Tao, Adaptive Control Design and Analysis, Wieley-Interscience, USA, 2003 References: 1. K.J. Astrom & B. Wittenmark, Adaptive Control, Addison-Wesley Co., 2nd ed. 1995. 2. Y.D. Landau, Adaptive Control - The Model Reference Approach, Marcel Dekker, 1979. 3. G.C. Goodwin & K.S. Sin, Adaptive Filtering Prediction and Control, 1984. 4. C.J. Harris & S.A. Billings, Self-Tuning and Adaptive Control: Theory and Applications, 1981.

4 Outline 1. Introduction adaptive control system prototype, simple adaptive control system, examples of adaptive systems 2. Review of System Theory Dynamic system models, system characterizations, signal measures, Lyapunov Stability, Input-output stability, signal convergence lemma 3. Adaptive Parameter Estimation A parameterized system model, linear parametric model, normalized gradient algorithm, normalized least-squares algorithm, parameter convergence, discrete-time algorithm

5 Outline (cont’d) 4. Adaptive State Feedback Control Design for state tracking, design for output tracking, disturbance rejection, parameterization of state feedback 5. Continuous-Time Model Reference Control (MRAC) Control system structure, model reference control, adaptive control, robustness of MRAC, robust MRAC 6. Indirect Adaptive Control Model reference designs, pole-placement design, discrete-time adaptive control systems 7. Conclusion

6 Grading Homework 20% Homework 20% Midterm Exam. 30% Midterm Exam. 30% Final Exam.30% Final Exam.30% Term Project 20% Term Project 20%

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