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My.SIMS Project by: Mukesh Darke, Krista Gettle, and Diana Stepner.

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Presentation on theme: "My.SIMS Project by: Mukesh Darke, Krista Gettle, and Diana Stepner."— Presentation transcript:

1 My.SIMS Project by: Mukesh Darke, Krista Gettle, and Diana Stepner

2 Presentation Overview My.SIMS refresher Heuristic feedback Current design compared with 1 st interactive prototype Demo of current design Usability test results Plans for final iteration Lessons learned

3 My.SIMS Customizable web-portal to assist SIMS students manage academic information

4 Heuristic Feedback Channel metaphor confusing and inconsistent Make navigation very explicit Layout irregular, busy Most important tasks at top Dragging and dropping more difficult than clicking Courtesy of:

5 Then – Explicit Navigation Current location in application not intuitive

6 Now – Explicit Navigation Added help and registration for guest user Changed color to make current location more explicit

7 Then – Channel metaphor Introduction described purpose of my.SIMS not how to use Users did not read the block of text

8 Then – Channel metaphor Some channels self-contained, others acted upon outside channels

9 Now – Channel metaphor Added help Bulleted examples of ‘Channels’ All channels self-contained

10 Then – Content set-up Grid layout cumbersome Dragging and dropping counter intuitive

11 Now – Content Set-up Made locations for content more explicit and clickable

12 Then – Important Tasks Layout irregular and cluttered Important/frequent tasks not at top

13 Now – Important Tasks Simplified default layout Made important tasks bigger and moved to the top

14 Second Interactive Prototype Demo Link to demo

15 Pilot Usability Study Testing Goals Do users complete tasks successfully? What paths do they take in trying? Is terminology and help intuitive? Participants 2 – 2 nd year masters students 1 – 1 st year masters student

16 Pilot Usability Findings Channel metaphor clearer, but still needs work –Users looked at new help section, but did not find information they were seeking –Usage of What’s This links based on user profile Navigation and icons much more intuitive –Users easily navigated through tasks

17 Pilot Usability Findings Link between Interests and Content needs to be more transparent –User’s want to see what ‘channels’ are available for each interest Users like the functionality of application –One place to go for course information Calendar Display more important than ‘Quick Add’

18 Next Iteration Clarify Channel metaphor –Alter Help according to feedback –Explicitly highlight ‘What’s This’ information on profile page Clarify link between Interests and Content –Ability to preview or sub-select the channels available in an interest area. Display Calendar in Channel, make ‘Quick Add’ a link

19 Lessons Learned Medium used for testing influences feedback No one is a ‘blank slate’; everyone comes with some expectations and preferred vocabulary Even if users reject at first, a metaphor can be massaged into acceptance

20 Questions?

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