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Patrick Dempsey Bridget Fitzpatrick Heather Garber Keith Hout Jong Soo Mok AAE451 Aircraft Design Professor Dominick Andrisani First Flight November 21,

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Presentation on theme: "Patrick Dempsey Bridget Fitzpatrick Heather Garber Keith Hout Jong Soo Mok AAE451 Aircraft Design Professor Dominick Andrisani First Flight November 21,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Patrick Dempsey Bridget Fitzpatrick Heather Garber Keith Hout Jong Soo Mok AAE451 Aircraft Design Professor Dominick Andrisani First Flight November 21, 2000

2 Presentation Overview -Mission & Performance -3-view & aircraft dimensions -Aerodynamics -Stability and Control -Structures -Propulsion -Cost Analysis -Conclusion

3 Mission & Performance Takeoff Climb Cruise & Turn Descent Land -Estimated Values -Takeoff distance: 35.5 ft -Climb angle: 12  -Cruise & Turn: 13 min -Turn rate: 2.45 rad/sec -Constraint Values -MAX. Takeoff distance:120 ft -MIN. Climb angle: 5.5  -MIN. Cruise & Turn: 12 min -MIN. Turn rate: 0.8 rad/sec

4 Mission & Performance -Phase Time Breakdown, Energy & Power Requirement

5 -Text Constraint Diagram

6 Team Orion Aerospace - DIMENSIONS IN FEET

7 Aircraft Dimensions Wing span (b)6.6 ft Chord (c)1.5 ft Wing Area (S)20.0 ft 2 Fuselage length5.9 ft Span h-tail3.2 ft Root chord h-tail1.3 ft Tip chord h-tail0.8 ft L.E. sweep h-tail18.4  Horizontal tail area 3.3 ft 2 ¼ chord sweep h- tail 14.0  Span v-tail1.3 ft Root chord V-tail1.3 ft Tip chord V-tail0.8 ft L.E. sweep V-tail21.0  ¼ chord sweep v-tail10.9  Vertical tail area1.3 ft 2 Incidence wing33 Incidence h-tail00

8 Aerodynamics -Selection of Airfoil for Wing -Selection of Horizontal and Vertical Tail -Lift Curve -Drag Polar -Lift to Drag Ratio vs Angle of Attack -CMARC Analysis

9 Aerodynamics CL  3.93 rad -1 CL  wing 4.10 rad -1 CLo.5242 Cm  -.4235 rad -1 Cmo0.50 CDo.0427 VelocityRe Stall20 ft/s 186279 Cruise25 ft/s 232849 Max30 ft/s 279419

10 -Airfoil Selection: Selig-Donavan 7062 -Low Reynolds Number, Slow Speed Flight -Experimental Data/ Xfoil Analysis -CL vs Alpha Curve, Drag Polar -Ease of Construction -Horizontal and Vertical Tail: Flat Plate Assumption Aerodynamics

11 MethodCL-max Warner1.25 Roskam1.48 Average1.37 2-D1.53

12 Aerodynamics PhaseAngle of AttackCL Climb4.0 .75 Cruise3.0 .70 Turn5.2 .84 Stall9.0  1.3

13 Aerodynamic Effectiveness of the control surfaces -Rudder Effectiveness: 60% -Elevator Effectiveness: 60% -Aileron Effectiveness: 30% Effectiveness determined from Roskam’s Flight Dynamics and Controls

14 CMARC Analysis

15 Stability and Control  Feedback Loop Description  Static Margin, CG, and Aerodynamic Center  Control Surface and Tail Sizing  Horizontal and Vertical Tail Size Verification  Trim Diagram  Pertinent Static Stability Derivatives and Comparison

16 Loop Closure Description TX RX Servo Aircraft Pitch Rate Gyro Pilot +/ - ? + Servo converts voltage to elevator deflection Pilot inputs elevator command Sign of feedback gain is chosen to stabilize or destabilize the mode  Rate feedback in the pitch axis  Vary the stability of the short period mode  Block Diagram

17 Static Margin, CG, and Aerodynamic Center Static Margin Desired is 10% Past 451 final reports agree that 10-15% is an agreeable range for model aircraft Pick toward lower end of range to help with trimming Pick desired Static Margin and place internal equipment to obtain the CG that gives this Static Margin X LE X CG X NP X ACHT Distances in ft

18 Sizing of Control Surfaces And Tails Historical Methods (as described in Raymer’s Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach) Control Surfaces Guidelines Ailerons: 15-25% chord and 50–90% span Elevators: 25–50% chord and ~90% span Rudders: 25–50% chord and ~90% span Selected: Ailerons: 15% chord and full span Elevators: 40% chord and full span Rudder: 40% chord and full span Tails Sized using the Tail Volume coefficient method Horizontal Tail Volume Coefficient = 0.45 Vertical Tail Volume Coefficient = 0.04 Coefficients based on old 451 Air designs V-tailH-tail Span(ft)1.33.2 AvgChord(ft)1.01.1 Aspect Ratio1.303.00 Taper Ratio0.6 LE Sweep (deg) 21.018.4 Dihedral (deg) 0.0 Planform Area (ft 2 ) 1.33.3

19 Analysis Of Tails -Horizontal Tail

20 -Vertical Tail -“Weathercock” Stability Criterion Analysis Of Tails (Dr. Roskam’s Airplane Design Series)

21 Trim Diagram -Text

22 Trim Diagram

23 Static Stability Derivative Comparison SID-5Cessna 172 MPX5 -0.40-0.89-1.13 -0.81-1.28-1.15 -0.08-0.07-0.11 All units are rad -1 Note: The MPX5 is a model aircraft designed by Mark Peters for his thesis, “Development of a Light Unmanned Aircraft for the Determination of Flying Qualities Requirements”, May 1996.

24 Structures Overview -Basic layout of the wing -Structures matlab code -Material properties -Equipment layout -Weight breakdown -Landing gear analysis

25 Basic Layout of Wing Spar -Located at the 1/4 chord Sparcaps -Spruce -1/8” x 1/8” x 6.6’ Shearweb -Balsa -1.5” x 1/16” x 6.6’ Ribs -Balsa -Spaced every 3 inches from tip -Include lightening holes Added balsa at leading and trailing edge

26 Geometric Layout of rib Typical rib section

27 Material Properties Table taken from Spring ’99 AAE 451 report (Team WTA) -Normal Stress (at spar caps) = 2750psi

28 Internal equipment layout EquipmentVolume(in 3 ) Gear box 3 x 1.5 x 1 Motor2.25 x 1.5 Speed Controller1.5 x 1.25 x 1 Receiver 1.75 x 1.25 x 0.75 Gyro 1.5 x 1.25 x 1.25 Data Recorder 1.75 x 2.25 x 3.25 Battery(18) 2 x 1 x 1 Servo 1.5 x 1.25 x 0.75 Interface 1.25 x 3.5 x 5.75

29 Weight Breakdown Wing42.0 (oz) Tail9.5 (oz) Fuselage11.0 (oz) Misc9.8 (oz) Receiver1.0(oz) Speed controller3.0(oz) Gyro3.5(oz) Tattletail815.0(oz) Motor7.5(oz) Gearbox1.5(oz) Propeller1.0(oz) Servo(4)2.0(oz) Cell weight(18)2.8(oz) Total Weight SID5 = 163.2 (oz), 10.2(lbs)

30 Landing Gear -Conventional taildragger landing gear Method for sizing and placement of landing gear Figure 11.4 Raymer -Lateral separation angle of 37.7  -Located 1.2’ from nose 0.6” in front of the leading edge

31 Propulsion -Constraint Values for Propulsion Design -Motor Selection -Propeller Selection -Speed Controller Selection -Gearbox Selection -Battery Sizing & Energy Balance

32 Propulsion Constraint Values for Propulsion Design -From Sizing Codes -Maximum Thrust Required = Climb Thrust = 3.35 lbf -Maximum Power Required into Air =109 Watts -Endurance Time= 13.3 minutes -Maximum Available Energy = 2592 Watts-Min. With 18 Battery Cells of Sanyo 2000mAh, 1.2 Volts.

33 Propulsion Motor Selection -Tool : Modified Motor Code provided by Prof. Andrisani -Criteria : High Efficiency, High Power at Low Current

34 Propulsion Propeller Selection -Tool:Modified Gold Code provided by Prof. Andrisani -Criteria: High Efficiency, Low Power Usage, High Thrust at 25 ft/sec.

35 Propulsion Gearbox and Speed Controller Selection -Tool: Modified Motor Code provided by Prof. Andrisani -Criteria: Minimum Power dissipated by Controller, High Efficiency, Low RPM

36 Propulsion 3 Choices to Final Propulsion Design Consideration -Common Features: Maxcim N32-13Y Motor, Maxµ35B-21 S.C. -Choice 1: 14X8 Propeller, 3.53 Gear Ratio -Choice 2: 14X8 Propeller, 3.75 Gear Ratio -Choice 3: 14X10 Propeller, 4 Gear Ratio

37 Propulsion Battery Sizing & Energy Balance -Tool: Modified Motor Code provided by Prof. Andrisani & Iteration procedure to match Battery Size -Criteria: Minimum Number of Battery Cells, Minimum Energy Usage -Choice 2: Maxcim N32-13Y Motor, Maxµ35B-21 S.C, 14X8 Propeller, 3.75 Gear Ratio, 18 Battery Cells

38 Cost Analysis -Wing Test Materials ~ $90 -SID5 Materials ~ $189.89 -Man Hours (estimate) ~ 2300 -Labor ($150/hour) ~ $345,000

39 Price Breakdown of SID5

40 conclusion Remaining Tasks Aerodynamics -Improve CMARC Model Stability & Control -Need transfer functions for Rate Gyro and Servo. -Determine transfer function for the entire control loop and pick a suitable gain Structures -Torsion and Loading Tests of sample wing panel to verify Aircraft Durability Propulsion -Test for Propeller and Motor to verify the results from the codes

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