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1 Call Operators Are Standing By!!! Call And ---Call And --- Ask For A Copy Of This PresentationAsk For A Copy Of This Presentation Ask To Be Added To.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Call Operators Are Standing By!!! Call And ---Call And --- Ask For A Copy Of This PresentationAsk For A Copy Of This Presentation Ask To Be Added To."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Call Operators Are Standing By!!! Call And ---Call And --- Ask For A Copy Of This PresentationAsk For A Copy Of This Presentation Ask To Be Added To The Beacon’s MailingAsk To Be Added To The Beacon’s Mailing Ask For A Free Bible Correspondence CourseAsk For A Free Bible Correspondence Course Call With A ---Call With A --- Biblical Question Or CommentBiblical Question Or Comment Receive a Biblical Answer – “Book, Chapter and Verse”Receive a Biblical Answer – “Book, Chapter and Verse” Call (828) 327-9459 or - WHKY

2 WHY WE BELIEVE IN N.T. BAPTISM of THE HOLY SPIRIT 1 Peter 3:15 and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:” The King James Version, (Cambridge: Cambridge) 1769.

3 3 THERE IS ONLY ONE BAPTISM TODAY! At one time there were other baptisms. The baptism of the Israelites unto Moses (1 Cor. 10:1-2) The washings [lit. "baptisms"] of the OT (Heb. 9:10; cf. Lev. 11:25; Num. 19:13, 19) The baptism of John (Mt. 3:4-6; 21:25; Mk. 1:4-5; 11:30; Lk. 3:1-3, 7; 7:29-30; 20:4; Jn. 1:25-26, 28, 31; 3:23; Acts 19:3-4) The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Mt. 3:11; Mk. 1:8; Lk. 3:16; Jn. 1:33; Acts 1:5) The baptism of fire (Mt. 3:11; Lk. 3:16) The baptism of Jesus (Mt. 3:13-17; Mk. 1:9; Lk. 3:21) The baptism of suffering (Mt. 20:22-23; Mk. 10:38- 39; Lk. 12:50) The baptism of the Great Commission (Mt. 28:18- 20; Mk. 16:15-16; Acts 19:5) The baptism for the dead (1 Cor. 15:29) By the time of A.D. 64 Paul said in Ephesians that there was only "ONE BAPTISM" --- Eph. 4:5.

4 4 THERE IS ONLY ONE BAPTISM TODAY! This "One Baptism" is water baptism. Consider: Matt. 28:19-20 ; Note in A.D. 64 Peter wrote --- I Peter 3:20-21.This "One Baptism" is water baptism. Consider: Matt. 28:19-20 ; Note in A.D. 64 Peter wrote --- I Peter 3:20-21. One can not have both Holy Spirit Baptism and water Baptism and still have just "ONE BAPTISM“One can not have both Holy Spirit Baptism and water Baptism and still have just "ONE BAPTISM“ 1 + 1 = 21 + 1 = 2 THUS WE MUST DETERMINE WHY HOLY SPIRIT BAPTISM CANNOT BE THE ONE BAPTISM TODAY!THUS WE MUST DETERMINE WHY HOLY SPIRIT BAPTISM CANNOT BE THE ONE BAPTISM TODAY!

5 5 Holy Spirit Baptism Was Always A Promise ….--- NEVER A Command. Matt. 3:11 --- "He shall baptize you...” Mk. 1:8 --- "He shall baptize you with the H.S.” Lk. 3:16 --- "He shall baptize you with the H.S.” John 1:33 --- ".. the same is He which... the H.S.” Acts 1:5 --- "... ye shall be baptized with the H.S.” Acts 11:16 --- "... ye shall be baptized with the H.S."

6 6 POINTS TO BE NOTED FROM THE PRIOR SCRIPTURES Jesus Christ is the administrator of Holy Spirit baptism not men.Jesus Christ is the administrator of Holy Spirit baptism not men. It was promised to some who either had, or could have received John's baptism.It was promised to some who either had, or could have received John's baptism. The promise of the Holy Spirit baptism was made only to some in John's generation!The promise of the Holy Spirit baptism was made only to some in John's generation! NOT unto You and Me!NOT unto You and Me!

7 7 Only Two Recorded Cases Of Holy Spirit Baptism In The New Testament. Consider "all flesh" of Joel 2:28 ; Acts 2:16-17. Jews (Apostles) on Pentecost --- Acts 2:1-4. Gentiles (Cornelius & Others) --- Acts 10:44-47 ; Acts 11:15-17. NOTE: It is not recorded that Paul received Baptism of the Holy Spirit yet it is indicated by passages such as: Acts 9:17 2Cor. 11:5 2Tim. 1:6 THESE ARE THE BASIC FACTS

8 8

9 9 THE PURPOSE OF HOLY SPIRIT BAPTISM. To guide the Apostles into all truth --- John 14:26 ; 16:13. To confirm the message preached --- Mark 16:20 ; Hebrews 2:3-4. Gentiles received H.S. baptism to assure them and to convince the Jews that God was granting repentance unto life to the Gentiles also --- Acts 10:44-47 ; Acts 11:15-18.

10 10 NO HOLY SPIRIT BAPTISM TODAY! There is no need for Holy Spirit Baptism Today! We have "all the truth". James 1:25 ; 2Tim. 3:16-17 ; 2Peter 1:3 The "truth" (Gospel Message) has been confirmed --- Mark 16:20 ; Heb. 2:3-4 ; Galatians 3:15. We are convinced and accept that the Gentiles are accepted by God -- - Acts 15:7-9.

11 11 There is NO EVIDENCE of Holy Spirit Baptism Today ! No one today is healing the sick, casting out demons/devils, raising the dead, ect. by God's power as in the 1st Century.No one today is healing the sick, casting out demons/devils, raising the dead, ect. by God's power as in the 1st Century. After the Apostles received H.S. Baptism they never tried and failed - so far as the record goes --- Acts 5:16.After the Apostles received H.S. Baptism they never tried and failed - so far as the record goes --- Acts 5:16. In the 1st. Cent. the N.T. was confirmed/ proven by "miracles".In the 1st. Cent. the N.T. was confirmed/ proven by "miracles". Today some try to confirm/prove their "miracles" by the New Testament.Today some try to confirm/prove their "miracles" by the New Testament. There is not one person alive today who was of the generation of John, to whom H.S. baptism was promised.There is not one person alive today who was of the generation of John, to whom H.S. baptism was promised.

12 12

13 13 WHY DON'T THOSE WHO CLAIM H.S BAPTISM TODAY, OBEY AND TEACH WHAT THE H.S HAS REVEALED??? God's Plan of Salvation --- Mark 16:16.God's Plan of Salvation --- Mark 16:16. Hear, Believe, Repent, Confess, Be Baptized and Be Faithful Till Death.Hear, Believe, Repent, Confess, Be Baptized and Be Faithful Till Death. The "ONE CHURCH" --- Matt. 1:18 ; Col. 1:18 ; Ephesians 4:4ff.The "ONE CHURCH" --- Matt. 1:18 ; Col. 1:18 ; Ephesians 4:4ff. Join the church of Your Choice Is NOT SCRIPTURAL!Join the church of Your Choice Is NOT SCRIPTURAL! True "WORSHIP" --- John 4:24 ; I Cor. 14:33,40.True "WORSHIP" --- John 4:24 ; I Cor. 14:33,40. Singing, Praying, Teaching & Partaking of The Lord’s Supper on Every First Day of The Week.Singing, Praying, Teaching & Partaking of The Lord’s Supper on Every First Day of The Week.

14 14 HOW CAN TWO BE SO DIFFERENT? Congregational Organization --- Phil. 1:1.Congregational Organization --- Phil. 1:1. NAME of the Body of Christ --- Acts 11:26 ; I Peter 4:16.NAME of the Body of Christ --- Acts 11:26 ; I Peter 4:16. TITLES --- Matthew 23:8-10 ; Psa. 111:9TITLES --- Matthew 23:8-10 ; Psa. 111:9 Women Preachers ect : --- I Cor. 14:34-35 ; I Tim. 2:11-12.Women Preachers ect : --- I Cor. 14:34-35 ; I Tim. 2:11-12. IF THE SAME HOLY SPIRIT IS WORKING TODAY IN MEN THEN WHY IS THERE A DIFFERENCE?

15 15 Holy Spirit BAPTISM Water BAPTISM 1. Element --- Spirit (Acts 1:5) 1. Element --- Water (Acts 8:38 ; 10:47) 2. By --- CHRIST (John 1:33; Matthew 3:11) 2. By --- The Disciples/All Others (Matthew 28:19; Acts 8:38) 3. A Promise --- Received (Luke 24:49; Acts 2:1-4) 3. Command to be OBEYED (Acts 2:38; 10:48) 4. Purpose --- To REVEAL and CONFIRM (John 16:13; Hebrews 2:3-4) 4. Purpose --- For Remission of Sins (Acts 2:38; 22:16) 5. Not Raised In: (Acts 2:1-4) 5. Buried and Raised In: (Colossians 2:12; Romans 6:3-4) 6. Did Not Save: (Acts 2:1-4) 6. For Salvation: (Mark 16:16; 1 Peter 3:21) 7. No Longer Needed (John 16:13; Hebrews 2:3-4) 7. As Long as Salvation is Needed (Mark 16:16) 8. Ceased by --- A.D. 64 Ephesians 4:5 8. Unto the END of the World (Matthew 28:19-20)

16 16 A CHALLENGE: WE are willing to engage in a biblical discussion here live on WHKY 14 on the following proposition:WE are willing to engage in a biblical discussion here live on WHKY 14 on the following proposition: “THE SCRIPTURES TEACH THAT SPEAKING IN TONGUES, MIRACLES AND MIRACULOUS KNOWLEDGE HAVE CEASED TODAY.”“THE SCRIPTURES TEACH THAT SPEAKING IN TONGUES, MIRACLES AND MIRACULOUS KNOWLEDGE HAVE CEASED TODAY.” Affirm ---- John Cripps & Joe HickmanAffirm ---- John Cripps & Joe Hickman Deny ---- ??????????????????????Deny ---- ??????????????????????

17 17 OR… WE are willing to engage in a biblical discussion here live on WHKY 14 on the following proposition:WE are willing to engage in a biblical discussion here live on WHKY 14 on the following proposition: “THE SCRIPTURES TEACH THAT SPEAKING IN TONGUES, MIRACLES AND MIRACULOUS KNOWLEDGE ARE PRESENT TODAY.”“THE SCRIPTURES TEACH THAT SPEAKING IN TONGUES, MIRACLES AND MIRACULOUS KNOWLEDGE ARE PRESENT TODAY.” Affirm ---- ??????????????????????Affirm ---- ?????????????????????? Deny ---- John Cripps & Joe HickmanDeny ---- John Cripps & Joe Hickman

18 18 Call To Speak To US Live Now!!! Call And ---Call And --- Ask For A Copy Of This PresentationAsk For A Copy Of This Presentation Ask To Be Added To The Beacon’s MailingAsk To Be Added To The Beacon’s Mailing Ask For A Free Bible Correspondence CourseAsk For A Free Bible Correspondence Course Call With A ---Call With A --- Biblical Question Or CommentBiblical Question Or Comment Receive a Biblical Answer – “Book, Chapter and Verse”Receive a Biblical Answer – “Book, Chapter and Verse” Call (828) 327-9459 or - WHKY

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