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Weather is perhaps one of the most ubiquitous subjects of informal conversation. It affects just about everyone every day as they make decisions on whether.

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Presentation on theme: "Weather is perhaps one of the most ubiquitous subjects of informal conversation. It affects just about everyone every day as they make decisions on whether."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weather is perhaps one of the most ubiquitous subjects of informal conversation. It affects just about everyone every day as they make decisions on whether to set forth for the day with umbrellas to preparing for an impending snowstorm, severe thunderstorms, flooding rains, etc., etc. This session is about, the nature, issues, and problems of observing and predicting the weather. The panel members will provide a brief overview of a relevant and topical subject. The remainder of the session and most important aspect of the Town Hall will be an open question, answer and discussion period. WEATHER AND YOU - A Town Hall Meeting

2 AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY - DC CHAPTER WEATHER AND YOU - A Town Hall Meeting Bob Ryan; WRC-TV Steve Tracton; Chairperson Joe Witte: WJLA-TV Steve Zubrick: Sci. & Ops Officer (SOO) Jason Samenow: Chief Meteorologist



5 Historical Monographs (E.G.) Lewis and Clark: Weather and Climate Data from the Expedition Reference (E.G) Glossary of Meteorology Meteorological Monographs (E.G.) Northeast Snowstorms (Volume I: Overview, Volume II: The Cases) AMS Publications Books (E.G.) Railroads and Weather: From Fogs to Floods and Heat to Hurricanes, the Impacts of Weather and Climate on American RailroadingRailroads and Weather: From Fogs to Floods and Heat to Hurricanes, the Impacts of Weather and Climate on American Railroading Hands-on Meteorology









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