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Design Patterns Part I (TIC++V2:C10) Yingcai Xiao 09/10/08.

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Presentation on theme: "Design Patterns Part I (TIC++V2:C10) Yingcai Xiao 09/10/08."— Presentation transcript:

1 Design Patterns Part I (TIC++V2:C10) Yingcai Xiao 09/10/08

2 Outline What For How Examples

3 Design Patterns (What?) Design Patterns (DP) are devices that allow designers to share knowledge about their design. Design patterns identify and abstract common themes in object-oriented design. idea reuse => code reuse. UML, C++, DP are used to show, implement, share designs.

4 Design Patterns (When, Where) Started in 70’ by Christopher Alexander with two books: A Pattern Language [1977] and A Timeless Way of Building [1979] “Design patterns describe a problem which occurs over and over again in our environment, and then describe the core of the solution to that problem, in such a way that you can use this solution a million times over, without ever doing it the same way twice” Popularized by the OOPSLA (ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications) Popular reference book by GoF. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by Gamma, Helm, Johnson, & Vlissides 1/ref=pd_bbs_1/102-2596010-5604154?n=507846&s=books&v=glance

5 Design Patterns (When, Where) The original paper by GoF Tutorials

6 Characteristics of Good Design Patterns  Enforce standards  Encapsulate changes  Prefer composition to inheritance  Do the simplest thing that could possibly work.

7 Enforcing Standards Using Interfaces

8  Interface: a group of headers of public methods of a class; it defines a standardized way of interacting with the class. There are could be more than one interfaces of a class.  Interfaces are commonly used to enforce coding patterns/standards.  Interfaces in Java and C# can not be instantiated. (why?) Any class implementing an interface guarantees to provide the public methods in the interface for others to use.  Any program uses the interface to interact with the class can be reused to interact with other classes implementing the same interface.

9 Enforcing Standards Using Interfaces  There is no “Interface” in C++.  The workaround is to define abstract classes with pure virtual functions.  Pure virtual functions: have only function headers (APIs), but no function bodies. virtual return-type function-name (argument list) = 0;  Abstract classes: have one or more pure virtual functions; can be used for inheritance by child classes, can not be used for instantiation of objects. The child classes are required to implement all pure virtual functions with predefined APIs.

10 Enforcing Standards Using Interfaces Example of an abstract class with a pure virtual function: class Command { public: virtual void execute() = 0; }; References on C++ Interfaces

11 More on Interfaces User Interfaces (UI): the interfaces of an application to its users (menus, buttons, …) Graphical User Interfaces (GUI): a special type of user interfaces which allow users to operate an application by point-and-click. Application Programming Interfaces (API): interfaces of programming libraries for programmers. E.g. sin and cos in math.lib. OOP Interfaces: abstract classes used as programming interfaces to enforce coding standards. (OOP API). Methods listed in the abstract classes are APIs. They are all public.

12 The Iterator Pattern Common task: traverse a collection of objects from the beginning to the end. iterators have been implemented for all C++ collection classes (e.g. vector). vector shapes; … vector ::iterator it = shapes.begin(); while(it != shapes.end()) (*it++)->display();

13 The MVC Design Pattern

14 MVC Paradigm A possible way to separate the two aspects (functionality and interface) is using the Model-View-Controller paradigm model class: contains a number and reports on its primality view class: presents the user interface controller class: connect the model and view class

15 MVC at Work Apache Structs: –framework for creating Java web applications –free –open source – MS Document-View Architecture: –CDocument –CView –CDocTemplate –

16 MVC Example Viswanathan, K.V., “Exploiting Java’s O-O Features,” Java Report, Aug 1999, pp.57-64 take a number and determine whether it is a prime or not concentrate on the structure of the code, not the internal mechanism used for checking primality

17 Designing for Reusability reuse requires you to think in terms of assembling applications out of components one approach for this problem: make the user interface distinct from the main functionality

18 Benefits you can check for primes using different user interfaces (text, graphical, etc.) you can use the user interface in other problems that have the same form (in this case, take a number and do something with it)

19 MVC Paradigm A possible way to separate the two aspects (functionality and interface) is using the Model-View-Controller paradigm model class: contains a number and reports on its primality view class: presents the user interface controller class: connect the model and view class

20 Sequence Diagram

21 Components design model class so that it is a component which can fit into a framework the framework then has the capability of incorporating other compatible components (through predefined OOP interfaces) general guideline: build applications around (OOP) interfaces rather than tying them to specific classes.

22 Components (OOP) Interfaces specify (the standards on) how classes should be defined for given applications. Subclassing (OOP) interfaces to follow the specifications. Specific classes follow the specifications can create swapable components at runtime. For MVC we have 3 interface classes to define specifications and 3+ classes for creating concrete swapable components.

23 MVC Classes > viewI addListner() displayResult() > controllerI numberEntered() > modelI setNumber() Solve() view controller # view *aView; # model *aModel; model has_a

24 NumberProblemModel interface (listing #2) public interface NumberProblemModel { Object solve(); // solve the problem and re-run the result as an // object void setNumber(int n); // set the number for the problem String getProblemName(); // return the problem name }

25 public class MyPrimeTester implements NumberProblemModel { private int number; public MyPrimeTester() { number = 0; } public MyPrimeTester(int number) { setNumber(number); } public Object solve() { // code to solve problem } public void setNumber(int number) { this.number = number; } public String getProblemName() {return("Primality tester"); } } MyPrimeTester (listing #3)

26 NumberProblemView (listing #5) public interface NumberProblemView{ void show(); // present the UI void displayResult(Object obj); void setInputPrompt(String p); // set the prompt that the UI // presents to the user void setOutputDescription(String s); // set the text describing // the output void addListener(NumberListener nl); // set the listener to be // notified of events void setProblemName(String s); }

27 text user interface class (listing #6) public class NumberProblemTextUI implements NumberProblemView { NumberListener listener = null; String prompt = "", outputDescription= "", problemName = ""; public NumberProblemTextUI() { } protected String getPrompt() { … } public void show() {... } public void displayResult(Object obj) { } public void setInputPrompt(String prompt) { … } public void setOutputDescription(String description) { … } public void setListener(NumberListener listener) { … } public void setProblemName(String name) { … } protected String getOutputDescription() { … } protected static int readInt() { … } public String getProblemName( ) { … } }

28 NumberListener (listing #4) public interface NumberListener { void numberEntered(int n); // number has been entered void quit(); // user wants to quit }

29 NumberProblemController (listing #7) public class NumberProblemController implements NumberListener { NumberProblemView view; NumberProblemModel model; public NumberProblemController(NumberProblemView view, NumberProblemModel model) { … } public void numberEntered(int number) { … } public void quit() { … }

30 public static void main(String[] args) {(listing #1) if (args.length < 2) { System.out.println("Usage : java NumberProblemController " + " "); return; } try { new NumberProblemController( (NumberProblemView) Class.forName(args[0]).newInstance(), (NumberProblemModel) Class.forName(args[1]).newInstance()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Invalid class name supplied"); e.printStackTrace(); } } // end of class NumberProblemController

31 NumberProblemGUI (listing #8) public class NumberProblemGUI extends Frame implements NumberProblemView, ActionListener{ public void displayResult(Object obj) { … } public void setInputPrompt(String prompt) {.. } public void setOutputDescription(String description) { … } public void setListener(NumberListener listener) { … } public NumberProblemGUI() { … } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { … } public void setProblemName(String name) { … } }

32 MyFactorAdder (listing #9) public class MyFactorAdder implements NumberProblemModel { public MyFactorAdder() { … } public Object solve() { … } public void setNumber(int number) { … } public String getProblemName() {... } }

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