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Hosted by Assyrian Student Alliance of UC Berkeley UC Workshopbb.

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Presentation on theme: "Hosted by Assyrian Student Alliance of UC Berkeley UC Workshopbb."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hosted by Assyrian Student Alliance of UC Berkeley UC Workshopbb

2 ● Introduction/High School: Arbella ● Application/Personal Statement: Niniv ● Transfer: Ramina ● Housing/Financial Aid: Adad ● Q/A Session

3  GPA  Classes taken (based on classes available)  Test Scores  Non-academic achievements

4  Required subjects (A-G courses):  History/Social Sciences- 2 years required  English- 4 years required  Mathematics- 3 years required, 4 recommended  Laboratory Science- 2 years required, 3 recommended  Foreign Language- 2 years required, 3 or 4 recommended  Visual and Performing Arts- 1 year  College Prep electives - 1 year

5  ACT Assessment Plus Writing tests or  SAT Reasoning Test  SATII - two SAT Subject Tests in different areas selected from history, literature, math, science or foreign language

6  Complements education  Better idea of the student  DOES NOT replace or makeup for poor academic record

7  Leadership and club involvement  Sports  Community service  Employment  College courses

8  The quality of activities outweighs the quantity of activities in the eyes of admissions officers

9  Application Due: November 1-30, 2008  Major: If you know what major you want to apply for, that is great. If not, apply as undeclared.  Fees: $60 per school  Exceptions

10  If applying  ACT and writing assessment or SAT I and SATII no later than December 2008  Be sure to send scores to the correct schools

11 Two categories: 1. The general question 2. The specific question

12  How are you unique and/or impressive?  Individual details to set yourself apart  If declaring a major  Why this one?  How will you contribute?  What do you know about it?  If employed  What did you learn?  How did it shape your experiences?  What are your career goals?  Explanations of poor performance

13  Some questions may be similar  If questions are different, make sure to answer that question. DO NOT stick to a standard essay.

14  Make interesting  Use individual experiences  Distinguish yourself

15  Backup statements with reasons  Find an angle  Most people may not think they have interesting stories  Finding a hook or angle is vital  Concentrate on your opening paragraph  Most important  Grabs attention  Sets framework  Leave out certain items  Earlier accomplishments  Controversial items  Possibly research some ideas

16  Be meticulous  Check spelling and grammar  Admissions officers say that this is important

17  Start planning immediately  IGETC  Individual college requirements  General advice for first year community college students:  Decide on 1 st choice college.  Use to consider  Each major varies

18  English Communications (2 courses)  One course in English composition and one course in critical thinking/English composition.  Mathematical Concepts and Quantitative Reasoning (1 course)  Arts and Humanities (3 courses)  At least one from the arts and one from the humanities.  Social and Behavioral Sciences (3 courses)  Three courses from at least two disciplines, or an interdisciplinary sequence.  Physical and Biological Sciences (2 courses)  One physical science course and one biological science course, at least one of which includes a laboratory.  Language other than English (proficiency)  Proficiency equivalent to two years of high school courses in the same language.

19  Eligible after accumulation of 30 units  Only include college credited units  Applications due in the fall for the following fall semester/quarter

20  Transfer Admission Guarantees:  You file for a TAG during the beginning of your second year.  You have to have completed a minimum of 30 college credited units.  You must complete all requirements by the spring semester before you wish to attend. SUMMER SESSION DOES NOT COUNT!  Schools that offer TAGs:  Davis  Irvine  Merced  Riverside  San Diego  Santa Barbara  Santa Cruz  See career center beginning of fall

21  Apply for FAFSA at  Check for Cal Grant eligibility at school  4 types of awards:  Grants  Scholarships  Work-Study  Loans

22  On-Campus housing great option:  Great way to meet people. Highly encourage it  There are different styles of living  High rises  Suites: one bathroom per 2/3 rooms. Single sex  Apartment style suites but with bathroom and common area

23  Different rules on each campus  Meal Plans are optional and usually included  Prices vary  Many resources  Computing centers  Laundry rooms  Resident advisors  Security monitors  Fraternities/Sororities/Co-Ops

24   me.html me.html

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