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Eindhoven Universityof Technology The Netherlands.

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2 Eindhoven Universityof Technology The Netherlands

3 of Technology Eindhoven University AID ’98 3 Jos van Leeuwen Eindhoven University of Technology Harry Wagter P2-Managers, The Netherlands Robert Oxman Technion, Israel A Features Framework for Architectural Information

4 of Technology Eindhoven University AID ’98 4 Content of the presentation Dynamic Nature of Design Evolution of Information models Feature-Based Modelling Features Framework Conclusion & Current work: Design Systems development

5 of Technology Eindhoven University AID ’98 5  design as problem solving  design as rational decision making  design as information process  design as pattern recognition Yet another (un-)satisfactory paradigm for design thinking?  design as a dynamic process [Cross1998]

6 of Technology Eindhoven University AID ’98 6 Design is dynamic because of: ill- defined problems, creative processes in design, Dynamic Nature of Design (1) development of designers, and development of B&C industry.

7 of Technology Eindhoven University AID ’98 7 Design = problem solving concurrent activities of generating, manipulating, interpreting, and evaluating information. Dynamic Nature of Design (2)

8 of Technology Eindhoven University AID ’98 8 Information is not treated as static data: content and structure are constantly changing. Information models for design support must allow (re-)defining and (re-)structuring information Dynamic Nature of Design (3) Evolution of Information Models

9 of Technology Eindhoven University AID ’98 9 Extensibility of Information Models The conceptual model allows for definition of new entities: to evolve with a designer’s style, for specific building projects, for new techniques, methods, materials, or products e.g. industrial construction systems.

10 of Technology Eindhoven University AID ’98 10 Flexibility of Information Models Flexibility is also required in the instantiated models. Flexibility is required by extensibility and modifications to the conceptual model. Bricks Wood Segment2 Bricks Segment1 Bricks Wall

11 of Technology Eindhoven University AID ’98 11 Content of the presentation Dynamic Nature of Design Evolution of Information models Feature-Based Modelling Features Framework for Architecture Conclusion & Current work: Design Systems development

12 of Technology Eindhoven University AID ’98 12 Feature-Based Modelling (1) Developed in mechanical engineering: group technology codes, manufacturing process plans, numerical control programming, … high level entities of information with a semantic meaning for engineering.

13 of Technology Eindhoven University AID ’98 13 Feature-Based Modelling (2) Main purpose is to describe the shape of product-parts in Form Features, but classifications also include: Precision Features, Material Features, Assembly Features, Pattern Features,...

14 of Technology Eindhoven University AID ’98 14 Form Features Examples of typical Form Features in mechanical engineering ribs depression pattern Feature compound Feature: blind hole + through hole

15 of Technology Eindhoven University AID ’98 15 Feature-Based Modelling (2) Main purpose is to describe the shape of product-parts in Form Features, but classifications also include: Precision Features, Material Features, Assembly Features, Pattern Features,...

16 of Technology Eindhoven University AID ’98 16 Feature-Based Modelling (3) Feature Libraries are not limited sets, but new types of Features can be defined. The structure of Feature Models is not predefined: relationships are determined during design.

17 of Technology Eindhoven University AID ’98 17 Feature-Based Modelling (4) In Architecture, a more extensive approach is necessary, including: physical building parts non-physical concepts different levels of abstraction

18 of Technology Eindhoven University AID ’98 18 A Features Framework Information infrastructure for: evolution of information models along with design formalisation of design knowledge by definition of modelling entities flexible relationships within the structure of information models

19 of Technology Eindhoven University AID ’98 19 definition of the term ‘Feature’ A Features Framework A Feature is an autonomous, coherent collection of information, with semantic meaning to a designer and possibly emerging during design, that is defined to formalise a design concept at any level of abstraction, either physical or non-physical, as part of a building model. A Feature is an autonomous, coherent collection of information, with semantic meaning to a designer and possibly emerging during design, that is defined to formalise a design concept at any level of abstraction, either physical or non-physical, as part of a building model.

20 of Technology Eindhoven University AID ’98 20 Conceptual model of Feature Types three layered model A Features Framework Meta Layer: classes of Feature Types & classes of Feature Instances Feature Model, describing a particular design in Feature Instances Generic Feature Types defines format of Specific Feature Types specialisation instantiated into complex Room(Space) { Assoc Wall enclosedBy [0:?]; Spec Function function[1:?]; }

21 of Technology Eindhoven University AID ’98 21 standardisation of Generic Feature Types A Features Framework qForm Features qPhysical Features qContext Features qProcedural Features qLife-Cycle Features l Morphological Features l Topological Features l Geometrical Features l Compositional Features l Material Features l Composition performance Features l Design conceptual relation Features l Interface Features l Performance dependency Features l Planning Features l Preparation Features l Integration Features l Functionality Features l Operation Features l Maintenance Features l Security Features

22 of Technology Eindhoven University AID ’98 22 activities in FBM A Features Framework domain knowledge design project knowledge Feature Type 1 Feature Type Library 2 Feature Model 4 Feature instance 3 3 3Instantiation 1Formalisation 2Classification 4Modelling

23 of Technology Eindhoven University AID ’98 23 three layered model A Features Framework Meta Layer: classes of Feature Types & classes of Feature Instances Feature Model, describing a particular design in Feature Instances Generic Feature Types defines format of Specific Feature Types specialisation instantiated into complex Room(Space) { Assoc Wall enclosedBy [0:?]; Spec Function function[1:?]; }

24 of Technology Eindhoven University AID ’98 24 classes of Feature Types & classes of Feature Instances A Features Framework definition of the class FeatureType

25 of Technology Eindhoven University AID ’98 25 Subclasses of FeatureType subclasses of the class FeatureType

26 of Technology Eindhoven University AID ’98 26 relationships A Features Framework specialisation decomposition association specification can be defined at the conceptual level only may be defined at both conceptual and instance level All relationships are references for reasons of flexibility.

27 of Technology Eindhoven University AID ’98 27 relationships A Features Framework Example of ‘shared’ Features.

28 of Technology Eindhoven University AID ’98 28 instance level relationships A Features Framework

29 of Technology Eindhoven University AID ’98 29 Issues being / to be addressed  approaches to support knowledge formalisation:  recognition  searching  matching  consistency management  various ways of reasoning (e.g. decision support, evaluation, inference)  version management and mapping  constraint testing & solving  ownership & responsibility  data exchange  standardisation

30 of Technology Eindhoven University AID ’98 30 Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture & Urban Planning Design Systems development imulations nteractive V R D I S irtual eality nformation ystem istributed esign nformation ystem esign imulations nteractive istributed

31 of Technology Eindhoven University AID ’98 31 Design Systems development Interactive Design System Design support for the total life-cycle of a building Consult design knowledge Check against standards/rules Simulate product behaviour Simulate user behaviour designer design system ANSYS structural analysis

32 of Technology Eindhoven University AID ’98 32 Design Systems development Distributed Interdisciplinary Design System Design system for a distributed environment Design system for a inter- disciplinary design process Consistent information handling Design management research designer A design system designer B design system designer C design system

33 of Technology Eindhoven University AID ’98 33 Design Systems development VR environment to register the behaviour of users (building/urban environment) Evaluate behaviour and information handling Technical infrastructure development Tool development designer A design system user X design system user Y design system Interactive Distributed Interdisciplinary Design System

34 of Technology Eindhoven University AID ’98 34 Design Systems development design system 1 VR Interface for design 2 Feature-based modelling 3 Design Studio of the Future 1Virtual Reality hardware & software 2Information modelling techniques 3Development and testing in education

35 of Technology Eindhoven University AID ’98 35 Vacancies Chair at Design Systems group 5 PhD Student positions in VR and construction technique building physics urban planning geometric modelling validation of VR methods for behaviour measurement  

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