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Prepared by MORE Team Progress Meeting Thursday, 15/10/2009 MORE status overview.

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Presentation on theme: "Prepared by MORE Team Progress Meeting Thursday, 15/10/2009 MORE status overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepared by MORE Team Progress Meeting Thursday, 15/10/2009 MORE status overview

2 MORE PM 15 Oct 20092 Funding status (1/4) Science contract The science contract will cover the activities for MORE and JUNO, for the phases B2/C/D. Current status: the MORE team formalized an offer on mid March. A technical table with ASI took place in April. Since then, many meetings and telecons were held with ASI, trying to solve problems related to: Number of WP (to be reduced from 22 to 20) Duration of contract (not to exceed 36 months; agreed solution: 36 months + 25 to be activated after the first 12) Institution to manage the contract as a Prime (DIAA?) As of today, the science team does not have a contract (since July 2008)

3 MORE PM 15 Oct 20093 Funding status (2/4) UniRoma Team Status: Manuela Marabucci, temporary contract expiring Nov 5 2009; Simulation of MORE gravimetry experiments; Gabriele Rapino, Deputy Experiment Manager, contract expiring Oct 31 2009; Documentation Manager, participation to meetings, support to TAS-I; Rachele Meriggiola, research fellowship expiring Dec 31 2009; Image Processing of Cassini SAR images and development of a S/W to be used also for the MORE rotation experiment

4 MORE PM 15 Oct 20094 Funding status (3/4) UniPisa Team Status: Emanuele Latorre, research fellowship expiring Dec 31 2009; Giacomo Tommei, PhD, research fellowship expiring Apr 30, 2010; Stefano Cicalo', PhD student ending Dec 31, 2010; Federica Spoto, MSc student, expected graduation on Sept 2010, (subject: MORE or other, depending on the events)

5 MORE PM 15 Oct 20095 Funding status (4/4) UniBologna Team Status: Alberto Graziani, PhD student ending Dec 31, 2009; tropospheric calibrations for MORE Alessandra Palli, PhD student ending Dec 31, 2011; image processing for the MORE rotation experiment

6 MORE PM 15 Oct 20096 Science activities status (1/2) Simulation of the gravimetry experiment Assessment of precision attainable in Mercury gravity field determination Assessment of the RW desaturation issue Troposphere calibration Earth tropospheric calibrations are being developed in two directions: Development of a S/W code needed to calibrate the dry and wet contributions of the Earth troposphere using dual frequency GPS receiver data Studying the performance of Water Vapor Radiometers already developed by ESTEC for telecom applications Orbit Determination S/W The orbit determination software development is on schedule.

7 MORE PM 15 Oct 20097 Science activities status (2/2) Ancillary data needed by MORE The definition of interface requirements related to the ancillary data is on going. No progress since May (lack of manpower) Allan Deviation Tests Allan Deviation test have been performed on the Juno KaT, both by TAS-I and Uniroma1, with good results, which give a strong indication that the MORE requirements will be met

8 MORE PM 15 Oct 20098 Near-future agenda BepiColombo SWT Blois 27-29 October 09 No representation of the MORE team for lack of funding Science activities Depending on the status of the Science Contract: a reassessment of the mid- term plans could be needed if the Science Contract is not approved in the meeting of the ASI Board of Directors of Oct 20, 2009

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