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1 Generations Together in Portsmouth

2 2 Portsmouth is a vibrant waterfront city with a unique is completely surrounded by water! It is the home of the Royal Navy, the Gunwharf development, the Historic Dockyard, passenger and car ferries, fishing businesses and Spinnaker Tower. Generations Together is based on this nautical theme. Portsmouth….

3 3 Themes… Generations Together in Portsmouth is split in to 3 main themes… Tall Ships Challenge ‘Hand in Hand’ Intergenerational Fund 3 Flagship Initiatives Supported by the programme launch in May 2010 and celebration even in March 2011.

4 4 Tall Ships Challenge Invitation to 24 Portsmouth residents, aged between 18 and 75 to take part in a 6 day and night voyage upon 2 of the Tall Ships Trust Challenger Yachts. Interaction between the age groups by pairing up to achieve goals. Additional evaluations were completed via on board blogs, video diaries and observations of intergenerational activities and involvement i.e. generational quizzes.

5 Tall Ships Challenge

6 6 ‘Hand in Hand’... This is a grant programme for voluntary organisations. This programme funds new and expansion of existing intergenerational work. Opportunity to map out what intergenerational work is currently happening within Portsmouth. Encourage voluntary organisations representing different generational groups to work together (i.e. scouts groups and Help the Aged). Opportunity to build on existing, and create new relationships with voluntary organisations.

7 7 Through a panel of supporting partners and younger and older people, 11 voluntary projects were selected under the following headings of Active Pursuits, Learning Together, Perceptions of Crime and Caring ‘Hand in Hand’... Example Read For Life –The Aims are to improve children’s reading and self esteem. For the older generation it will aid them in understanding the difficulties some children face when reading and give them a sense of community purpose.

8 8 Flag Ship Themes… 2012 Olympic Intergenerational Active Pursuits – to promote healthy lifestyles and physical activity as we approach the Olympics. Further sailing events Intergenerational Learning Through Skill Sharing – younger and older people sharing skills that mutually benefit each other. Intergenerational Games Sessions Broadening Intergenerational Horizons – to encourage increased dignity and caring in the community. Intergenerational Singing Groups

9 Intergenerational Singing Groups Working with our Arts and Cultural Development Service, we recruited the Portsmouth Music Service to develop: Portsmouth Sings! Developed taster sessions with groups throughout the city to generate interest and participation e.g. –the Portsmouth Foyer/All Saints Hostel for young people –Age Concern/City Council Residential Homes Create up to eight intergenerational singing groups throughout the city of Portsmouth, ensuring a city-wide spread


11 Singing Groups within Portsmouth

12 Portsmouth Sings! Free intergenerational groups, easy access with an opportunity for meaningful interaction through music and song! –Age Concern & Goldsmith Junior School –Portsmouth City Council Staff Singing Group Building on existing intergenerational work being done in the city i.e. –Fratton Live @ Home Project and City Girls School

13 13 Thank you

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