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Another example on force due to a uniform line charge A rod of length L has a total charge Q smeared uniformly over it. A test charge q is a distance.

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Presentation on theme: "Another example on force due to a uniform line charge A rod of length L has a total charge Q smeared uniformly over it. A test charge q is a distance."— Presentation transcript:


2 Another example on force due to a uniform line charge A rod of length L has a total charge Q smeared uniformly over it. A test charge q is a distance a away from the rod’s midpoint. What is the force that the rod exerts on the test charge?

3 The electric field y x has the same direction as

4 Michael Faraday 1791-1867 “The best experimentalist in the history of science”

5 Electric field lines These are fictitious lines we sketch which point in the direction of the electric field. 1) The direction of at any point is tangent to the line of force at that point. 2) The density of lines of force in any region is proportional to the magnitude of in that region Lines never cross.



8 How to calculate ? 1) Put a “test charge” at some point and do not allow it to move any other charges 2) Calculate the electric force on and divide by to obtain The force that N charges exert on a test charge :

9 We also calculated the force that a blob of charged material with charge density exerts on a test charge: We wrote the similar formulas if the charge is smeared out over a surface with surface density, or over a line with line density. In all of these cases, the force ends up proportional to the test charge. We might factor it out. This is the electric field!

10 (N point charges) (Charge continuum) Given an electric field, we can calculate force exerted on some point charge :

11 Van de Graaff generator

12 Have a great day! Please don’t forget your pictures Hw: All Chapter 2 problems and exercises Reading: Chapter 2

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