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New Hampshire, Sullivan County, and the city of Claremont….. Economic Indicators, Educational Attainment and Leading Industries.

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Presentation on theme: "New Hampshire, Sullivan County, and the city of Claremont….. Economic Indicators, Educational Attainment and Leading Industries."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Hampshire, Sullivan County, and the city of Claremont….. Economic Indicators, Educational Attainment and Leading Industries

2 Over the last decade NH ranks 11 th of 50 states and 1 st in Northeast in employment growth. NH has the 6 th highest per capita income in the US (2003)..income rank improved from 25 th three decades ago

3 New Hampshire’s Strong Economic Recovery From Early 2000s Recession Total Employment NH …Jan04-Jan05  Total employment grew 2.9% compared to US average of 1.6% (NH ranked 8 th highest) Other fast growing states are Nevada, Arizona and Florida which have much lower per capita income  Services employment grew 5% compared to US average of 1.7% (ranked 8 th ) High Tech Employment in NH..June 03 to June 04  7.8% growth, NH ranked 4 highest  big turnaround from “tech bust” decline of more than 1/3 rd and ranked 50 th..  NH reliant economy..shift within high tech to growth sectors from commodity manufacturing… growth in engineering and life sciences R&D, engineering services and testing labs and cable and other program distribution

4 New Hampshire has several inter-related strengths to sustain a high per capita income and resilient economy

5 Educational attainment has a strong positive correlation with per capita income across the 50 states. NH is in the top tier…

6 New Hampshire Leading Industries and Clusters of Industries



9 Leading Industry Clusters in the 10 NH counties. Listing all clusters that were leading in at least one county. …the lower the # in cell more important the cluster in the county

10 The County economies and leading industries across the state Sullivan and Coos have the fewest leading industry clusters in common with other counties. These counties are not connected to or benefiting significantly from the leading industry clusters elsewhere in the state Specialty trade contractors is the most pervasive leading industry cluster with a presence in nine out of the ten counties. This is a product of the recent strong housing and construction markets in the state. Subject to boom and bust Professional, scientific and technical services is a core leading industry cluster …but with significant presence in only four counties…. Rockingham, Hillsborough, Strafford and Carroll Information industries is also a core leading industry. Leading in the technology centers of the state –the counties of Hillsborough, Rockingham and Grafton

11 Sullivan County and Claremont have well below NH average concentration of employment in Creative Class occupations that are expected to be the main source of growth opportunities … Sullivan (30%) and Claremont (23%) have below NH (39%) and US (36%) average occupational employment concentration in creative class industries Well below 3.1 percent total employment share of state (less than 2 percent) in: Computer occupations Engineering occupations

12 Creative Class Occupational Categories Census, 2000 United States NHClaremontPortsmouthHanover Grafton County Sullivan County % of NH Super Creative Core Occupations 96,9726022,4631,7996,8492,2402.3% · Computer and mathematical 21,2921076441468053211.5% · Architecture and engineering 19,00875289777093491.8% · Life, physical, and social science 5,832372372877201332.3% · Education, training, and library 38,8813648571,0263,6301,1392.9% · Arts, entertainment, sports, and media 11,959194362639852982.5% Creative Professionals Occupations 155,4589413,0661,5169,6593,9102.5% · Managerial 64,4613561,2786103,7961,5702.4% · Business and financial operations 27,188137616771,1955692.1% · Legal 5,3143516527209801.5% · Healthcare practitioners and technical 29,9152424105872,6911,0103.4% · High-end sales and sales management 28,5801715972151,7686812.4% Total “Creative Class” 252,4301,5435,5293,31516,5086,1502.4% Total Employment All Occupations 650,8716,58111,8774,73042,32920,4833.1% % Creative Class36.0%38.8%23.4%46.6%70.1%39.0%30.0% Rank of 10 Counties 39

13 Claremont and Sullivan Counties compared to NH and US.. Slow population growth and employment change

14 10 NH Counties Correlation: Higher Education and Income Sullivan ranks 2 nd to bottom in % of adults with 4-year College Degrees & Income

15 Sullivan County Industry Clusters Leading Industries.. Leading Industries.. –Employment levels, relative concentration, growth –Average Wages –Composite Measure

16 Detailed Industries rank ordered by percentage of total county employment…

17 Industry concentrations relative to US average in Sullivan County. Highly concentrated in wood product manufacturing and fabricated metal product manufacturing industries.

18 Sullivan County Industries Average Wages (2001) low employment concentration in high wage industries

19 Leading industries in Sullivan County and data used in analysis…..

20 Looking Forward Need to maintain manufacturing base.. increase innovation-based and high value-added activities. Grow (attract new and expand) employment in high wage industry clusters already concentrated southeast and north of Sullivan County..including Information and Professional and Technical Services Develop creative class with quality of life assets and affordable housing

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