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Handling Upset Customers. Objective Participant will be able to apply one of two techniques for handling upset customers 50% of the time.

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Presentation on theme: "Handling Upset Customers. Objective Participant will be able to apply one of two techniques for handling upset customers 50% of the time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Handling Upset Customers

2 Objective Participant will be able to apply one of two techniques for handling upset customers 50% of the time

3 Unmet Expectations Misunderstanding Tired, Frustrated, or Outside Stresses Embarrassment Discourteous service Reasons for Being Upset

4 Acknowledge Sympathize Accept Prepare A.S.A.P. Technique

5 Validation Express understanding Two Minute Technique

6 Listen to the customer Take complaint seriously Treat customer with respect Immediate action Resources Helpful Tips

7 References Irate Caller 2.0, Telephone Doctor, Inc., 2000 ASTD Communication Skills (Orey and Prisk 2004)

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