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Multimedia Web Components VRML. Introduction to VRML Case sensitive Most easy technique to provide interactive 3D environment in Web Required special.

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Presentation on theme: "Multimedia Web Components VRML. Introduction to VRML Case sensitive Most easy technique to provide interactive 3D environment in Web Required special."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multimedia Web Components VRML

2 Introduction to VRML Case sensitive Most easy technique to provide interactive 3D environment in Web Required special plug-ins in browser Example of plug-ins: Cortona, Cosmo Player

3 VRML Version VRML 1.0 (Silicon Graphics, Inc. and based on Open Inventor file format) VRML 2.0 (SGI, Sony Research, Mitra, and many others) VRML 97 (Dec 1997 – International Standard adopted and endorsed by many companies and individuals)

4 Structure & Basic Concept of VRML Script (VRML 2.0) #VRML V2.0 utf8 primitive objects object appearance (color, material) grouping objects object transformation animation script Each object types presented as a node Each node can exist as one entity, as a group or attribute for other nodes

5 Primitive Object Represented using node: Shape Basic Structure: Shape { geometry primitive_object_type } Types/nodes of primitive object: Box {} Cone {} Cylinder {} Sphere {}

6 Primitive Object Attributes Boxsize x y z Coneheight y bottomRadius r Cylinderheight y radius r Sphereradius r Example: Shape { geometry Box { size 1.0 3.0 1.0 } }

7 Object Material Using node: Appearance Script syntax: appearance Appearance { material Material { attributes }

8 Object Material Possible attribute for material diffuseColor R G B emissiveColor R G B Transparency t Possible values for R, G, B and t is from 0 to 1

9 Object Transformation Basic syntax: Transform { types_of_transformation x y z children [ Shape { primitive_objects } ] } Types of transformation: translation rotation scale

10 Transformation Attributes translation x y z rotation x y z r scale x y z For rotation: x, y & z determine the rotation axis and r is a degree of rotation in radians Radians values: r =  *  /180

11 Example of VRML Script #VRML V2.0 utf8 Transform { rotation 1 1 0 0.785 children [ Shape { geometry Box { size 1 1 1 } appearance Appearance { material Material { diffuseColor 1 0 0 } ] }

12 Viewing VRML Object Open (*.wrl) directly using browser Through HTML Document <EMBED SRC="*.wrl" WIDTH=320 HEIGHT=240... param_name=param_value >

13 Viewing VRML Object param_name=param_value is the control value for the VRML plug-ins Example (Cortona VRML Client): VRML_SPLASHSCREEN="FALSE" VRML_DASHBOARD="FALSE" VRML_BACKGROUND_COLOR="#CDCDCD" CONTEXTMENU="FALSE"

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