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Key Skills – Library Research David Sowerbutts

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1 Key Skills – Library Research David Sowerbutts

2 Note In this Powerpoint presentation the symbol ∞ indicates a hyperlink to the service mentioned or to a description of it

3 Key Skills – Library Research “Able to research appropriate periodicals, websites, books and other references to draw together the required information”

4 The Library’s Electronic Resources Almost all of the Library’s electronic resources can be accessed from off site via the Library web pages For electronic journals start from the Library OPAC If prompted for a password use your ITS login rather than an ATHENS password unless other instructions are given

5 ConneXions Introduced during Summer 2004 Develops links between Library OPAC and bibliographic databases Provides links from many of these databases to full text (where available)

6 Types of Material Periodicals – printed and electronic Abstracts and Indexes (Bibliographic Databases) Websites Google- try the Advanced Search screen ∞∞ Google Scholar (under development) ∞∞ Vivisimo ( ∞∞ Gateways Books Abstracts and Indexes (Bibliographic Databases) Library catalogues ∞∞ Newspapers Data Sources “Grey literature”

7 Databases (v. Internet) Peer-reviewed Material Restricted access Covers print as well as electronic (usually) More sophisticated searching

8 Internet (v. Databases) Generally, not evaluated Electronic/digitised Large number of items but some “quality” material not included Difficult to assess results of searches

9 Understanding Databases Subject Scope Inclusivity Number of sources Type of material Level of material Date range Geographical bias

10 Understanding Databases Search defaults Features provided Abstracts? Option to create subsets? Printing/Saving/E-mailing? Links to full text? Links to local catalogue? Remember to use the help screens

11 Databases: Getting Started Library home page ∞∞ click on Databases or use Subject Information pages for Economics or Business ∞∞

12 Database Searching Keyword Hierarchical Structure Coded Concepts

13 Keyword Random matches patterns not concepts Scope Title only Abstract Full text Syntax Semantics Ambiguities Alternatives Language problems

14 Keyword Truncation (Stemming) Aggress* Word combination Usually Boolean

15 Boolean Searching Syntax Similar to formula in Mathematics BUT symbols not used as consistently BUT “default” values vary between databases

16 Boolean Searching AND OR Either and Both NOT To be used only with care

17 Word Combination Defaults Interest Rate* may be searched as Interest and rate* (e.g. Library OPAC) Interest or rate* (e.g. some search engines) Interest rate* (e.g. Web of Science)

18 Adjacency and Proximity Adjacency Phrase searching Words next to each other “same” and “sent” Proximity Words within a given distance Silence w3 lambs

19 Semantics Ambiguities Alternatives The whole and parts Public sector employees Excluding meanings Language problems Romans; Email

20 Semantics “Where would I find information on currency?” “I want some articles on operations to cure problems of the teeth”

21 Refining Searches Financ* and Asia* not (Burm* or Myanmar) Racis* and Polic* not (London or Metropol*) Racis* and (Police or Policing) not (London or Metropol*)

22 Refining Searches Truncation (stemming) Econom* Wildcard Economic behavi*r Wildcard and truncation Econom* and Tan?an* (Examples from Web of Science)

23 Citation Searching SCHULTZ, T.: Declining economic importance of agricultural land. Econ. j. 61,1951,725-740 Pre-dates Web of Science BUT Web of Science can be used to trace subsequent references to it and thus find more recent research on the same topic

24 Hierarchical Structure Economics Financial Economics Taxes and Taxation Consumer taxes V.A.T.

25 Coded Concepts Usually a notation for a hierarchical structure Arrangement of books in a Library Application to databases (e.g. EconLit)

26 Internet Gateways/Portals Selected Unrestricted Electronic Resources Often classified May be evaluated/annotated SOSIG ( ∞∞ See also other links from Subject Information pages ∞∞

27 Newspapers May include current debate on some possible project topics Electronic archives for some available from Library’s “News, weather…” page ∞∞ Infotrac: Custom Newspapers provides multiple title searching ∞∞

28 Newspapers Lexis-Nexis ∞∞ “Executive” is a prime source for Financial and business news “Executive” can also be used for major overseas newspapers “Professional” is useful for UK regional newspapers

29 Data Sources A selection is available from the Subject Information pages for Economics ∞ and for Business ∞∞ ESDS ∞ is increasing its coverage of major international datasets∞ Simple individual registration needed (use ITS login) Work through an access guide before using the service

30 “Grey Literature” Working Papers Sometimes available free via EconPapers ∞ or IDEAS ∞∞ Official Publications International bodies NGOs Governments Often free on web site of organization

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