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Presented by: Office of Program Evaluation South Carolina Educational Policy Center South Carolina Reading First Survey and Achievement Results 2006-2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: Office of Program Evaluation South Carolina Educational Policy Center South Carolina Reading First Survey and Achievement Results 2006-2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: Office of Program Evaluation South Carolina Educational Policy Center South Carolina Reading First Survey and Achievement Results 2006-2007 Diane Monrad Diane Monrad, Ph.D. Robert Johnso Robert Johnson, Ph.D. Tammiee Dickenson, Ph.D. Katie Dahlke, MSW

2 Achievement Data for the Stanford Reading First Assessment Administered in Fall and Spring each year Total score comprised of multiple choice and oral fluency sections Scores are reported in three categories: At Grade Level (AGL) Needs Additional Intervention (NAI) Needs Substantial Intervention (NSI) Two analyses presented: Cohort analysis: Performance level results Matched analysis: Normal curve equivalent results

3 Fall Results for At Grade Level by Grade Level

4 Spring Results for at Grade Level by Grade Level

5 Fall Results for Needs Substantial Intervention by Grade Level

6 Spring Results for Needs Substantial Intervention by Grade Level

7 Fall Results for At Grade Level by Lunch Status

8 Spring Results for At Grade Level by Lunch Status

9 Fall Results for At Grade Level by Ethnicity Note. The two largest ethnic groups were selected for presentation.

10 Spring Results for At Grade Level by Ethnicity Note. The two largest ethnic groups were selected for presentation.

11 Fall Results for At Grade Level by Gender

12 Spring Results for At Grade Level by Gender

13 Grade 1 Component Analysis in 2006- 2007 School Year for At Grade Level

14 Grade 2 Component Analysis in 2006- 2007 School Year for At Grade Level

15 Grade 3 Component Analysis in 2006- 2007 School Year for At Grade Level




19 Implementation Survey Items

20 Implementation Survey Items (cont.)




24 Describe one benefit of the SCRF Initiative. Commonly cited benefits across groups: 1. Focus on assessment  Increased awareness of students’ needs/strengths/weaknesses  Progress monitoring; Dominie  Improved use of assessments; use of assessment data to guide instruction 2. Resources  Additional books and materials  Extra funding/money 3. Professional development; study groups 4. Increased collaboration 5. Learned new strategies


26 Quotes from SCRF Teachers: Benefits of SCRF Resources: “The books and other materials that I am provided through SCRF are an amazing benefit to my instruction and my students' learning…” Focus on assessment: “The SCRF has been beneficial because of the wealth of information I have on each of my students. The assessments and progress monitoring have been wonderful so that we can target exactly where students are improving and struggling.” Learned new strategies: “As a school we have gained a tremendous amount of knowledge about how children learn to read and write. I have seen this knowledge put into practice throughout our school.” Support staff: “Our literacy coach has been so valuable to me this year. She is full of useful information & ideas whenever I am unsure. She is very encouraging & is willing to help wherever she is needed. I don't think the SCRF could have been as successful if it wasn't for her.” Improved academic performance: “I can see improvement in the reading of students and their attitudes toward reading. Students are utilizing more strategies and achieving success.”


28 Quotes from SCRF Interventionists: Benefits of SCRF Extra help for students: “The SCRF initiative benefits our children who are at risk of reading failure, and also is of great benefit to the teachers since it has helped us all to stay a best of "best practices" and what works for reaching our children.” Professional development: “I enjoy all the professional development regional meetings and study group have been very beneficial to my students and have enriched my life”. Resources: “wonderful resources in terms of materials” Focus on assessment: “The SCRF initiative has benefited our school in knowing how to assess children...” Focus on reading: “Gives the students long periods to be immersed in reading & ‘reading work’.”


30 Quotes from SCRF Literacy Coaches : Benefits of SCRF Increased collaboration: “The SCRF initiative has helped us become a community of learners while putting the needs of children first.” Focus on assessment: “We have more consistent use of data to inform instruction.” Professional development: “Ongoing staff development has been phenomenal, There has been so much growth & change among my teacher. Even though some of them are taking baby steps, They are taking steps and not remaining static.” Learned new strategies: “Teachers have learned to analyze students' reading to tailor their instruction to meet the needs of children. Teachers have learned how to find "just right" books for children by using the Dominie assessments.” Improved academic performance: “Fewer and fewer of our kids need intervention. With good classroom instruction and good intervention we are seeing less struggling kids. After the 1st round of Reading Recovery the students for the 2nd round were only a few months below grade level.”


32 Quotes from SCRF Principals : Benefits of SCRF Use of assessment data to guide instruction: “The data gathered at SCRF has helped me to prepare the School Renewal plan and it has helped me to understand how to make changes to the instructional process.” Increased collaboration: “The SLT, SIT, and Study group sessions provide an opportunity for administrators, teachers, and coaches to discuss strategies/ideas for reading improvement.” Professional development: “The SCRF initiative provides the opportunity for teachers to grow and to develop their proficiency as reading /literacy instructors. The initiative fosters collaboration among teachers.” Learned new strategies: “The wealth of information learned on how to teach teaching” Focus on reading: “I really like the uninterrupted 120 minute reading block.”

33 Describe one benefit of the SCRF Initiative.

34 83.1% of teachers rated SCRF as effective or very effective. 88.1% of interventionists rated SCRF as effective or very effective. 81.8% of literacy coaches rated SCRF as effective or very effective. 90.9% of principals rated SCRF as effective or very effective.

35 Questions or Comments? Office of Program Evaluation Dr. Tammiee Dickenson (803) 777-1246 South Carolina Educational Policy Center Dr. Diane Monrad (803) 777-8244

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