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Coaching in the 21 st Century Turning research into practice.

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1 Coaching in the 21 st Century Turning research into practice

2 Coaching - research

3 What is the research saying about coaching? It works Improves goal attainment (Grant 2009) Enhances resilience (Grant, 2009; Green, 2007) Increases hope and optimism (Green, 2007) Improves wellbeing (subjective, psychological, general life -SWL- and workplace) Reduces Stress – DASS (Gyllensten, 2005) Enhanced Leadership & Mgt Style (Styhre, 2008)

4 Coaching - research How to find the papers? Check ICF Research Portal Google Scholarly articles for subject or title Read abstracts to see if it is relevant Search for PDF to download – if yes, if no… Email other coaches in your network Email the author direct and request a copy

5 Coaching research – starter pack Google: An Integrative Goal-Focused Approach to Executive Coaching – Anthony M. Grant ICF Research Portal - Workplace, Executive and Life Coaching: An Annotated Bibliography from the Behavioural Science and Business Literature – Anthony M. Grant (2009) Stay connected to evidence based networks –Google Alerts, PPND, Int’l Journal of Evidence-Based Coaching and Mentoring / Coaching Psychology, wikipedia and on and on and on! Goal Theory – Locke and Latham

6 Goal Theory – Look what came up

7 Coaching and Resilience Turning research into practice

8 Resilience - definitions Psychological Resilience: “the ability to bounce back from negative emotional experiences and the by the flexible adaptation to the changing demands of stressful experiences” Tugade and Fredrickson (2004)

9 Resilience - definitions Workplace Resilience: “the developable capacity to rebound or bounce back from adversity, conflict and failure or even positive events such as progress or increased responsibility” Luthans (2002)

10 Resilience - definitions Resilience: “the ability to overcome challenges and turn them into opportunities” Accenture (2010)

11 Resilience - research Over 7000 citations in PsychInfo Fairly recent – emerging just prior to 1970 Almost entirely on young people Workplace resilience only very recent and still very few Mainly on the deficit model, only now beginning to take a strengths based approach looking into human flourishing

12 Evidence Based Strategies to Build Resilience Coaching – (Green, 2007; Grant, 2009) Mindfulness – (Fredrickson, 2008) Caring Relationships – (Wilson, 2005) Fun and laughter – (Bonanno, 2004) CBT [CBC] – (Neenan, 2009) Exercise – (Ab Alvan, 2009) Positive Emotions – (Fredrickson, 2008)

13 Positive Emotions and Resilience Fredrickson’s Broaden and Build Theory. Positive emotions: 1.Broaden the array of thoughts and action that come to mind 2.Undo lingering negative emotions 3.Build personal resources 4.Fuel psychological and physical wellbeing

14 Coaching specific resilience building interventions thru positive emotions Positivity Ratio – 2.9 : 1 (Losada, 2005) Express Gratitude – (Emmons, 2003) Meditation / Mindfulness – (Fredrickson, 2008) Finding Positive Meaning in every day situations (Tugade, 2007) Developing Relationships (Wilson, 2005; Luthar, 2006) Future Goal focus – developing Hope & Optimism (Green, 2007) Positive Reminiscing (Fredrickson, 2007)

15 Thanks…… Coaching is a key skill to keep us flourishing John Raymond 0411 259 204

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