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TP Calorimetry Jaewon Park. 2 Semi-infinite ID Proton shows much hi gher calibration const ant. Calibration const for p roton for medium/high energy is.

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Presentation on theme: "TP Calorimetry Jaewon Park. 2 Semi-infinite ID Proton shows much hi gher calibration const ant. Calibration const for p roton for medium/high energy is."— Presentation transcript:

1 TP Calorimetry Jaewon Park

2 2 Semi-infinite ID Proton shows much hi gher calibration const ant. Calibration const for p roton for medium/high energy is about 1.2 Electron/Gamma calib is nearly 1. Old proton study used automatic mean value scaling to true beam e nergy in order to calc ulate resolution. Some confusion cam e from mixing up betw een absolute calibrati on constant and relati ve calibration constan t. I didn’t apply ID calibr ation constant for pro ton when I calculate p roton energy from TP geometry. 0.98 1.02

3 3 Semi-infinite Ecal

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