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從研究目的到研究問題. 研究目的的思考  研究目的的作用 1. 引導研究歷程的一切決策 2. 提供衡量研究品質的依據  研究目的的內涵 -- 包括研究動機, 意向, 目標 … 等.

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Presentation on theme: "從研究目的到研究問題. 研究目的的思考  研究目的的作用 1. 引導研究歷程的一切決策 2. 提供衡量研究品質的依據  研究目的的內涵 -- 包括研究動機, 意向, 目標 … 等."— Presentation transcript:

1 從研究目的到研究問題

2 研究目的的思考  研究目的的作用 1. 引導研究歷程的一切決策 2. 提供衡量研究品質的依據  研究目的的內涵 -- 包括研究動機, 意向, 目標 … 等

3  研究目的的類型 1.Personal purposes 2.Practical purposes (1)Generating results and theories (2)Conducting formative evaluations (3)Engaging in collaborative or action research

4 3.Research purposes (1)Understanding the meaning (2)Understanding the particular context (3)Identifying unanticipated phenomena and influences (4)Understanding the process (5)Developing causal explanations

5 形成 conceptual context  Conceptual context 包括什麼 1. 概念架構 (the system of concepts) 2. 假設 (assumption) 3. 期待 (expectations) 4. 信念 (beliefs) 5. 理論背景 (theories)

6  Conceptual context is a theoretical framework, not label it a literature review. If you simply summarize some body of empirical or theoretical publications, … 1.It lead to a narrow focus on literature 2.It tends to generate a strategy of covering the field 3.It make you think that your task is simply descriptive

7  conceptual context 從何而來 1.Experiential knowledge -- researcher experience memo 2.Existing theory and research -- the uses of existing theory

8  Create a concept map as different type 1.An abstract framework mapping the relationship among concepts 2.A flowchart-like account of events and how you think these are connected 3.A treelike diagram of the meaning of words 4.A Venn diagram, representing concepts as overlapping circles

9 發展研究問題  研究問題是研究設計的重心 1.Starting the question with an open mind 2.Influence all decisions about the research going

10  研究問題的功能 1.To explain what the study will attempt to understand 2.To help researcher to focus the study 3.To give researcher guidance on how to conduct the research

11  研究問題的類型 1.Instrumentalist questions and realist questions 2.Variance questions and process questions

12  發展研究問題的步驟 1.Begin by setting aside whatever research questions you already have and starting with your concept map. 2.Take your original research questions and compare them to the map and the questions you generated from it. 3.Go through the same process with the memo you wrote on the purposes. 4.Focus. 5.Connect your questions to the methods you might use. 6.Assess the potential answers to your questions in terms of validity. 7.Record your responses and the thoughts they provoked in a memo.

13 單元參考閱讀 Maxwell , J. A. (1996). QUALITATIVE RESEARCH DESIGN : AN INTERACTIVE APPROACH. London : Sage.

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