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MITRE Dialog Management Workshop – a review Dan Bohus Dialogs on Dialogs reading group CMU, November 2003
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop The Workshop MITRE Dialog Workshop @ MITRE, Bedford/Boston October 27-28, 2003 Idea Bring together researchers working on dialog management Give them a homework Adapt you dialog manager to a medical diagnosis domain (details in a sec) Discuss, compare, learn workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop The Homework Implement a dialog system for the medical diagnosis domain Task left open-ended (diagnosis, tutoring, etc) No speech, just text in and out Backend provided backend.docbackend.doc Java version and web-based interface version 3 diseases: malaria, coccidioidomycosis, another one List of symptoms: headache, nausea, muscle pain, etc. Decision tree involving symptoms and tests (fever, blood tests, travel patterns, etc) Small enough to presumably not be lots of work, but large enough to allow illustration of functionalities, and provide some skeleton to the discussions… workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop Participants MITRE (Carl Burke et al) MiDiKi Gothenburg (Staffan Larsson) GoDiS (TRINDIKit) USC ICT (David Traum) ICT Dialogue Manager NTT/CMU (Matthias Denecke) Ariadne CMU (Dan, Alex) RavenClaw Ames (Beth-Ann Hockey) NASA Dialogue Manager DFKI (Norbert Reithinger) DFKI Dialogue Manager MERL (Candy Sidner, Charles Rich) COLLAGEN … and others invited but not present workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop GoDiS workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop GoDiS TRINDIKit – information state update dialogue management toolkit Information state Private: dialog plan, beliefs, agenda (short term goals) Shared: established facts, QUD, last utterance information Dialog moves Update rules GoDiS: dialog management system implemented in TRINDIKit, handing: information oriented dialogue action oriented dialogue workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop TRINDIKit / GoDiS architecture input inter- pret TIS DEVICES LEXICON DOMAIN backend interface control update select gene- rate output lexicon domain knowledge DME Dialog plans Ontology Connectio n to Java Backend workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop GoDiS: Task Representation Plans; propositional logic Dialogue plans for dealing with diagnosis (issues opened at dialogue start) ?x.disease(x): ”which disease is diagnosed?” ?confirmed_by_interview: ”Is the diagnosis confirmed by additional information?” ?confirmed_by_tests: ”Is the diagnosis confirmed by medical tests?” Additional plans ? ”What information is there about a given disease?” ?x.treatment(x): ”What treatment is there for a given disease?” workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop GoDiS: Alternate Tasks User-driven dialogue (implemented) Not load issues when resetting; user has to raise all issues User can ask system to Provide a diagnosis Confirm whether user has given disease Decision trees as dialogue plans Move backend knowledge into dialogue plans Information conversion could be done automatically Separate genre: expert system dialogue Add special purpose update rules Dynamic dialogue planning by expert workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop GoDiS: Highlights / Lowlights Highlights: Reuse, you get for free: Grounding Accomodation / plan recognition Multiple simultaneous issues & info sharing High-level abstraction for dialog plans Rapid prototyping Lowlights Not used in this type of domain so far, so not entirely straight-forward (update rule changes) Dynamic dialog plans (backend decides) workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop GoDiS RavenClaw workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop RavenClaw Captures all domain-specific dialog (task) logic with a hierarchical description The authoring effort is focused entirely here Dialog Task (Specification) Domain-independent Dialog Engine Manages dialog by executing the dialog task specification Provides domain-independent conversational strategies workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop RavenClaw Architecture Dialog Stack Madeleine E:LoadSymptomsGeneralFeel R:HowAreYou?I:GladI:Sorry Diagnose FeverTravel R:AskFeverE:MeasureTempI:InformFever I:Welcome Expectation Agenda general_feeling chart have_fever diagnostic workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop RavenClaw Architecture Dialog Stack Madeleine E:LoadSymptomsGeneralFeel R:HowAreYou?I:GladI:Sorry Diagnose FeverTravel R:AskFeverE:MeasureTempI:InformFever I:Welcome Expectation Agenda general_feeling chart have_fever diagnostic workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop RavenClaw Architecture Dialog Stack Madeleine Welcome Madeleine E:LoadSymptomsGeneralFeel R:HowAreYou?I:GladI:Sorry Diagnose FeverTravel R:AskFeverE:MeasureTempI:InformFever I:Welcome Expectation Agenda general_feeling chart have_fever diagnostic workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop RavenClaw Architecture Dialog Stack Madeleine Hi, this is Madeleine, the automated… Madeleine E:LoadSymptomsGeneralFeel R:HowAreYou?I:GladI:Sorry Diagnose FeverTravel R:AskFeverE:MeasureTempI:InformFever I:Welcome Expectation Agenda general_feeling chart have_fever diagnostic workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop RavenClaw Architecture Dialog Stack Madeleine Hi, this is Madeleine, the automated… Madeleine E:LoadSymptomsGeneralFeel R:HowAreYou?I:GladI:Sorry Diagnose FeverTravel R:AskFeverE:MeasureTempI:InformFever I:Welcome LoadSymptoms R:HeadacheR: Expectation Agenda general_feeling chart have_fever diagnostic headache workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop RavenClaw Architecture Dialog Stack Madeleine Hi, this is Madeleine, the automated… Madeleine E:LoadSymptomsGeneralFeel R:HowAreYou?I:GladI:Sorry Diagnose FeverTravel R:AskFeverE:MeasureTempI:InformFever I:Welcome R:HeadacheR: Expectation Agenda general_feeling chart have_fever diagnostic headache workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop RavenClaw Architecture Dialog Stack Madeleine Hi, this is Madeleine, the automated… Madeleine E:LoadSymptomsGeneralFeel R:HowAreYou?I:GladI:Sorry Diagnose FeverTravel R:AskFeverE:MeasureTempI:InformFever I:Welcome R:HeadacheR: GeneralFeel Expectation Agenda general_feeling chart have_fever diagnostic headache workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop RavenClaw Architecture Dialog Stack Madeleine Hi, this is Madeleine, the automated… Madeleine E:LoadSymptomsGeneralFeel R:HowAreYou?I:GladI:Sorry Diagnose FeverTravel R:AskFeverE:MeasureTempI:InformFever I:Welcome R:HeadacheR: GeneralFeel How are you feeling today? general_feeling chart have_fever diagnostic HowAreYou Expectation Agenda general_feeling: [good], [bad], [soso] GeneralFeel I:GladI:Sorry Not so good, I think I have a fever [soso](not so good) [fever](I think I have a fever) headache GeneralFeel workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop Illustrated Features Dynamic generation of dialog task structure Symptoms loaded from backend, appropriate structures to “talk about them” created on-the-fly New symptoms – no DM changes Dynamic dialog control policy The order in which symptoms are addressed is controlled by the backend Conversational skills workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop Illustrated Features Dynamic generation of dialog task structure Symptoms loaded from backend, appropriate structures to “talk about them” created on-the-fly New symptoms – no DM changes Dynamic dialog control policy The order in which symptoms are addressed is controlled by the backend Conversational skills workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop Dynamic Dialog Control … Dialog Stack Madeleine Hi, this is Madeleine, the automated… How are you today? Not so good, I think I have a headache Sorry to hear you’re not feeling so good, Tell me more about your symptoms… Do you have abdominal pain? Madeleine E:LoadSymptomsGeneralFeel R:HowAreYou?I:GladI:Sorry Diagnose FeverTravel R:AskFeverE:MeasureTempI:InformFever I:Welcome R:HeadacheR: Diagnose Expectation Agenda general_feeling chart have_fever diagnostic headache Backend Decision Tree workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop Illustrated Features Dynamic generation of dialog task structure Symptoms loaded from backend, appropriate structures to “talk about them” created on-the-fly New symptoms – no DM changes Dynamic dialog control policy The order in which symptoms are addressed is controlled by the backend Conversational skills workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop Conversational Skills Corresponding agencies added automatically to the dialog task tree Help What Can I Say? Repeat Suspend / Resume Start Over Timeout handling (not illustrated) Still need all the language generation prompts and grammar, but some of those are develop-once, too workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop RavenClaw Conclusion Highlights Set task posed no challenges to the framework Easy to implement Dynamic dialog structure and control Automatic use of domain-independent conversational skills Lowlights? Toolkit perspective: how easy would it be for someone else to build it? Asynchronous behaviors? (timing) Couple of bugs / fixes (or is that a highlight?) workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop GoDiS Collagen workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop COLLAGEN Collaborative Interface Agent communicate interact observe plan tree focus stack * Collagen workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop COLLAGEN Systems air travel planning email reading and responding (w. IBM/Lotus) GUI design tool operation car navigation system operation airport landing path planning (w. MITRE) gas turbine operator training (w. USC/ISI) personal video recorder operation programmable thermostat operation (with Delft U.) multi-modal web-based form-filling workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop Collagen: Theory and Implementation Intentional purposes, contributes Linguistic segments, lexical items Attentional focus spaces, focus stack SharedPlan Discourse Theory (Grosz, Sidner, Kraus, Lochbaum 1974-1998) Java Implementation focus stack purpose tree workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop Collagen: Discourse Segments and Purposes (Grosz, 1974) E: Replace the pump and belt please. A: Ok, I found a belt in the back. A: Is that where it should be? A: [removes belt] A: It’s done. E: Now remove the pump. … E: First you have to remove the flywheel. … E: Now take the pump off the base plate. A: Already did. replace belt replace pump replace pump and belt (fixing an air compressor, E = expert, A = apprentice) workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop Discourse state representation E: Replace the pump and belt please. A: Ok, I found a belt in the back. A: Is that where it should be? A: [removes belt] A: It’s done Focus Stack replace belt replace pump and belt Purpose Tree replace pump and belt replace pumpreplace belt current focus space (Grosz & Sidner, 1986) replace belt replace pump and belt workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop Discourse interpretation algorithm (Lochbaum, 1998) starts a new segment/focus space (push) ends the current segment/focus space (pop) continues (contributes to) the current segment/... (add) The current (communication or manipulation) act either: focus stack directly achieves the purpose is a step in the plan for the purpose * identifies the recipe used to achieve the purpose identifies who should perform the purpose or a step in the plan identifies a parameter of the purpose or a step in the plan An act contributes to the purpose of a segment if it: purpose tree * does not include recursive plan recognition (see later topic) workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop COLLAGEN … my take Separation of task from dialog/discourse engine Recipes / Domain plans / Task tree Full-blown HTN Hierarchical Preconditions (constraints) Effects Completion / failure Live nodes Stack to keep track of focus and discourse structure Tree explicitly contains agent and user nodes Formalized / descriptive recipe specs (actually Java underneath), with procedure overwrites… workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop GoDiS Themes … workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop Themes: Task Representation Task representation Separation of task representation from dialog engine High-level representations of task Descriptive rather than procedural Procedural will be unavoidable for complex tasks Expressive power GoDiS, RavenClaw, Collagen: plan based representations of task workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop Themes: Task/Domain/Gendre The notion of dialog gendre Tutoring Diagnosis Information Access Where to fold it in a dialog manager? GoDiS: update/select rules Ariadne: plugins RavenClaw: collapsed with task How clear is that separation: task vs. gendre? workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop Themes: Development time Systems took on the order of 3-5 days to develop Significant effort in the backend connection Some sites shortcut it Significant effort in grammar/language generation development Some sites shortcut it Everyone that had an implementation: “fixed a couple of bugs, but no major changes required” workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop Themes: Development tools Regression testing (GoDiS) Systems are complex. Change something in a dialog management framework, can you prove that it did not screw up things that used to work? System-wise, very intractable Component-wise, maybe: i.e. DM with DM inputs/outputs System diagnosis / log visualization tools (Collagen) workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop Themes: Timing (Micro)timing unaddressed Turn-taking models in general, very rudimentary Asynchronous behaviors Could be accomplished, but no-one seemed to have it Multi-party conversation unaddressed workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop Themes: the important problems Different people have different views of what those are: Plan / Intention recognition Reference resolution Backup in complex systems Tense problems Negations Grounding; error prevention / recovery workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop Themes: Reasoning Dialog Managers vs Backends Where to draw the line? Who does the reasoning? Can we avoid duplicating it? How rich is the interaction between them? Dialog systems - use language to act in a domain, so they are generally strongly tied Basic set of conversational skills can be identified Drawing that line is still an “art”, no general agreement or solutions exist workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
MITRE Dialog Management Workshop Themes: Science of Dialog? How much science do we have? Theory vs. experiment Interesting Collagen / RavenClaw similarities Representation or not? GUI analogy Do we have the checkboxes and radio-buttons? workshop : godis : ravenclaw : collagen : themes
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