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Atmospheric Sciences 370 Observing Systems January 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Atmospheric Sciences 370 Observing Systems January 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Atmospheric Sciences 370 Observing Systems January 2007

2 ASOS: Automated Surface Observing System: Backbone Observing System in the U.S.

3 ASOS Located at primary and secondary airports Sponsored by the FAA and NWS High quality instrumentation that is well maintained and calibrated. Reported in METAR format (more later)

4 Hydrothermograph

5 Precipitation Gauges

6 Laser Weather Identifier

7 Anemometer Wind Vane Laser Ceilometer

8 The ASOS Freezing Rain Sensor uses an ultrasonically vibrating probe to detect the presence of icing conditions. The vibrating frequency of the probe decreases with the accumulation of ice.

9 Lightning Sensor Visibility Sensor

10 Full ASOS system in Arizona

11 Observing Heights (ASOS and most official obs) Temperature and dewpoint (2-m) Wind speed and direction (10-m)

12 Other Surface Networks Bureau of Land Management RAWS Agrimet PAWS Department of Ecology Puget Sound Clean Air BC Hydro BC Olympics WeatherUnderground

13 Schoolnet Sites by AWS

14 Oklahoma Mesonet

15 Networks of Networks UW: We collect data from about 60 networks in real time over NW Mesowest: Collects about 100 networks over the western third of U.S.


17 NWNet: Regional Real-Time Collection of Over 60 Networks Over the Pacific Northwest

18 Marine Reports

19 Ocean and Lake Weather Buoys Anchored

20 Drifting Buoys Wind Pressure

21 Coastal Marine (CMAN) Reports from the Coast Guard

22 Northwest Buoy and CMAN Locations

23 Ship Reports: Marine VOS Program Volunteers Observers--generally 6-hourly reports

24 Satellite Microwave Scatterometer Winds

25 QuickScat Satellite Bounces microwaves off the ocean surface Capillary waves dependent on wind speed and directon



28 Upper Air Data

29 Radiosonde

30 Radar Wind Profiler and RASS (Radio Acoustic Sounding System)


32 Seattle Profiler/RASS

33 Profiler Locations

34 ACARS: Aircraft Observations Generally on wide-body aircraft Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System




38 New Satellite Observing Capabilities

39 Cloud and Water Vapor Track Winds Based on Geostationary Weather Satellites


41 Satellite Temperature and Humidity Soundings

42 GOES sounder unit


44 Radar and Satellite Imagery MORE LATER!

45 GPS Sounding A constellation of GPS satellites orbit the earth. By measuring the delay in time as the GPS signal is bent by the earth’s atmosphere, one can acquire density information that can be used to create temperature and humidity soundings. Can do this with fixed receivers on earth or with receivers on satellites--the COSMIC project.



48 Typical Observation Errors at the Surface Sea Level Pressure –Low-Elevation land stations +-.5 mb –Ships +- 1-5 mb Temperature: +-1C Wind Speed: +-2-5 knots, very poor for speeds below 2-3 knots. Relative Humidity: +-10%

49 Radiosonde Errors Geopotential heights: –700 mb (hPa): 5-10 m –500 mb 10-15 m –300 mb 15-20 m –100 mb 20-30 m Temperature: +-0.5C Wind speed: +-5%,+-10 degrees


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