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Lecture 5: In the Beginning: Radiometric Dating 1.The Age of the Earth 2.Radiometric dating - early chronology.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 5: In the Beginning: Radiometric Dating 1.The Age of the Earth 2.Radiometric dating - early chronology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 5: In the Beginning: Radiometric Dating 1.The Age of the Earth 2.Radiometric dating - early chronology

2 Meteorites - the stories they tell The Meteorite “Allende” (fell in 1969, Mexico) is ~30 Ma older than the Earth, and has isotopes from a Supernova that exploded ~4.60 Ga ago !

3 The Oldest Rocks on Earth The age of our Sun Sun’s age = 4 560 million years (= 4.56 Ga) helioseismology The age of our Earth Earth’s age = 4 530 million years radiometric dating of rocks

4 The Formation of the Earth Precise timeline of early events.


6 Radiometric Dating Radioactive 40 K decays to 40 Ar. Half-life: 1.25 Ga.

7 The Periodic Table

8 Radiometric Dating

9 Radioactive 238 U decays to 206 Pb. Half-life: 4.5 Ga.

10 Radiometric Dating This zircon is 3.458 Ga old, and so are the rocks in which it was.

11 Main points to take home: 1) The Earth formed ~30 Myr after the Sun, about 4 530 Myr ago 2)Radioactive decay - a reliable chronometer.

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