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1 1 NORWECOM in ROMS Morten D. Skogen

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1 1 1 NORWECOM in ROMS Morten D. Skogen

2 2 2 Outline of talk The NORWECOM model system Norwegian/Barents Sea examples Future works…

3 3 3 NORWECOM The NORWegian ECOlogical Model system A coupled physical-chemical-biological model system applied to study primary production and dispersion of particles (e.g. fish larvae and/or pollution) Main partners: Institute of Marine Research Dept. of Fisheries and Marine Biology, Univ. of Bergen Dept. of Mathematics, Univ of Bergen The Norwegian Meteorological institute

4 4 4 NORWECOM (2) first coupled physical-chemical-biological model for the whole North Sea physics based on POM (until now….?) runs operational (7 days forecast) at environmental status, eutrophication issues, what- if scenarios, climate/fish relations,….. North Sea, Skagerrak/Kattegat, Norwegian fjords, Benguela, Mozambique Channel

5 5 5 NORWECOM (3) Primary production Respiration Algae death Regeneration Self shading Turbidity Sedimentation Resuspension Denitrification Diatoms, flagellates (chatonella) Detritus and diatom skeletals Inorganic nitrogen, phosphorus, silicate Oxygen Light model

6 6 6 The biological model

7 7 7 NORWECOM (4) Physics from ROMS v2.0 including ice (W.P.Budgell, IMR) 50km resolution in Nordic and Barents Seas Forced by NCEP daily mean fluxes Biology in offline mode Examples from 1999

8 8 8 Outline of talk The NORWECOM model system Norwegian/Barents Sea examples Future works…

9 9 9 The model domain (165x203x30) Norwegian Sea Barents Sea North Sea Bergen/Norway Venice

10 10 Mean annual 50m circulation

11 11 Mean annual 50m salinity

12 12 Mean annual 50m temperature

13 13 Annual primary production (gC/m2)

14 14 Day to day variability Norwegian SeaBarents Sea DIA FLA

15 15 Timing of peak production DIATOMSFLAGELLATESTOTAL June 15 May 15 April 15

16 16 (Near) future works 20 km horizontal resolution Hindcast simulations 1980-2003 Model validation Deliver results to IBM Calanus model and to herring migration model

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