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ENGR 351 Numerical Methods for Engineers Southern Illinois University Carbondale College of Engineering Dr. L.R. Chevalier Dr. B.A. DeVantier

2 Copyright© 2000 by L.R. Chevalier and B.A. DeVantier
Permission is granted to students at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale to make one copy of this material for use in the class ENGR 351, Numerical Methods for Engineers. No other permission is granted. All other rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.

3 System of Linear Equations
We have focused our last lectures on finding a value of x that satisfied a single equation f(x) = 0 Now we will deal with the case of determining the values of x1, x2, .....xn, that simultaneously satisfy a set of equations

4 System of Linear Equations
Simultaneous equations f1(x1, x2, .....xn) = 0 f2(x1, x2, .....xn) = 0 f3(x1, x2, .....xn) = 0 Methods will be for linear equations a11x1 + a12x a1nxn =c1 a21x1 + a22x a2nxn =c2 an1x1 + an2x annxn =cn

5 Mathematical Background Matrix Notation
a horizontal set of elements is called a row a vertical set is called a column first subscript refers to the row number second subscript refers to column number

6 note subscript This matrix has m rows an n column. It has the dimensions m by n (m x n)

7 Note the consistent scheme with subscripts denoting row,column column 3 row 2

8 Row vector: m=1 Column vector: n= Square matrix: m = n

9 Upper triangular matrix Lower triangular matrix Banded matrix
The diagonal consist of the elements a11 a22 a33 Symmetric matrix Diagonal matrix Identity matrix Upper triangular matrix Lower triangular matrix Banded matrix

10 Symmetric Matrix aij = aji for all i’s and j’s
Does a23 = a32 ? Yes. Check the other elements on your own.

11 Diagonal Matrix A square matrix where all elements off the main diagonal are zero

12 Identity Matrix A diagonal matrix where all elements on the main diagonal are equal to 1
The symbol [I] is used to denote the identify matrix.

13 Upper Triangle Matrix Elements below the main diagonal are zero

14 Lower Triangular Matrix All elements above the main diagonal are zero

15 Banded Matrix All elements are zero with the exception of a band centered on the main diagonal

16 Matrix Operating Rules
Addition/subtraction add/subtract corresponding terms aij + bij = cij Addition/subtraction are commutative [A] + [B] = [B] + [A] Addition/subtraction are associative [A] + ([B]+[C]) = ([A] +[B]) + [C]

17 Matrix Operating Rules
Multiplication of a matrix [A] by a scalar g is obtained by multiplying every element of [A] by g

18 Matrix Operating Rules
The product of two matrices is represented as [C] = [A][B] n = column dimensions of [A] n = row dimensions of [B]

19 Simple way to check whether matrix multiplication is possible
exterior dimensions conform to dimension of resulting matrix [A] m x n [B] n x k = [C] m x k interior dimensions must be equal

20 Matrix multiplication
If the dimensions are suitable, matrix multiplication is associative ([A][B])[C] = [A]([B][C]) If the dimensions are suitable, matrix multiplication is distributive ([A] + [B])[C] = [A][C] + [B][C] Multiplication is generally not commutative [A][B] is not equal to [B][A]

21 Inverse of [A]

22 Inverse of [A] Transpose of [A]

23 Determinants Denoted as det A or A for a 2 x 2 matrix

24 Determinants cont. There are different schemes used to compute the determinant. Consider cofactor expansion - uses minor and cofactors of the matrix Minor: the minor of an entry aij is the determinant of the submatrix obtained by deleting the ith row and the jth column Cofactor: the cofactor of an entry aij of an n x n matrix A is the product of (-1)i+j and the minor of aij

25 Minor: the minor of an entry aij is the determinant of the
submatrix obtained by deleting the ith row and the jth column. Example: the minor of a32 for a 3x3 matrix is: For element a32 the ith row is row 3

26 Minor: the minor of an entry aij is the determinant of the
submatrix obtained by deleting the ith row and the jth column. Example: the minor of a32 for a 3x3 matrix is: For element a32 the jth column is column 2

27 Minor: the minor of an entry aij is the determinant of the
submatrix obtained by deleting the ith row and the jth column. Example: the minor of a32 for a 3x3 matrix is:

28 Cofactor: Aij, the cofactor of an entry aij of an n x n matrix
A is the product of (-1)i+j and the minor of aij i.e. Calculate A31 for a 3x3 matrix First calculate the minor a31

29 Cofactor: Aij, the cofactor of an entry aij of an n x n matrix
A is the product of (-1)i+j and the minor of aij i.e. Calculate A31 for a 3x3 matrix First calculate the minor a31

30 Cofactor: Aij, the cofactor of an entry aij of an n x n matrix
A is the product of (-1)i+j and the minor of aij i.e. Calculate A31 for a 3x3 matrix First calculate the minor a31

31 Minors and cofactors are used to calculate the determinant
of a matrix. Consider an n x n matrix expanded around the ith row (for any one value of i) Consider expanding around the jth column (for any one value of j)


33 EXAMPLE Calculate the determinant of the following 3x3 matrix.
First, calculate it using the 1st row (the way you probably have done it all along). Then try it using the 2nd row.

34 Properties of Determinants
det A = det AT If all entries of any row or column is zero, then det A = 0 If two rows or two columns are identical, then det A = 0

35 How to represent a system of linear equations as a matrix
[A]{X} = {C} where {X} and {C} are both column vectors


37 Practical application
Consider a problem in structural engineering Find the forces and reactions associated with a statically determinant truss 30 90 60 roller: transmits vertical forces hinge: transmits both vertical and horizontal forces at the surface

38 First label the nodes 1 30 90 60 2 3 FREE BODY DIAGRAM

39 Determine where you are evaluating tension/compression
1 30 90 60 F1 F3 2 3 F2 FREE BODY DIAGRAM

40 Label forces at the hinge and roller
1000 kg Label forces at the hinge and roller 1 30 90 60 F1 F3 2 H2 3 F2 V2 V3 FREE BODY DIAGRAM

41 1000 kg 1 30 90 60 F1 F3 2 H2 3 F2 V2 V3 FREE BODY DIAGRAM

42 Node 1 F1,V F1,H 30 60 F3 F1

43 Node 2 F2 F1 30 H2 V2

44 Node 3 F2 F3 60 V3


46 Do some book keeping F1 F2 F3 H2 V2 V3 1 2 3 4 5 6 -cos cos -sin sin cos sin cos 0 0 sin -1000

47 This is the basis for your matrices and the equation

48 Matrix Methods Gauss elimination Matrix inversion Gauss Seidel
LU decomposition

49 Systems of Linear Algebraic Equations Specific Study Objectives
Understand the graphic interpretation of ill-conditioned systems and how it relates to the determinant Be familiar with terminology: forward elimination, back substitution, pivot equations and pivot coefficient

50 Specific Study Objectives
Know the fundamental difference between Gauss elimination and the Gauss Jordan method and which is more efficient Apply matrix inversion to evaluate stimulus-response computations in engineering

51 Specific Study Objectives
Understand why the Gauss-Seidel method is particularly well-suited for large sparse systems of equations Know how to assess diagonal dominance of a system of equations and how it relates to whether the system can be solved with the Gauss-Seidel method

52 Specific Study Objectives
Understand the rationale behind relaxation and how to apply this technique Understand that banded and symmetric systems can be decomposed and solved efficiently

53 Graphical Method 2 equations, 2 unknowns
x2 x1 ( x1, x2 )

54 x2 9 3 ( 4 , 3 ) 2 1 2 1 x1 Check: 3(4) + 2(3) = = 18

55 Special Cases No solution Infinite solution Ill-conditioned ( x1, x2 )

56 a) No solution - same slope
f(x) x b) infinite solution f(x) x -1/2 x1 + x2 = 1 -x1 +2x2 = 2 c) ill conditioned so close that the points of intersection are difficult to detect visually f(x) x

57 If the determinant is zero, the slopes are identical
Let’s consider how we know if the system is ill-conditions. Start by considering systems where the slopes are identical If the determinant is zero, the slopes are identical Rearrange these equations so that we have an alternative version in the form of a straight line: i.e. x2 = (slope) x1 + intercept

58 If the slopes are nearly equal (ill-conditioned)
Isn’t this the determinant?

59 If the determinant is zero the slopes are equal.
This can mean: - no solution - infinite number of solutions If the determinant is close to zero, the system is ill conditioned. So it seems that we should use check the determinant of a system before any further calculations are done. Let’s try an example.

60 Example Determine whether the following matrix is ill-conditioned.

61 Cramer’s Rule Not efficient for solving large numbers of linear equations Useful for explaining some inherent problems associated with solving linear equations.

62 Cramer’s Rule to solve for xi - place {b} in the ith column

63 Cramer’s Rule to solve for xi - place {b} in the ith column

64 Cramer’s Rule to solve for xi - place {b} in the ith column

65 EXAMPLE Use of Cramer’s Rule

66 Elimination of Unknowns ( algebraic approach)

67 Elimination of Unknowns ( algebraic approach)
NOTE: same result as Cramer’s Rule

68 Gauss Elimination One of the earliest methods developed for solving simultaneous equations Important algorithm in use today Involves combining equations in order to eliminate unknowns

69 Blind (Naive) Gauss Elimination
Technique for larger matrix Same principals of elimination - manipulate equations to eliminate an unknown from an equation - Solve directly then back-substitute into one of the original equations

70 Two Phases of Gauss Elimination
Forward Elimination Note: the prime indicates the number of times the element has changed from the original value.

71 Two Phases of Gauss Elimination
Back substitution


73 Evaluation of Pseudocode for Naïve Elimination
DOFOR k =1 to n-1 DOFOR i=k+1 to n factor = a i,k/a k,k DOFOR j=k+1 to n a i,j = a i,j - factor x a k,j ENDDO ci = ci - factor x ck Lets consider the translation of this in the next few overheads using an example 3x3 matrix

74 First, lets develop a the code to read the elements of the A and C matrices into a FORTRAN program Use arrays

75 Let’s also keep are convention of a ij
Make the array A a double array Dimension C as a single array DIMENSION A(50,50) C(50) Before programming any further, practice reading the array from an ASCII file and printing the resulting array on the screen.

DOFOR k =1 to n-1 DOFOR i=k+1 to n factor = a i,k/a k,k DOFOR j=k+1 to n a i,j = a i,j - factor x a k,j ENDDO ci = ci - factor x ck DO 10 K=1,N-1 10 CONTINUE TRY TO DO THIS IN CLASS FIRST

77 For an n x n matrix DO 10 K=1,N-1 DO 20 I=K+1,N FACTOR = A(I,K) / A(K,K) DO 30 J = K+1,N 30 A(I,J)=A(I,J) - FACTOR*A(K,J) C(I)=C(I) - FACTOR*C(K) 20 CONTINUE CONTINUE

78 Pitfalls of the Elimination Method
Division by zero Round off errors magnitude of the pivot element is small compared to other elements Ill conditioned systems

79 Division by Zero When we normalize i.e. a12/a11 we need to make sure we are not dividing by zero This may also happen if the coefficient is very close to zero

80 Techniques for Improving the Solution
Use of more significant figures Pivoting Scaling

81 Use of more significant figures
Simplest remedy for ill conditioning Extend precision computational overhead memory overhead

82 Pivoting Problems occur when the pivot element is zero - division by zero Problems also occur when the pivot element is smaller in magnitude compared to other elements (i.e. round-off errors) Prior to normalizing, determine the largest available coefficient

83 Pivoting Partial pivoting Complete pivoting
rows are switched so that the largest element is the pivot element Complete pivoting columns as well as rows are searched for the largest element and switched rarely used because switching columns changes the order of the x’s adding unjustified complexity to the computer program

84 Division by Zero - Solution
Pivoting has been developed to partially avoid these problems

85 Scaling Minimizes round-off errors for cases where some of the equations in a system have much larger coefficients than others In engineering practice, this is often due to the widely different units used in the development of the simultaneous equations As long as each equation is consistent, the system will be technically correct and solvable

86 Scaling value on the diagonal put the greatest Pivot rows to

87 EXAMPLE Use Gauss Elimination to solve the following set
(solution in notes) Use Gauss Elimination to solve the following set of linear equations

88 SOLUTION First write in matrix form, employing short hand
presented in class. We will clearly run into problems of division by zero. Use partial pivoting

89 Pivot with equation with largest an1


91 Begin developing upper triangular matrix

92 ...end of problem

93 GAUSS-JORDAN Variation of Gauss elimination
primary motive for introducing this method is that it provides and simple and convenient method for computing the matrix inverse. When an unknown is eliminated, it is eliminated from all other equations, rather than just the subsequent one

94 GAUSS-JORDAN All rows are normalized by dividing them by their pivot elements Elimination step results in and identity matrix rather than an UT matrix

95 Graphical depiction of Gauss-Jordan

96 Matrix Inversion [A] [A] -1 = [A]-1 [A] = I
One application of the inverse is to solve several systems differing only by {c} [A]{x} = {c} [A]-1[A] {x} = [A]-1{c} [I]{x}={x}= [A]-1{c} One quick method to compute the inverse is to augment [A] with [I] instead of {c}

97 Graphical Depiction of the Gauss-Jordan Method with Matrix Inversion
Note: the superscript “-1” denotes that the original values have been converted to the matrix inverse, not 1/aij

98 Stimulus-Response Computations
Conservation Laws mass force heat momentum We considered the conservation of force in the earlier example of a truss

99 Stimulus-Response Computations
[A]{x}={c} [interactions]{response}={stimuli} Superposition if a system subject to several different stimuli, the response can be computed individually and the results summed to obtain a total response Proportionality multiplying the stimuli by a quantity results in the response to those stimuli being multiplied by the same quantity These concepts are inherent in the scaling of terms during the inversion of the matrix

100 Error Analysis and System Condition
Scale the matrix of coefficients, [A] so that the largest element in each row is 1. If there are elements of [A]-1 that are several orders of magnitude greater than one, it is likely that the system is ill-conditioned. Multiply the inverse by the original coefficient matrix. If the results are not close to the identity matrix, the system is ill-conditioned. Invert the inverted matrix. If it is not close to the original coefficient matrix, the system is ill-conditioned.

101 To further study the concepts of ill conditioning, consider the norm and the matrix condition number
norm - provides a measure of the size or length of vector and matrices Cond [A] >> 1 suggests that the system is ill-conditioned

102 LU Decomposition Methods Chapter 10
Elimination methods Gauss elimination Gauss Jordan LU Decomposition Methods

103 Naive LU Decomposition
[A]{x}={c} Suppose this can be rearranged as an upper triangular matrix with 1’s on the diagonal [U]{x}={d} [A]{x}-{c}= [U]{x}-{d}=0 Assume that a lower triangular matrix exists that has the property [L]{[U]{x}-{d}}= [A]{x}-{c}

104 Naive LU Decomposition
[L]{[U]{x}-{d}}= [A]{x}-{c} Then from the rules of matrix multiplication [L][U]=[A] [L]{d}={c} [L][U]=[A] is referred to as the LU decomposition of [A]. After it is accomplished, solutions can be obtained very efficiently by a two-step substitution procedure

105 Consider how Gauss elimination can be formulated as an LU decomposition U is a direct product of forward elimination step if each row is scaled by the diagonal

106 Although not as apparent, the matrix [L] is also
produced during the step. This can be readily illustrated for a three-equation system The first step is to multiply row 1 by the factor Subtracting the result from the second row eliminates a21

107 Similarly, row 1 is multiplied by
The result is subtracted from the third row to eliminate a31 In the final step for a 3 x 3 system is to multiply the modified row by Subtract the results from the third row to eliminate a32

108 The values f21 , f31, f32 are in fact the elements

109 [A] {x} = {c} [U][L] [L] {d} = {c} {d} [U]{x}={d} {x}

110 Crout Decomposition Gauss elimination method involves two major steps
forward elimination back substitution Efforts in improvement focused on development of improved elimination methods One such method is Crout decomposition

111 Crout Decomposition Represents and efficient algorithm for decomposing [A] into [L] and [U]

112 Recall the rules of matrix multiplication.
The first step is to multiply the rows of [L] by the first column of [U] Thus the first column of [A] is the first column of [L]

113 Next we multiply the first row of [L] by the column
of [U] to get

114 Once the first row of [U] is established
the operation can be represented concisely

115 Schematic depicting Crout Decomposition


117 The Substitution Step [L]{[U]{x}-{d}}= [A]{x}-{c} [L][U]=[A]
[L]{d}={c} [U]{x}={d} Recall our earlier graphical depiction of the LU decomposition method

118 [A] {x} = {c} [U][L] [L] {d} = {c} {d} [U]{x}={d} {x}


120 Parameters used to quantify the dimensions of a banded system.
BW BW = band width HBW = half band width HBW Diagonal

121 Thomas Algorithm As with conventional LU decomposition methods, the algorithm consist of three steps decomposition forward substitution back substitution Want a scheme to reduce the large inefficient use of storage involved with banded matrices Consider the following tridiagonal system

122 Note how this tridiagonal system require the storage of a large
number of zero values.

123 Note that we have changed our notation of a’s to e,f,g
In addition we have changed our notation of c’s to r

124 Storage can be accomplished by either storage as vector (e,f,g) or as a compact matrix [B] Storage is even further reduced if the matrix is banded and symmetric. Only elements on the diagonal and in the upper half need be stored.

125 Gauss Seidel Method An iterative approach
Continue until we converge within some pre-specified tolerance of error Round off is no longer an issue, since you control the level of error that is acceptable Fundamentally different from Gauss elimination this is an approximate, iterative method particularly good for large number of equations

126 Gauss-Seidel Method If the diagonal elements are all nonzero, the first equation can be solved for x1 Solve the second equation for x2, etc. To assure that you understand this, write the equation for x2


128 Gauss-Seidel Method Start the solution process by guessing values of x
A simple way to obtain initial guesses is to assume that they are all zero Calculate new values of xi starting with x1 = c1/a11 Progressively substitute through the equations Repeat until tolerance is reached


130 EXAMPLE Given the following augmented matrix, complete one iteration of the Gauss Seidel method.

131 Gauss-Seidel Method convergence criterion
as in previous iterative procedures in finding the roots, we consider the present and previous estimates. As with the open methods we studied previously with one point iterations 1. The method can diverge 2. May converge very slowly

132 Convergence criteria for two linear equations

133 Convergence criteria for two linear equations
Class question: where do these formulas come from?

134 Convergence criteria for two linear equations cont.
Criteria for convergence where presented earlier in class material for nonlinear equations. Noting that x = x1 and y = x2 Substituting the previous equation:

135 Convergence criteria for two linear equations cont.
This is stating that the absolute values of the slopes must be less than unity to ensure convergence. Extended to n equations:

136 Convergence criteria for two linear equations cont.
This condition is sufficient but not necessary; for convergence. When met, the matrix is said to be diagonally dominant.

137 convergence by graphically illustrating Gauss-Seidel
x2 x1 Review the concepts of divergence and convergence by graphically illustrating Gauss-Seidel for two linear equations

138 Note: we are converging on the solution
x2 Note: we are converging on the solution x1

139 This solution is diverging!
x2 Change the order of the equations: i.e. change direction of initial estimates x1 This solution is diverging!

140 Improvement of Convergence Using Relaxation
This is a modification that will enhance slow convergence. After each new value of x is computed, calculate a new value based on a weighted average of the present and previous iteration.

141 Improvement of Convergence Using Relaxation
if l = 1unmodified if 0 < l < underrelaxation nonconvergent systems may converge hasten convergence by dampening out oscillations if 1< l < overrelaxation extra weight is placed on the present value assumption that new value is moving to the correct solution by too slowly

142 Jacobi Iteration Iterative like Gauss Seidel
Gauss-Seidel immediately uses the value of xi in the next equation to predict x i+1 Jacobi calculates all new values of xi’s to calculate a set of new xi values

143 Graphical depiction of difference between Gauss-Seidel and Jacobi

144 EXAMPLE Given the following augmented matrix, complete one iteration of the Gauss Seidel method and the Jacobi method. We worked the Gauss Seidel method earlier


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