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Invertebrate Zoology Lecture 20: Phylum Mollusca General; Cephalopoda focus.

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Presentation on theme: "Invertebrate Zoology Lecture 20: Phylum Mollusca General; Cephalopoda focus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Invertebrate Zoology Lecture 20: Phylum Mollusca General; Cephalopoda focus

2 Lecture outline  Phylum Mollusca  Diversity  Evolutionary relationships  Bauplan Basics  Body systems (briefly…)  Feeding/digestion  Circulation/gas exchange  Osmoregulation/excretion  Nervous system/sensory  Reproduction  Focus: Class Cephalopda  Cephalopoda diversity  Evolution of cephalopods

3 Class Polyplacophora: “many plates”  The chitons

4 Class Gastropoda  Snails, slugs, nudibranchs et al.

5 Class Bivalvia: “two valves”  Clams, mussels and scallops

6 Class Cephalopoda: “Head-footed”  Nautilus, cuttlefish, squid, octopus

7 Class Monoplacophora  Limpet-like shell  Chiton-like segmentation  Mostly deep sea

8 Class Aplacophora  No shell, worm-like Photo: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute

9 Class Scaphopoda  Tusk shells

10 Phylogeny: Classic protostomes  Hypothesis 1:

11 Phylogeny: Based on molecular data, cuticle features

12 Bauplan basics Sketch along with the professor!  Shell  Mantle  Mantle cavity, contains  Ctenidia  Anus & Renal/genital pores  Foot: wide, flat and muscular  Note epipodial tentacles in some  Head  cephalic tentacles  radula  Visceral mass enclosed by mantle  Contains main body systems

13 Feeding/digestion  Radula or filter feeding  Structure used for filter-feeding in bivalves?  Salivary glands with toxins, digestive enzymes  Complete digestive system  Anus empties into mantle cavity

14 Circulation/gas exchange  Ctenidium (sketch)  Ctenidial axis & ctenidial filaments  Hemolymph flow, water flow & countercurrent exchange  Circulatory system  Open (except Cephalopoda)  Heart with two atria and a muscular ventricle  Pericardial cavity is part of reduced coelom  Note key aspects of circulation pattern! [Fig. 20.34]

15 Circulation/gas exchange

16 Osmoregulation/excretion  Metanephridia (=kidneys)  Also associated with reduced coelom  Nephridiopore (renal pore) empties into?

17 Nervous system  “Primitive” forms: i.e. Polyplacophora  Ganglia at head  Four longitudinal cords  Cross-connections

18 Nervous system  Gastropoda  Ganglia at head  Two longitudinal cords  Additional ganglia Pre-torsion Post-torsion

19 Reproduction  Gonochoristic or hermaphroditic  Gonads associated with reduced coelom  Ancestral condition: spawning via genital pores (empty into mantle cavity)  Sometimes linked with nephridiopore  Some with elaborate structures & behaviors for internal fertilization

20 Focus: Cephalopoda  Diversity: living forms (slides)  Nautilus  Cuttlefish  Squid  Octopus

21 Evolution of cephalopods  Ancestral cephalopod: key features (handout)  Three key lineages (handout)  Ammonoids  Nautiloids and Nautilus features (handout)  Coleoids

22 Ammonoidea

23 Nautiloids  See handouts for key features

24 Extinct Coleoidea: Belemnoidea

25 Focus: extant Coleoidea Predatory adaptations  Previously…  Streamlined shape  Shell reduction  Funnel/siphon  jet propulsion  Further arm development  Further cephalic tentacle development  Eye development

26 Eye structure  Classic example of convergent evolution

27 Focus: extant Coleoidea Predatory adaptations  Nervous system  Further adaptations of the mantle  Musculature  Chromatophores (slides)  Photophores  Fins  Ink sac

28 Life history: Loligo opalescens  Mating  Egg laying  Development  Hatching  Where have all the young squid gone?

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