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AIM1 Automated Inventory Management Chao Li CS491 Spring 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "AIM1 Automated Inventory Management Chao Li CS491 Spring 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 AIM1 Automated Inventory Management Chao Li CS491 Spring 2006

2 AIM2 Background Traditional method of managing inventory Inaccuracy and inefficiency –Wasting time and human efforts to check inventory weekly. –Prone to human errors –Hard to maintain inventory levels.

3 AIM3 Introduction An stand alone program that automatically manages restaurant’s liquor inventory –Orders, sales, etc. Improve efficiency and accuracy –Up-to-date inventory info Reduced errors due to human factors However, still exists inevitable human errors in using it.

4 AIM4 Users Regular users: waiter/waitress –Place orders –Check inventory levels –View past order information

5 AIM5 Users Managers –Order inventory from liquor vendors –Delete certain orders –Check sales in the past –Re-stock inventory –All functions as regular users

6 AIM6 Technology and Development J2SE: Swing and awt MySQL and JDBC –CS server –Auto_increment of mysql and Serial type of postgreSql. netBeans 5.0

7 AIM7 Technology Some useful JTable class –setValueAt(row, col) –getValueAt(row, col) –Print() –setRowSelectionInterval(index0, index1), inclusive

8 AIM8 Architecture Client Tier –User Interface –Displaying menu, sales summary, inventory, orders information, ect.

9 AIM9 Architecture Client Tier –Summary: sales summary in the past periods –Inventory: current inventory levels –Orders: orders information in time fashion –Restock: out going orders that send to vendors

10 AIM10 Architecture Business Tier –Methods to retrieve or store data from or to database –Methods to support all the functionality, verify user’s input

11 AIM11 Architecture Data Tier –Actual data stored in database –Inventory: inventory’s info such as id, name, vendor’s email, total –order detail: id, item, total, order time –outgoing orders: orders that send to vendors

12 AIM12 Summary Automated Inventory System that manages inventory accurately, provide inventory level up-to-date, store orders information Improved efficiency of inventory management and accuracy A lot to do in the future

13 AIM13 Thank You – Any Questions? Demo

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