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Colombia and the Drug Trade Keith Keiderling Renata Sheyner.

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Presentation on theme: "Colombia and the Drug Trade Keith Keiderling Renata Sheyner."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colombia and the Drug Trade Keith Keiderling Renata Sheyner

2 Agenda... Macroeconomic Overview Industry Analysis Business Operations Business Risk

3 Investors taking long-term approach as result of macroeconomic stability. F Economic indicators-1980s –avg. GNP growth: 14% –avg. GDP growth: 3.5% F Economic reforms-1990 –Privatization program –Trade reform program u Tariff reduction: 44% (1983) to 12% (1993)

4 The reasons for Colombia’s economic stability have been… InvestmentOpportunitiesInvestmentOpportunitiesStablecurrencyStablecurrencyDiversifiedEconomyDiversifiedEconomy

5 Agenda... Macroeconomic Overview Drug Trade Industry Analysis Colombian Business Environment Implications on Business Operations

6 Interdependent relationships exist between the players. Drug Cartels CorporationsCorporations GovernmentRevolutionaries

7 Competition is driven by relationship among forces. Rivalry Among Competitors Rivalry Among Competitors Cali/Medellin Cartels ELN/FARC  Oligopolistic power Farmers Multiple sources  Low Violent anti-competition tactics  High Increase marijuana use Other drugs  High Suppliers Barriers to Entry SubstitutesBuyers Inelastic demand Addictive & illegal product 70% of world supply  Low

8 Agenda... Macroeconomic Overview Industry Analysis Business Operations Business Risk

9 Cartels behave like corporations. Centralized Industry Centralized Industry Drug Trade ValueChainValueChainBusinessOperationsBusinessOperations

10 LocalNetwork Cartels excel in value chain management. End user FarmersDrugCartelsCartelNetwork Growth of coca paste Refining of paste Distribution Point of sale

11 Drug Cartels compete as global businesses. F “True business” organization –Law and business professionals –Usage of technology to gain competitive advantage –Influential salesforce F Decentralization of operations –Reduce risk exposure

12 Agenda... Macroeconomic Overview Industry Analysis Business Operations Business Risk

13 Negative impacts... F “Dutch disease” –Repatriation- $2 billion/yr. u Return in form of foreign exchange, contraband and legal imports   P$  overvalued peso   competitiveness of exports u “Dollarization” F Short-term investments  Inefficient allocation of resources

14 … and positive F Barriers against recessionary pressure –Capital inflow F  Demand –Farm equipment, chemicals, … F Social development –Reinvestment into community-services, wages, protection –Construction boom

15 Cartels influence government behavior and international perceptions. F Policies –Extradition (1991 and 1997) u US Decertification –“Muddling through” –“Apertura” –Government expenditures u Military u Social opportunity costs F Government –40% Congress connected to Cartels  corruption –Samper F Future issue-privatization?

16 Agenda... Macroeconomic Overview Industry Analysis Business Operations Business Risk

17 Environment forces corporations to behave as mini-governments. Corporation Political Risk Weak government Elections “Dignity of Colombia” Continuity of reforms Security Financial Risk Sustenance programs Exchange rates

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