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THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS OF 1917 “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”

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1 THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS OF 1917 “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”

2 THE HOME FRONT  War causes much suffering  entire country mobilized  patriotism limited & waning  scarcities of necessities  mass inflation  strikes and protests  further loss of confidence in tsarist govt. THE FIRST WORLD WAR Tsar & Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich Grigorii Rasputin Female soldiers

3 FEBRUARY REVOLUTION  Increasing unrest  International Women’s Day: Feb. 24/March 7  Women’s protest joined by workers & soldiers THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS OF 1917  Tsar abdicates ending 300 years of Romanov rule

4 THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS OF 1917 RUSSIA BETWEEN REVOLUTIONS  “DUAL POWER”  Creation of Provisional Government  Establishment of Soviets Petrograd Soviet of Workers’ & Soldiers’ Deputies Provisional Government Alexander Kerensky

5 THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS OF 1917 RUSSIA BETWEEN REVOLUTIONS  Provisional Government has many problems  the war  general chaos  the peasants  awaiting Constituent Assembly Pro-Soviet demonstration 1 st Russian Women’s Battalion of Death  the Soviets

6 THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS OF 1917 RUSSIA BETWEEN REVOLUTIONS  “All power to the Soviets”  “July Days”  “The Kornilov Affair” General Lavr Kornilov  formation of Red Guards  Bolsheviks’ platform: “Land, Bread, and Peace”

7 THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS OF 1917 THE OCTOBER REVOLUTION  The Bolshevik Plan  establish Military Revolutionary Committee  Lenin argues for Oct. 25 action  Grigorii Zinoviev & Lev Kamenev oppose plan

8 THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS OF 1917 THE OCTOBER REVOLUTION  The Final Act  Red Guards, soldiers, sailors take control of Petrograd, Oct 24-25 (Nov 6-7)  Take Winter Palace & arrest Provisional Govt.

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