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1 “Next Generation Optical Network” José Manoel Duarte Mendes Tania Regina Tronco Fundação CPqD.

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Presentation on theme: "1 “Next Generation Optical Network” José Manoel Duarte Mendes Tania Regina Tronco Fundação CPqD."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 “Next Generation Optical Network” José Manoel Duarte Mendes Tania Regina Tronco Fundação CPqD

2 2 “Next Generation Optical Network” Main objectives –To define requirements, scenarios and architecture for core and metro optical networks; –To study advanced traffic engineering and resilience techniques; –To specify and to implement a traffic engineering algorithm; –To realize traffic engineering algorithm performance and scalability tests.

3 3 -Architectures reducing OPEX/CAPEX and providing revenues opportunities through new network services; -Fast automatic provisioning; -Automatic Network Discovery; -Separation of service management/control from the underlying multi-service network; -Efficient and standard management and control solutions for end- to-end network services; -Multi-vendor interoperability; -Multi-layer Traffic Engineering; -Multi-layer Survivability. Network requirements source:

4 4 Network Scenario Network architectures –ASON/GMPLS

5 5 IP MPLS LOVC HOVC ODUk (k=1, 2, 3) OCh OTN SDH ATM VC Ethernet MAC ATM VP VC3 VC2VC12VC11 VC3 VC4 -4c VC4 -16c VC4 -64c VC4 -256c Domains Interoperability Layers Interworking GMPLS Network Layers IP/Optics source:

6 6 Control Plane Topology Discovery Routing/ Traffic Engineering Signalling Topology Discovery Routing/ Traffic Engineering Signalling Management Plane FCAPS Functionalities Research objective

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