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SINTEF Wafers We studied two wafers. Wafer #24 and one oxygenated wafer.

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Presentation on theme: "SINTEF Wafers We studied two wafers. Wafer #24 and one oxygenated wafer."— Presentation transcript:

1 SINTEF Wafers We studied two wafers. Wafer #24 and one oxygenated wafer.

2 PSI Devices Purdue Devices Diode cluster JHU Devices BTev Devices N + side

3 Design A Design F Design G Pixel Design

4 Measurement A We measure the total leakage current. N N+N+ P+P+

5 Wafer #24 IV measurement on wafer 24 is complete. We are now going to wire bond it to study single pixel characteristics.

6 Summary

7 Except Pixel 1, AI has high breakdown.

8 Pixel 4 - design F, Pixel 5 - design G Design F and G also have high breakdown voltage.

9 V breakdown < 300 - 7 pixel arrays. 300 < V breakdown < 500 - 20 pixel arrays 500 < V breakdown - 7 pixel arrays Current per unit area at 270 V - 3-6 nA/cm^2 Performance

10 SINTEF Oxygenated Wafer We measured 15 pixel arrays, Purdue and PSI designs, on the oxygenated wafer.

11 Breakdown voltage is low

12 Except Pixel 6, breakdown is around 250 voltage.

13 V breakdown < 200 - 4 pixel arrays. 200 < V breakdown < 250 - 10 pixel arrays 250 < V breakdown - 1 pixel array Current per unit area at 270 V - 11 nA/cm^2 (Data for pixel 6 only. For all other pixel arrays V breakdown < 250) Performance

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