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Presentation on theme: "PhD project Dmitrij Slepniov CIP, Aalborg University THE ENIGMA OF GLOBAL OPERATIONS: CAPTURING THE OFFSHORING PROCESS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Outline Background notes on my project Background notes on my project Overall advantages and disadvantages of the articles based thesis Overall advantages and disadvantages of the articles based thesis Depth vs. breadth Depth vs. breadth Specific challenges of the articles based thesis Specific challenges of the articles based thesis The biggest crisis and the most positive experience in the process The biggest crisis and the most positive experience in the process

3 Background Notes Strategic Environment of Offshoring Strategic Environment of Offshoring –Geographical dispersion of operations –Vertical disintegration of value chain –Look for competitive advantages beyond current organisational border and intensifying external networking Process nature of the developments: Process nature of the developments: –Not a steady state –Occurs rather than merely exists –In a process of becoming, transforming, unfolding But in the literature: But in the literature: –The phenomenon has become locked into a number of static states –Seen as a one time investment decision

4 Aims to investigate and to increase understanding of the process of offshoring (the special focus on the strategic implications of the process for the dispatching side) to investigate and to increase understanding of the process of offshoring (the special focus on the strategic implications of the process for the dispatching side)

5 Working RQs How does the offshoring process evolve over time? How does the offshoring process evolve over time? What are the factors determining the trajectory of the offshoring process? What are the factors determining the trajectory of the offshoring process? How does the offshoring process differ in certain cultural contexts? How does the offshoring process differ in certain cultural contexts? What are the key strategic implications of the offshoring process for the dispatching organisation? What are the key strategic implications of the offshoring process for the dispatching organisation? How companies may deal effectively with the impacts of the process of offshoring? How companies may deal effectively with the impacts of the process of offshoring?

6 Notes on the Empirical Field and Methodology Qualitative approach/ Multiple Case Studies strategy of inquiry Qualitative approach/ Multiple Case Studies strategy of inquiry Case design data collection methods: documents analysis, semi-structured interviews and observations Case design data collection methods: documents analysis, semi-structured interviews and observations Explorative Integration design (Maaloe, 2001) - the cyclic multi-theoretical approach to case research incorporating both Yin’s theory testing approach and Strauss&Corbin’s grounded design Explorative Integration design (Maaloe, 2001) - the cyclic multi-theoretical approach to case research incorporating both Yin’s theory testing approach and Strauss&Corbin’s grounded design

7 Articles Considered for Inclusion (A) Slepniov, D., Sørensen, B.V. (2006). Strategic Trajectories in the Offshoring and Offshore Outsourcing Process. The Proceedings of the 11th Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium. Cambridge: University of Cambridge, Institute for Manufacturing. (A) Slepniov, D., Sørensen, B.V. (2006). Strategic Trajectories in the Offshoring and Offshore Outsourcing Process. The Proceedings of the 11th Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium. Cambridge: University of Cambridge, Institute for Manufacturing. (B) Slepniov, D., Sørensen, B.V. (2007). The Offshoring Initiatives: Tactical Reasoning with Strategic Outcomes. The Proceedings of the 2nd Nordic Workshop on Outsourcing. Lyngby: Technical University of Denmark (DTU). (B) Slepniov, D., Sørensen, B.V. (2007). The Offshoring Initiatives: Tactical Reasoning with Strategic Outcomes. The Proceedings of the 2nd Nordic Workshop on Outsourcing. Lyngby: Technical University of Denmark (DTU). (C) Slepniov, D., Sørensen, B.V. (2007). Offshoring Process: Dynamic Strategic Trajectories. Paper for the Annual Research Conference and Workshop on Offshoring Duke University, USA, April 14 - 17. (C) Slepniov, D., Sørensen, B.V. (2007). Offshoring Process: Dynamic Strategic Trajectories. Paper for the Annual Research Conference and Workshop on Offshoring Duke University, USA, April 14 - 17. (D) Slepniov, D., Sørensen, B.V. (2007). Global Dispersion of Production - Dynamics of the Process at the Company Level. The Proceedings of the 14th International Annual EurOMA 2007 Conference: Managing Operations in an Expanding Europe. Ankara: Bilkent University. (D) Slepniov, D., Sørensen, B.V. (2007). Global Dispersion of Production - Dynamics of the Process at the Company Level. The Proceedings of the 14th International Annual EurOMA 2007 Conference: Managing Operations in an Expanding Europe. Ankara: Bilkent University. (E) Slepniov, D., Waehrens, B. (2008). Offshore Outsourcing of Production : An Exploratory Study of Process and Effects in Danish Companies. Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal. Vol. 1, nr. 1, pp. 64-76. (E) Slepniov, D., Waehrens, B. (2008). Offshore Outsourcing of Production : An Exploratory Study of Process and Effects in Danish Companies. Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal. Vol. 1, nr. 1, pp. 64-76. (F) Slepniov, D., Sørensen, B.V. (2008). Opgaveafhængighedens voksende betydning i offshoring-processen. Børsen Håndbog i Supply Chain Management, København: Børsen Forum. (F) Slepniov, D., Sørensen, B.V. (2008). Opgaveafhængighedens voksende betydning i offshoring-processen. Børsen Håndbog i Supply Chain Management, København: Børsen Forum.

8 Articles Considered for Inclusion (G) Slepniov, D., Waehrens, B. (2007). The Role of Evolving Task Interdependencies in the Offshoring Process. Paper for the DDLA Conference, Aarhus, Danmark. (G) Slepniov, D., Waehrens, B. (2007). The Role of Evolving Task Interdependencies in the Offshoring Process. Paper for the DDLA Conference, Aarhus, Danmark. (H) Global Distribution of Work: Literature Review (The paper is planned for 08/2008). (H) Global Distribution of Work: Literature Review (The paper is planned for 08/2008). (I) Offshoring Process: a Comparative Investigation of Danish and Japanese Companies (Work in progress, is based on the stay at Waseda University, Tokyo) (I) Offshoring Process: a Comparative Investigation of Danish and Japanese Companies (Work in progress, is based on the stay at Waseda University, Tokyo) (J) Evaluation of the Potential Scenarios of the Offshoring Process (The paper is planned for 12/2008). (J) Evaluation of the Potential Scenarios of the Offshoring Process (The paper is planned for 12/2008). (K) Effective Management of the Potential Offshoring Scenarios (The paper is planned for 02/2009) (K) Effective Management of the Potential Offshoring Scenarios (The paper is planned for 02/2009)


10 Articles Based Thesis Advantages Advantages –Psychologically easier (i.e. Visible progress in stages) –Stress in ‘tea spoon’ portions vs. a wave of stress in the last 6 months –Feedback on a regular basis –Easier project management –Use for teaching –Quick dissemination of the actual results (especially important when the phenomenon is embedded in a turbulently changing context) –No need to switch between paper formats (i.e. radically re-writing a paper into a format for conference and journal submissions)

11 Articles Based Thesis Disadvantages: Disadvantages: –Lack of room for a deep case narrative presentation –Lack of room for a thorough analysis –Fragmentation and gaps between ‘sub-projects’ within one project –Sketchy in some parts, detailed in others –The creative process overshadowed by pragmatism and targets of delivering –Compromise (unconscious) of depth vs. breadth –However the issue of depth and breadth trade- offs is not only articles based dilemma

12 Specific challenges The challenge of integration The challenge of integration Deciding what are the key leitmotifs of the thesis Deciding what are the key leitmotifs of the thesis The challenge of balancing pragmatic approach and creativity The challenge of balancing pragmatic approach and creativity The pressures and frustration over turning working papers into publications on a regular basis The pressures and frustration over turning working papers into publications on a regular basis

13 Striking Crises and Positive Experiences The largest crisis so far The largest crisis so far –Getting stuck with one paper –Going behind the ‘schedule’ of publishing The most positive experiences The most positive experiences –Getting your research into journals

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