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Detecting Patterns So far Specific patterns (eyes) Generally useful patterns (edges) Also (new) “Interesting” distinctive patterns ( No specific pattern:

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Presentation on theme: "Detecting Patterns So far Specific patterns (eyes) Generally useful patterns (edges) Also (new) “Interesting” distinctive patterns ( No specific pattern:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Detecting Patterns So far Specific patterns (eyes) Generally useful patterns (edges) Also (new) “Interesting” distinctive patterns ( No specific pattern: anything that can be recognized easily from one image of an object to the next) Examples: corners (matching points between video frames) SIFT, HOG (recognizing objects)

2 Finding corners One motivation: panorama stitching We have two images – how do we combine them?

3 Finding corners One motivation: panorama stitching We have two images – how do we combine them? Step 1: Find corners Step 2: Match corners across images

4 Finding corners One motivation: panorama stitching We have two images – how do we combine them? Step 1: extract features Step 2: match features Step 3: align images

5 Why corners? Repeatability The same feature can be found in several images despite geometric and photometric transformations Locality Accurately specifies location in the image.

6 Applications Corner detection used for: Motion tracking Image alignment 3D reconstruction Object recognition Indexing and database retrieval Robot navigation

7 Another motivation Edge detectors fail at corners!

8 Another motivation Edge detectors fail at corners! Edge detector with too much smoothing misses the black/white transitions near corner

9 Basic Idea: detecting (not just) corners Look in small image windows (more efficient) ‘Corner’ distinctive  easily recognized Precise location: Shifting `corner’ in any direction changes window’s brightness pattern “edge”: no change along edge direction “corner”: significant change in all directions “flat” region: no change in all directions

10 Not just corners… Can use any distinctive brightness pattern that can be assigned a definite location. I(x, y) E(u, v) E(0,0) E(3,2)

11 Detecting `corners’ Main criterion: Over given window, every direction should have big brightness changes  Big gradients in all directions First try: Both and should be large in window  Look for large values of and (somewhere)

12 Problem Diagonal brightness change is not a corner

13 Detecting corners Second try. Change to rotated coordinate system (x’,y’) Must also have large and in new coordinates After rotation:

14 Large and


16 { {

17 So really we want large for any direction

18 Calculate the max and min of over using singular value decomposition (SVD). Idea: Suppose M is diagonal

19 So if then Min = Max = We have a `corner’ if and both large

20 If M diagonal problem solved. But we can always find rotated coordinates so M is diagonal!

21 Harris Detector: Steps

22 Compute corner response R

23 Harris Detector: Steps Find points with large corner response: R>threshold

24 Harris Detector: Steps Take only the points of local maxima of R

25 Harris Detector: Steps

26 Spot detector? Not corner, but also a distinctive localizable pattern More generally: blob detector (detects regions of roughly uniform brightness)  Can use to detect sizes of important image structures eg, SIFT. Use to detect faces of any size in the image.

27 Blob detector: Example



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