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BICH107/GENE105 9-18-2007 Features of a chromosome What is the function of a telomere? What is the function of a centromere? From Figure 13.6, pg. 245,

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Presentation on theme: "BICH107/GENE105 9-18-2007 Features of a chromosome What is the function of a telomere? What is the function of a centromere? From Figure 13.6, pg. 245,"— Presentation transcript:

1 BICH107/GENE105 9-18-2007 Features of a chromosome What is the function of a telomere? What is the function of a centromere? From Figure 13.6, pg. 245, Human Genetics 6th edition by R. Lewis Human chromosomes 1-22 are AUTOSOMES. We inherit one set from Mom and one set from Dad. The X and Y chromosomes are SEX CHROMOSOMES. We also inherit these from our parents. Male offspring inherit one X and one Y. Female offspring inherit two X chromosomes.

2 Mitosis - (pronounced my-toe-sis) a process that divides duplicated genetic material in the nucleus plus cytokinesis (division of the cell) to produce two identical daughter cells Here is a link to the Biology Project at the University of Arizona with a figure and animation depicting a cell undergoing mitosis Meiosis - (pronounced my-o-sis) a process to convert a diploid cell to a haploid gamete, and cause a change in the genetic information to increase diversity in the offspring Here is a link to the Biology Project at the University of Arizona and a tutorial on meiosis: Vertical transmission of genetic information Most higher eukaryotes propagate through sexual reproduction that forms a new individual from two haploid sex cells (gametes). Horizontal transmission of genetic information - will cover in detail next week

3 XXXY Possible gametes: All are X 1/2 are X and 1/2 are Y Genotype of sex chromosomes: Gametes from the female X X Gametes from the male XY Punnett Square XX XY Inheritance of sex chromosomes from parents to offspring

4 Gregor Mendel studied the inheritance of stable traits with two easily distinguishable forms, like plant height (tall and short) in pea plants true talltrue short Tall phenotype is dominant over short Hybrid talltrue short T T tt Tt The short phenotype reappears in crosses with hybrid tall parent T t tt Tt tt Expect all hybrid tall plants Expect two hybrid tall plants and two short plants

5 From Inheritance of Recessive Disorders: One Chance in Four BICH107/GENE105 9-18-2007 N d Nd NN NdNd NdNd dd

6 Inheritance of Dominant Disorders: A Fifty-Fifty Chance From BICH107/GENE105 9-18-2007 n n Dn DnDn DnDn nn

7 From Inheritance of X-Linked Disorders: Males are at Risk BICH107/GENE105 9-18-2007 X X XY X XX XYXY XY

8 Human traits that determined by inheritance of alleles that have simple dominant and recessive characteristics ability to roll the tongue is dominant (R) non-rolling is recessive (r) ear lobes hang free is the dominant (E) attached earlobe is recessive (e) left thumb is on top is dominant (C) the right thumb is recessive (c) A straight thumb is dominant (S) a bent thumb is recessive (s) Widow’s peak is dominant (W) a straight hairline is recessive (w) mid-digital hair is dominant (H) lack of mid-digital hair is recessive (h) little fingers bend away is dominant (B) straight little fingers are recessive (b)

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