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2010 Olin Student Projects Keith Gendreau 301-286-6188 Fred Huegel 301-286-2285 Kurt Rush

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Presentation on theme: "2010 Olin Student Projects Keith Gendreau 301-286-6188 Fred Huegel 301-286-2285 Kurt Rush"— Presentation transcript:

1 2010 Olin Student Projects Keith Gendreau 301-286-6188 Fred Huegel 301-286-2285 Kurt Rush 301-286-1196 Bob Baker 301.286.9882

2 Olin student Project #2: Modulated X-ray Source Controller Our new modulated X-ray source uses UV light to generate photoelectrons which are accelerated into high voltage targets to make X-rays We like to have absolute control of the X-ray flux, which is driven by absolute control of the UV light (from LEDs) Olin student project: build an X-ray source electronics box which –provides HV –Drives UV LED with arbitrary flux output –Measures currents, temperatures –Is USB controlled with PC or mac software

3 Characteristics: Rugged- no moving parts or fragile filaments- perfect for space flight. Modulates x-rays at same rate that one can modulate an LED Major NASA Uses: Timing Calibration A “flagged” in-flight Gain Calibration Source: Have calibration photons only when you want them and increase your sensitivity by reducing the background associated with the calibration photons The World’s First Fully Controllable Modulated X-ray Source

4 This has evolved to include an electron multiplier LED HV for Target (~5-10 kV) HV for Electron Multiplier (~2-3 kV

5 1 st Magnum Multiplier MXS Multiplier HV Electron Target HV Be Window AMPTEK Detector Electron Target HV Multiplier HV

6 Output of AMPTEK Detector Pulses Modulating X-ray Output Some 1 st Data

7 Block Diagram Computer “Smarts” USB LED LED Driver HV Multiplier (DC/DC Converter) HV Target (DC/DC Converter) Source (provided by GSFC

8 Commands from computer HV target voltage (0-10 kV) –Use EMCO Q series dc/dc converter with a dac and transistor follower HV multiplier voltage (0-3 kV) –Use EMCO Q series dc/dc converter with a dac and transistor follower Arbitrary LED flux as a function of time –Asci file? Pulsed LED flux –Frequency, duty cycle or width, amplitude Query for housekeeping

9 House Keeping Items LED current (average, max) LED temperature (necessary?) HV current (or atleast current and voltage into various DC/DC converters)

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