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Description of BTeV detector Jianchun Wang Syracuse University Representing The BTeV Collaboration DPF 2000 Aug 9 - 12, 2000 Columbus, Ohio
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang2 Introduction BTeV: dedicated beauty and charm experiment at pp collider at Fermilab Physics goal: mixing, CP violation, rare decays of b- and c- hadrons Accurately determine Standard Model parameters Search for physics beyond Standard Model
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang3 Characteristics of b Production at Tevatron
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang4 A Forward Detector at pp Collider The higher momentum b are at larger b production angle b production peaks at large angles with large bb correlation Pseudo-rapidity BTeV detector covers forward region, 10-300 mrad
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang5 High background ( b / tot ~ 1/500 ), large data rate ( 1kHz ) to be recorded Detached vertex trigger and background rejection Deadtimeless trigger and DAQ system Background from real b event can overwhelm “rare” processes Excellent particle identification Radiation hard detector components Main Challenges
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang6 The C0 Interaction Region C0 collision Hall ( 9 m x 24 m ) C0 Assembly Building
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang7 The BTeV Detector Pixel Vertex Detector Dipole Magnet Magnet Coil Beam Pipe Forward tracking RICH PbWO 4 EM calorimeter Muon Toroid
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang8 The Pixel Detector Function: Deliver clean, precise space points to detached vertex trigger Provide vertex information for offline analysis Pixel sensor Eliminate ambiguity problems with high track density (essential to the detached vertex trigger) Radiation hard, low noise Easy pattern recognition Pixels size: 50 m 400 m (total 3 10 7 channels) Elevation View 10 of 31 Doublet stations 5mm
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang9 Silicon Pixel Detector FPIX2 Readout Chip 3-bit analog readout Noise ~ 100 e 0.25 m CMOS process Pixel sensor Size: 50 400 m 2 Thickness: 250 m Type: n + np +
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang10 Support and Cooling Carbon composite structures include integrated cooling tubes ( by ESLI) Shingled surface, allow the multichip assemblies to overlap Movable structure, adjustable distance between the sensor and the beam Light mass material ( ~ 0.9 % X 0 includes the detector)
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang11 Pixel Test Beam Results 280 m thick detector bump bonded to custom made electronics chip developed at Fermilab Excellent resolution ( requirement: 9 m ) Diamond target test, track density higher than BTeV
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang12 Decay Time Resolution Decay length (from primary vertex to secondary vertex) = c = 480 m p B /m B (2700 m at p B = 30 GeV) Excellent resolution ( L 75 m at p B = 30 GeV) –Reduces background –Allows detached vertex trigger Smallest error near peak (30GeV) p B (GeV) L (cm) B P B distribution Decay length error
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang13 Detached Vertex Trigger State efficiency(%) State efficiency(%) B + - 63 B o K + - 63 B s D s K 71 B o J/ K s 50 B - D o K - 70 B s J/ K * 68 B - K s - 27 B o o o Idea: finds the primary vertex, selects events that have additional tracks miss it Requirement: at least 2 tracks detached by more than 6 1% minimum bias Efficiency: (after the other analyses cuts)
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang14 Forward Tracking System Major functions: Improve P measurement combined with pixel system Reconstruct and measure all parameters for tracks outside the acceptance of pixel system Project tracks into downstream detectors Provide information for level 2 trigger Combination of straw-tube chambers and silicon strips (along the beam line, 7 station per arm) Straw-tube (4mm diameter, x ~ 150 m): small cell for large chamber, no heavy frame near the beam Silicon strip (100 m pitch, x ~ 29 m): near the beam, handle high track density Momentum resolution ( 0.4% - 0.9% )
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang15 Ring Imaging CHerenkov Goal: /K/p separation from 3 - 70 GeV/c Radiators: freon, aerogel (~ 4cm thick) Photon detector: hybrid photodiodes (HPD)
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang16 Hybrid Photo Diode e Silicon diode Pins to readout chip window with a photo-cathode at -20 kV Electrostatic acceleration and focusing of a photo-electron on a silicon diode Large active area ( ~ 80%), hexagonal close packed, no lens system needed 163 channels, manufactured by DEP Large HV (20kV) but no current draw
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang17 Particle Identification Rings from B o + - High efficiency with excellent rejection
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang18 The PbWO 4 EM Calorimeter Goal: Reconstruction of (B , etc), identification of electron Excellent resolution, radiation hard PbWO 4 crystal Radiation hard Scintillation is fast, 99% of light emitted < 100 ns Lateral size: 25.4 25.4 mm 2 (front), 26 26 mm 2 (back) Length 22 cm (25 X 0 ) Photo-multiplier tube (PMT) readout (no magnetic field) Projective geometry, covers up to 210 mrad (reduce cost) Total of 2 11,850 crystals needed
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang19 Expected Resolution M (GeV) 0 at 10 GeV M =2.6MeV E / E = 0.77% B K* Excellent Resolution:
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang20 Expected Efficiency High rate at small radius resolution and efficiency degrade About 80% efficiency at large radius B K*
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang21 The Muon Detector Goals: Muon Identification Trigger on di-muons in level 1, Provides a method of checking detached vertex triggering efficiency Design: Two Toroids with three sets of position detectors Toroid: 1 m thick, 1.5 Tesla, absorb hadron, deflect track position detectors: 1 between toroids, two downstream To beam center BB BB
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang22 The Muon Position Detector Planks of 3/8" diameter stainless steel proportional tubes Eight overlapping pie shaped octants Four views (r, u, v, r) p / p= 19% 0.6% p r v u
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang23 DAQ Scheme See Paul Lebrun’s talk 7.6MHz crossing rate 2 - 4 kHz 40 KB/event
DPF 2000Jianchun (JC) Wang24 The Status of BTeV BTeV submitted a preliminary technical design report in May of 1999 and a full proposal in May of 2000 BTeV is an approved experiment, Fermilab E897 More information can be found at
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