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Sequence homology and alignment

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1 Sequence homology and alignment
Lessons 3-4 Sequence homology and alignment

2 Homology Similarity between characters due to a common ancestry

3 Sequence homology Similarity between sequences that results from a common ancestor VLSPAVKWAKVGAHAAGHG VLSEAVLWAKVEADVAGHG Basic assumption: Sequence homology → similar structure/function

4 Sequence alignment Alignment: Comparing two (pairwise) or more (multiple) sequences. Searching for a series of identical or similar characters in the sequences.

5 Homology Ortholog – homolog with similar function (via speciation)
Paralog – homolog which arose from gene duplication Common use: Orthologs – 2 homologs from different species Paralogs – 2 homologs within the same species

6 How close? Rule of thumb:
Proteins are homologous if 25% identical (length >100) DNA sequences are homologous if 70% identical

7 Twilight zone < 20% identity in proteins – may be homologous and may not be…. (Note that 5% identity will be obtained completely by chance!)

8 Why sequence alignment?
Predict characteristics of a protein – use the structure/function of known proteins for predicting the structure/function of an unknown protein

9 Sequence modifications
Sequences change in the course of evolution due to random mutations Three types of mutations: Insertion - an insertion of a letter or several letters to the sequence. AAGA AAGTA Deletion - deleting a letter (or more) from the sequence. AAGA AGA Substitution - replacing a sequence letter by another. AAGA AACA Insertion or Deletion = Indel

10 Local vs. Global Global alignment: forces alignment in regions which differ Global alignment – finds the best alignment across the entire two sequences. Local alignment – finds regions of similarity in parts of the sequences. ADLGAVFALCDRYFQ |||| |||| | ADLGRTQN-CDRYYQ Local alignment will return only regions of good alignment ADLG CDRYFQ |||| |||| | ADLG CDRYYQ

11 When global and when local?

12 Global alignment PTK2 protein tyrosine kinase 2 of human and rhesus monkey

13 Protein tyrosine kinase domain

14 Protein tyrosine kinase domain
Human PTK2 and leukocyte tyrosine kinase Both function as tyrosine kinases, in completely different contexts Ancient duplication

15 Global alignment of PTK and LTK

16 Local alignment of PTK and LTK


18 AAGCTGAATT-C-GAA AGGCT-CATTTCTGA- This alignment includes: 2 mismatches 4 indels (gap) 10 perfect matches

19 Choosing an alignment:

20 Alignment scoring - scoring of sequence similarity:
Assumes independence Each position considered separately Score at each position Positive if identical Negative if different or gap Score of an alignment is the sum of position scores Can be positive or negative

21 Example - naïve scoring system:
Perfect match: +1 Mismatch: -2 Indel (gap): -1 AAGCTGAATT-C-GAA AGGCT-CATTTCTGA- A-AGCTGAATTC--GAA AG-GCTCA-TTTCTGA- Score: = (+1)x10 + (-2)x2 + (-1)x4 = 2 Score: = (+1)x9 + (-2)x2 + (-1)x6 = -1 Higher score  Better alignment

22 Scoring system: The choice of +1,-2, and -1 scores is quite arbitrary
Different scoring systems  different alignments Scoring systems implicitly represent a particular theory of evolution Some mismatches are more plausible Transition vs. Transversion LysArg ≠ LysCys Gap extension Vs. Gap opening

23 Scoring matrix Representing the scoring system as a table or matrix n  n (n is the number of letters the alphabet contains. n=4 for nucleotides, n=20 for amino acids) symmetric T C G A 2 -6

24 DNA scoring matrices Uniform substitution in all nucleotides: T C G A
From To 2 -6 Match Mismatch

25 DNA scoring matrices Can take into account biological phenomena such as: Transition-transversion

26 Amino Acid Scoring Matrices
Take into account physico-chemical properties

27 Amino Acid Substitutions Matrices
Actual substitutions: Based on empirical data Commonly used by many bioinformatic programs PAM & BLOSUM

28 Protein matrices – actual substitutions
The idea: Given an alignment of a large number of closely related sequences we can score the relation between amino acids based on how frequently they substitute each other M G Y D E M G Y E E M G Y Q E In the fourth column E and D are found in 7 / 8

29 PAM Matrix - Point Accepted Mutations
Based on a database of 1,572 changes in 71 groups of closely related proteins (85% identity) Alignment was easy Counted the number of the substitutions per amino acid pair (20 x 20) Found that common substitutions occurred between chemically similar amino acids

30 PAM Matrices Family of matrices PAM 80, PAM 120, PAM 250
The number on the PAM matrix represents evolutionary distance Larger numbers are for larger distances

31 Example: PAM 250 Similar amino acids have greater score

32 PAM - limitations Only one original dataset
Examining proteins with few differences (85% identity) Based mainly on small globular proteins so the matrix is biased

33 BLOSUM Henikoff and Henikoff (1992) derived a set of matrices based on a much larger dataset BLOSUM observes significantly more replacements than PAM, even for infrequent pairs

34 BLOSUM: Blocks Substitution Matrix
Based on BLOCKS database ~2000 blocks from 500 families of related proteins Families of proteins with identical function Blocks are short conserved patterns of aa long without gaps AABCDA----BBCDA DABCDA----BBCBB BBBCDA-AA-BCCAA AAACDA-A--CBCDB CCBADA---DBBDCC AAACAA----BBCCC

35 BLOSUM Each block represent sequences alignment with different identity percentage For each block the amino-acid substitution rates were calculated to create BLOSUM matrix

36 BLOSUM Matrices BLOSUMn is based on sequences that shared at least n percent identity BLOSUM62 represents closer sequences than BLOSUM45

37 Example : Blosum62 derived from block where the sequences
clustered share at least 62% identity

38 More distant sequences
PAM vs. BLOSUM PAM100 = BLOSUM90 PAM120 = BLOSUM80 PAM160 = BLOSUM60 PAM200 = BLOSUM52 PAM250 = BLOSUM45 More distant sequences

39 Scoring system = substitution matrix + gap penalty

40 Gap penalty We penalize gaps Scoring for gap opening & for extension:
Gap-extension penalty < gap-open penalty

41 Optimal alignment algorithms
Needleman-Wunsch (global) Smith-Waterman (local).

42 Alignment Search Space
The “search space” (number of possible gapped alignments) for optimally aligning two sequences is exponential in the length of the sequences, n. If n=100, there are = = 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 different alignments. Average protein length is about n=250!

43 Searching databases

44 Searching a database Using a sequence as the query to find homologous sequences in the database

45 DNA or protein? For coding sequences, we can use the DNA sequence or the protein sequence to search for similar sequences. Which is preferable?

46 Protein is better! Selection (and hence conservation) works on the protein level: CTTTCA = Leu-Ser TTGAGT = Leu-Ser

47 Query type Nucleotides: a four letter alphabet
Amino acids: a twenty letter alphabet Two random DNA sequences will share on average 25% of identity Two random protein sequences will share on average 5% of identity

48 Conclusions Using the amino acid sequence is preferable for homology search Why use a nucleotide sequence after all? No ORF found, e.g. newly sequenced genome No similar protein sequences were found Specific DNA databases are available (EST)

49 Some terminology Query sequence - the sequence with which we are searching Hit – a sequence found in the database, suspected as homologous

50 How do we search a database?
Assume we perform pairwise alignment of the query against all the sequences in the database Exact pairwise alignment is O(mn) ≈ O(n2) (m – length of sequence 1, n – length of sequence 2)

51 How much time will it take?
O(n2) computations per search. Assume n=200, so we have 40,000 computations per search Size of database - ~60 million entries 2.4 x 1012 computations for each sequence search we perform! Assume each computation takes 10-6 seconds  24,000 seconds ≈ 6.66 hours for each sequence search 150,000 searches (at least!!) are performed per day

52 Conclusion Using the exact comparison pairwise alignment algorithm between query and all DB entries – too slow

53 Heuristic Definition: a heuristic is a design to solve a problem that does not provide exact solution (but is not too bad) and reduces the time complexity of the exact solution

54 BLAST BLAST - Basic Local Alignment and Search Tool
A heuristic for searching a database for similar sequences

55 DNA or Protein All types of searches are possible. Query: DNA Protein
Database: DNA Protein blastn – nuc vs. nuc blastp – prot vs. prot blastx – translated query vs. protein database tblastn – protein vs. translated nuc. DB tblastx – translated query vs. translated database Translated databases: trEMBL genPept

56 BLAST - underlying hypothesis
The underlying hypothesis: when two sequences are similar there are short ungapped regions of high similarity between the two The heuristic: Discard irrelevant sequences Perform exact local alignment with remaining sequences

57 How do we discard irrelevant sequences quickly?
Divide the database into words of length w (w = 3 for protein and w = 7 for DNA) Save the words in a look-up table that can be searched quickly WTD TDF DFG FGY GYP … WTDFGYPAILKGGTAC

58 BLAST: discarding sequences
When the user gives a query sequence, divide it also into words Search the database for consecutive neighbor words

59 Neighbour words neighbor words are defined according to a scoring matrix (e.g. BLOSUM62 for proteins) with a certain cutoff level GFC (20) GFB GPC (11) WAC (5)

60 Search for consecutive words
Neighbor word Look for a seed: hits on the same diagonal which can be connected A At least 2 hits on the same diagonal with distance which is smaller than a predetermined cutoff Database record This is the filtering stage – many unrelated hits are filtered, saving lots of time! Query

61 Perform local alignment
Database record Query

62 Try to extend alignment
Stop extending when the score of the alignment drops X beneath maximal score obtained this far Discard segments with score < S ASKIOPLLWLAASFLHNEQAPALSDAN JWQEOPLWPLAASOIHLFACNSIFYAS Score=15 Score=17 Score=14 X=4

63 The result – local alignment
The result of BLAST will be a series of local alignments between the query and the different hits found

64 Theoretically, we could trust any result with an E-value ≤ 1
The number of times we will theoretically find an alignment with a score ≥ Y of a random sequence vs. a random database Theoretically, we could trust any result with an E-value ≤ 1 In practice – BLAST uses estimations. E-values of 10-4 and lower indicate a significant homology. E-values between 10-4 and 10-2 should be checked (similar domains, maybe non-homologous). E-values between 10-2 and 1 are suspicious…

65 Filtering low complexity
Low complexity regions : e.g., Proline rich areas (in protein), Alu repeats (in DNA) Regions of low complexity generate high score of alignment BUT – this does not indicate homology

66 Solution In BLAST there is masking of low-complexity regions in the query sequence (such regions are represented as XXXXX in query)

67 Multiple sequence alignment

68 Like pairwise alignment BUT compare n sequences instead of 2

69 MSA & Evolution MSA can give you a picture of the forces that shape evolution! Important amino acids or nucleotides are not “allowed” to mutate Less important positions change more easily

70 Conserved positions Columns where all the sequences contain the same amino acids or nucleotides Important for the function or structure VTISCTGSSSNIGAG-NHVKWYQQLPG VTISCTGSSSNIGS--ITVNWYQQLPG LRLSCTGSGFIFSS--YAMYWYQQAPG LSLTCTGSGTSFDD-QYYSTWYQQPPG

71 Consensus Sequence The consensus sequence holds the most frequent character of the alignment at each column T G C A T G C A

72 PSSM – Position Specific Score Matrix
Profile 6 5 4 3 2 1 . 0.67 A 0.33 T C G T G C A Profile = PSSM – Position Specific Score Matrix

73 Alignment methods Progressive alignment (Clustal)
Iterative alignment (mafft, muscle) All methods today are an approximation strategy (heuristic algorithm), yield a possible alignment, but not necessarily the best one

74 Progressive alignment
B C D First step: Compute the pairwise alignments for all against all (6 pairwise alignments) the similarities are stored in a table D C B A 11 1 3 10 2

75 Second step: D C B A 11 1 3 10 2 cluster the sequences to create a tree (guide tree): Represents the order in which pairs of sequences are to be aligned similar sequences are neighbors in the tree distant sequences are distant from each other in the tree The guide tree is imprecise and is NOT the tree which truly describes the relationship between the sequences! A D C B

76 Third step: A B C D Align most similar pairs
Align the alignments as if each of them was a single sequence (replace with a single consensus sequence or use a profile)

77 Alignment of alignments
M Q T F L H T W L Q S W X M Q T - F L H T - W L Q S - W L - T I F M - T I W L T I F M T I W Y

78 Iterative alignment A B C D Pairwise distance table Guide tree MSA
Iterate until the MSA doesn’t change D C B A 11 1 3 10 2 Guide tree MSA A D C B

79 Searching for remote homologs
Sometimes BLAST isn’t enough. Large protein family, and BLAST only gives close members. We want more distant members PSI-BLAST Profile HMMs

80 Construct profile from blast results
PSI-BLAST Position Specific Iterated BLAST Regular blast Construct profile from blast results Blast profile search Final results

81 PSI-BLAST Advantage: PSI-BLAST looks for seq.s that are close to ours, and learns from them to extend the circle of friends Disadvantage: if we found a WRONG sequence, we will get to unrelated sequences (contamination). This gets worse and worse each iteration

82 Profile HMM Similar to PSI-BLAST: also uses a profile
Takes into account: Dependence among sites (if site n is conserved, it is likely that site n+1 is conserved  part of a domain The probability of a certain column in an alignment

83 PSI BLAST vs profile HMM
Less exact Faster More exact Slower

84 Case study: Using homology searching
The human kinome

85 Kinases and phosphatases

86 Multi-tasking enzymes
Signal transduction Metabolism Transcription Cell-cycle Differentiation Function of nervous and immune system And more

87 How many kinases in the human genome?
1970’s, advent of cloning and sequencing Predicted: 1000 kinases in the human genome

88 How many kinases in the human genome?
2001 – human genome sequence … As well – databases of Genbank, Swissprot, and dbEST How do we know how many kinases are out there?

89 The human kinome In 2002, Manning, Whyte, Martinez, Hunter and Sudarsanam set out to: Search and cross-reference all these databases for all kinases Characterize all found kinases

90 ePKs and aPKs Eukaryotic protein kinases (majority)
Atypical protein kinases Sequence homology of the catalytic domain; additional regulatory domains are non-homologous No sequence homology to ePKs; some aPK subfamilies have structural similarity to ePKs

91 The search Several profiles were built: based on the catalytic domain of (a) 70 known ePKs (b) each subfamily of known aPKs HMM-profile searches and PSI-BLAST searches were performed

92 The result… 478 apKs 40 ePKs Total of 518 kinases in the human genome (half of the prediction in the 1970’s)

93 Classifying the kinases
Classification based on the catalytic domain Classification based on the regulatory domains 189 sub-families of kinases

94 Comparison to other species
209 subfamilies of ePKs in human, worm, yeast and fly

95 The human genome has x2 kinases (in number) as fly or worm
The human genome has x2 kinases (in number) as fly or worm. Many are aPKs. Most of them are receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) Nervous system Immune system Hemopoiesis

96 The discovery of new kinases: a new front for battling human diseases

97 Correlating with human diseases
160 kinases mapped to amplicons seen in tumors 80 kinases mapped to amplicons in other major illnesses Usually kinases are over-expressed in cancer and other diseases

98 Correlating with human diseases
6 kinase inhibitors have been approved till today for the use against cancer >70 other inhibitors are in clinical trial

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