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Slice Test DAQ Software what we did in Florida, and what problems may be lurking beneath the surface…

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1 Slice Test DAQ Software what we did in Florida, and what problems may be lurking beneath the surface…

2 Event Builder Input " GenericFED class encapsulates XDAQ communication between detector-dependent software, event builder readout unit (Ichiro, Rick) RU GenericFED EmuConfigFED EmuFED EventReader bool getNextEvent() DDUReader HardwareDDU FileReaderDDU XDAQ GUI xdaqApp

3 Event Builder w/Trackfinder " Only need an EventReader::getNextEvent() routine " Writing a routine which reads (destructively) the Sector Processor FIFOs, stores in memory, and parses events – File-reading version already exists (Holger/Darin) – Just need to merge with the HAL interface " After that's done, the XDAQ-ification is easy.

4 Event Builder Output " Format is ORCA-readable (G. Bruno) Event Header Readout Unit Header (Chamber data: DCC) FED Header (DDU) DDU data FED Trailer Readout Unit Trailer Readout Unit Header (Trackfinder crate) Trackfinder data Readout Unit Trailer Event Trailer

5 Issues: Event Synchronization " Right now, the Event Builder assumes the events all come in the same order from all inputs " Not always the case: events can get lost " We need to make some phony TriggerInterface for the EVB which tells it which trigger number to do next. Maybe based on the level 1 accepts in the chamber data?

6 Peripheral Crate Controller " Replaces C routines in cfeb_control " Verified at test crates in Fermilab, UCLA, Florida – Sends same signals to VME as cfeb_control " Practical Advantages: – Sends start and stop signals to boards automatically " User doesn't need to do by hand – Can keep many crates & boards in memory simultaneously " Configuration done in XML (Alex) " Want to hear Valeri’s experience with using it for slow control

7 Peripheral Crate Controller Crate CrateSetup VMEController VMEModule CCB TMB DAQMB MPCDDU ALCTController Singleton

8 XDAQ Crate Control " Only three buttons: – Configure – Enable – Disable

9 XDAQ Crate Control + Event Builder

10 Issues: Winning market share " Cfeb_control is a huge GUI with a button for almost every subroutine in the system. " Do we need to compete with that? " How else can we get the electronics experts to use (and develop and maintain) the new code?

11 Issues: Maintaining Crate Code? " I claim our code makes the correct VME calls for five kinds of boards. " I don’t claim to understand any board’s VME calls. " Who can provide? – Meaningful names for all those hardcoded register and address numbers? " All boards – Cleanup of vestigal code? " Especially ALCT " This code will be in CMS longer than many of us! – It should correspond explicitly to the hardware manuals " A HAL rewrite may be in order someday

12 Slice Test Software Summary " XDAQ/C++ Crate Control " Event Data Structure " Including Sector Processor data  – Expect to be done soon " Combined Event Building  – Just need to deal with event synchronization

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