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Dick McDonald Risk April 16, 2007 1 LCLS Conventional Facilities Dick McDonald Deputy Systems Manager.

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1 Dick McDonald Risk April 16, 2007 1 LCLS Conventional Facilities Dick McDonald Deputy Systems Manager

2 Dick McDonald Risk April 16, 2007 2 RISK REGISTRY RISKS Inherent component of construction Continually evaluated Monitored and controlled Consequences minimized

3 Dick McDonald Risk April 16, 2007 3 Risk Registry Risk Registry Updated April 11, 2007 Each risk re-evaluated based on current conditions and knowledge Some risks retired New risks added Other risks modified as needed

4 Dick McDonald Risk April 16, 2007 4 Risk Registry If the average tunneling rate, using road header boring, is not maintained … Then the tunneling will experience a schedule delay and impact the overall schedule of beneficial occupancy milestones PROABILITY 10% COST IMPACT $2,000,000 CONTINGENCY $200,000 Review construction sequence based on field conditions. Increase working hours/days, 3 shifts @ 8 hrs each, 6/7 days week, perform maintenance on week ends. Add additional equipment. More muckers, robotic shotcrete machine, rock bolt jumbo. Work multiple headings. Excavate / concrete UH / X-Ray tunnels from both portals.

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