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China Initiatives at Mason Madelyn Ross George Mason University Spring 2011.

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1 China Initiatives at Mason Madelyn Ross George Mason University Spring 2011

2 Goals Improve Mason’s international reputation Attract strong group of international students Help internationalize the campus Create more international opportunities for students, faculty China Coordinator hired in 2003 Understand scope of China activities Identify and support key areas of ongoing activity (Chinese language program, study abroad, research and training partnerships) Develop a long-range strategy and identify appropriate projects that build on Mason strengths and develop more systemic links with China

3 The 1+2+1 Program at George Mason The program gave Mason the chance to receive good students and build strong partnerships with Chinese universities at the same time. Mason signed 1+2+1 agreements with five Chinese university partners in 2004. The first 16 students came to Mason in August 2005. The 1+2+1 program is now Mason’s largest dual degree program.

4 More than 180 Chinese students in this program have studied at Mason 2005-2010 2005-06 group 16 2006-07 group 29 2007-08 group 30 2008-09 group 32 2009-10 group 46 2010-11 group 31

5 Mason’s 121 university partners Beijing Normal University 北 京 师范大学 Chang’an University 长安 大学 China Pharmaceutical University 中国药科大学 Chongqing University 重庆大学 Communication University of China 中国传媒大学 Hefei University of Technology 合肥工业大学 Henan University 河南大学 Liaoning University 辽宁 大学 Nanjing Normal University 南京 师范 大学 Nanjing University of Information Science and Tech 。 南京信息工程大学 Shaanxi Normal University 陕西师范大学 Shandong University at Weihai 山东大学(威海分校) Soochow University 苏州大学 Southwest Jiaotong University 西南 交通 大学 Wuhan University of Technology 武汉理工 大学 Yunnan University 云南大学

6 Degrees Most 1+2+1 students major in Economics, Finance or Computer Science New degrees have been added gradually in response to departmental and/or student interest

7 Other Degree Options Global Affairs Geography Management Marketing Music Dance Art and Visual Technology Physics Environmental Science Computational and Data Sci.

8 How does the program work? Students take regular first year courses at their Chinese university before coming to Mason in year 2. Students begin at Mason by taking a test at English Language Institute. Based on test results, they may stay in ELI for 1-3 semesters before moving into regular academic classes. Students live on campus and are assigned non-Chinese roommates Encouraged to take full advantage of what Mason offers in their time here.

9 Classes At Mason, all 1+2+1 students take UNIV 100 Freshman Transition to provide cultural context and learn how American universities operate. Most students also take a full course load in summer in order to finish most of their Mason requirements within 2-3 years. Dual degree students are mainstreamed with other Mason students. They complete all General Education and departmental requirements for both of their universities. A waiver of Global Understanding is available if students complete a qualifying essay.

10 Students have been very successful both in and outside the classroom. Each year seniors are honored by various departments. Almost all students qualify for the Dean’s list at Mason. They join campus organizations and take part in sports and service opportunities.

11 Distinctive Program Features The program involves a consortium of schools in both countries: There are now 80 Chinese universities and 20 US universities taking part. It operates under the auspices and support of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) in the US and the China Center for International Educational Exchanges (CCIEE) Began with specific goals in 2001: devise a dual degree with China that would be affordable and minimize visa problems

12 The Consortium Approach Strong support from AASCU and CCIEE Help with recruiting and management Broad source of students ------------------------ Complexity—multiple partners and degrees Need to transfer credits between universities based on accurate and timely information Pressure to grow rapidly

13 Current Activity Academic guidelines created for each department hosting dual degree students Build course databases Create equivalency tables for each partner school Regularize and streamline administrative procedures, guidelines for advisors, students

14 Benefits of the program 1.Brings top international students to Mason 2. Gives Mason faculty and staff hands-on experience with international partnerships 3. Develops strong partnerships with Chinese universities; leads to additional activities 4. Cultural enrichment for Mason community

15 Cultural Enrichment The program provides opportunities for 1+2+1 students to share their culture on campus. Brings US and Chinese students together for joint activities

16 Visiting Scholar Program Nanjing Normal University music exchanges Southwest Jiaotong University training program NUIST young teacher training Creates opportunities for Mason students and faculty to study/travel in China New Activities with 1+2+1 Partners

17 Other Mason China Initiatives

18 Thank you 谢谢

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