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Church History. What church do you go to? Baptist Baptist Catholic Catholic Pentecostal Pentecostal Methodist Methodist Etc. Etc. Thousands of denominations.

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Presentation on theme: "Church History. What church do you go to? Baptist Baptist Catholic Catholic Pentecostal Pentecostal Methodist Methodist Etc. Etc. Thousands of denominations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Church History

2 What church do you go to? Baptist Baptist Catholic Catholic Pentecostal Pentecostal Methodist Methodist Etc. Etc. Thousands of denominations. Thousands of denominations.

3 Religious Division Teach different things Teach different things Practice different things Practice different things Believe different things Believe different things Contradict each other Contradict each other Can’t all be right Can’t all be right Where did all these churches come from? Where did all these churches come from? How can there be one Bible but so many churches? How can there be one Bible but so many churches? Is this what Jesus wanted? Is this what Jesus wanted?

4 What did Jesus want? John 17:6-19 John 17:6-19 Jesus is praying for the apostles. Jesus is praying for the apostles. John 17:20 John 17:20 Jesus prays for all who will believe in Him due to the work of the apostles. Jesus prays for all who will believe in Him due to the work of the apostles. Why does Jesus make this prayer? Why does Jesus make this prayer?

5 What did Jesus want? John 17:21 John 17:21 that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, … that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, … Why was oneness important to Jesus? Why was oneness important to Jesus?

6 Why Unity is Important John 17:21 John 17:21...that the world may believe that You sent Me.

7 Why Unity is Important If everyone who claimed to be a Christian If everyone who claimed to be a Christian Taught the same things Taught the same things Practiced the same things Practiced the same things Believed the same things Believed the same things What a powerful testimony for the truth of the Gospel that would be! What a powerful testimony for the truth of the Gospel that would be!

8 Why Unity is Important If the religious world were united in truth and purpose, what an impact that might have to convert: If the religious world were united in truth and purpose, what an impact that might have to convert: Unbelievers Unbelievers Atheists Atheists Pagans Pagans

9 Why Unity is Important Many confused or discouraged because they don’t know which church is “right”. Many confused or discouraged because they don’t know which church is “right”. 75 million Americans never attend church services anywhere! (Barna Research Group) 75 million Americans never attend church services anywhere! (Barna Research Group) How did all these denominations come to be? How did all these denominations come to be?

10 ~33 ad Pentecost

11 ~33 ad Pentecost Only one church. Unity maintained.

12 ~33 ad PentecostNero, Domitian, Decius, Diocletian Only one church. Unity maintained.

13 ~33 ad PentecostNero, Domitian, Decius, Diocletian Only one church. Unity maintained. SocialPolitical Economic

14 ~33 ad PentecostNero, Domitian, Decius, Diocletian Only one church. Unity maintained. SocialPolitical Economic 313 ad Constantine Edict of Toleration

15 ~33 ad PentecostNero, Domitian, Decius, Diocletian Only one church. Unity maintained. SocialPolitical Economic 313 ad Constantine Edict of Toleration Elders

16 ~33 ad PentecostNero, Domitian, Decius, Diocletian Only one church. Unity maintained. SocialPolitical Economic 313 ad Constantine Edict of Toleration Elders 325 ad Nicene Creed

17 ~33 ad PentecostNero, Domitian, Decius, Diocletian Only one church. Unity maintained. SocialPolitical Economic 313 ad Constantine Edict of Toleration Elders 325 ad Nicene Creed Antioch Jerusalem Alexandria Rome Constantinople

18 ~33 ad PentecostNero, Domitian, Decius, Diocletian Only one church. Unity maintained. SocialPolitical Economic 313 ad Constantine Edict of Toleration Elders 325 ad Nicene Creed Antioch Jerusalem Alexandria Rome Constantinople 391 ad Theodosius I Official religion

19 ~33 ad PentecostNero, Domitian, Decius, Diocletian Only one church. Unity maintained. SocialPolitical Economic 313 ad Constantine Edict of Toleration Elders 325 ad Nicene Creed Antioch Jerusalem Alexandria Rome Constantinople 588 ad John the Faster 391 ad Theodosius I Official religion

20 ~33 ad PentecostNero, Domitian, Decius, Diocletian Only one church. Unity maintained. SocialPolitical Economic 313 ad Constantine Edict of Toleration Elders 325 ad Nicene Creed Antioch Jerusalem Alexandria Rome Constantinople 588 ad John the Faster 595 ad Gregory I 391 ad Theodosius I Official religion

21 ~33 ad PentecostNero, Domitian, Decius, Diocletian Only one church. Unity maintained. SocialPolitical Economic 313 ad Constantine Edict of Toleration Elders 325 ad Nicene Creed Antioch Jerusalem Alexandria Rome Constantinople 588 ad John the Faster 595 ad Gregory I 606 ad Boniface III 391 ad Theodosius I Official religion

22 ~33 ad PentecostNero, Domitian, Decius, Diocletian Only one church. Unity maintained. SocialPolitical Economic 313 ad Constantine Edict of Toleration Elders 325 ad Nicene Creed Antioch Jerusalem Alexandria Rome Constantinople 1054 ad Great Schism 588 ad John the Faster 595 ad Gregory I 606 ad Boniface III 391 ad Theodosius I Official religion

23 ~33 ad PentecostNero, Domitian, Decius, Diocletian Only one church. Unity maintained. SocialPolitical Economic 313 ad Constantine Edict of Toleration Elders 325 ad Nicene Creed Antioch Jerusalem Alexandria Rome Constantinople 1054 ad Great Schism Greek Orthodox Church Roman Catholic Church 588 ad John the Faster 595 ad Gregory I 606 ad Boniface III 391 ad Theodosius I Official religion

24 ~33 ad PentecostNero, Domitian, Decius, Diocletian Only one church. Unity maintained. SocialPolitical Economic 313 ad Constantine Edict of Toleration Elders 325 ad Nicene Creed Antioch Jerusalem Alexandria Rome Constantinople 1054 ad Great Schism Greek Orthodox Church Roman Catholic Church Celibacy for priests Mass Transubstantiation Purgatory Sprinkling Instrumental Music Holy Water Etc. 588 ad John the Faster 595 ad Gregory I 606 ad Boniface III 391 ad Theodosius I Official religion

25 Martin Luther Protestant Reformation 1500’s

26 Martin Luther Protestant Reformation Pope Leo X Indulgences



29 1500’s Martin Luther Protestant Reformation Pope Leo X Indulgences "As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs". - Johann Tetzel

30 1500’s Martin Luther Protestant Reformation Pope Leo X Indulgences 31 Oct 1517 95 Theses

31 1500’s Martin Luther Protestant Reformation Pope Leo X Indulgences 31 Oct 1517 95 Theses Charles V Trial at Worms, Germany 1521

32 1500’s Martin Luther Protestant Reformation Pope Leo X Indulgences 31 Oct 1517 95 Theses Charles V Trial at Worms, Germany 1521 Augsburg Confession 1530

33 1500’s Martin Luther Protestant Reformation Pope Leo X Indulgences 31 Oct 1517 95 Theses Charles V Trial at Worms, Germany 1521 Augsburg Confession 1530 Lutheran Church

34 1500’s Martin Luther Protestant Reformation Pope Leo X Indulgences 31 Oct 1517 95 Theses Charles V Trial at Worms, Germany 1521 Augsburg Confession 1530 Lutheran Church Henry VIII Church of England 1534

35 1500’s Martin Luther Protestant Reformation Pope Leo X Indulgences 31 Oct 1517 95 Theses Charles V Trial at Worms, Germany 1521 Augsburg Confession 1530 Lutheran Church Henry VIII Church of England 1534 John Calvin Presbyterian Church 1536

36 1500’s Martin Luther Protestant Reformation Pope Leo X Indulgences 31 Oct 1517 95 Theses Charles V Trial at Worms, Germany 1521 Augsburg Confession 1530 Lutheran Church Henry VIII Church of England 1534 John Calvin Presbyterian Church 1536 John Knox Reformed Church 1560

37 1500’s Martin Luther Protestant Reformation Pope Leo X Indulgences 31 Oct 1517 95 Theses Charles V Trial at Worms, Germany 1521 Augsburg Confession 1530 Lutheran Church Henry VIII Church of England 1534 John Calvin Presbyterian Church 1536 John Knox Reformed Church 1560 John Smythe Baptist Church 1608

38 1500’s Martin Luther Protestant Reformation Pope Leo X Indulgences 31 Oct 1517 95 Theses Charles V Trial at Worms, Germany 1521 Augsburg Confession 1530 Lutheran Church Henry VIII Church of England 1534 John Calvin Presbyterian Church 1536 John Knox Reformed Church 1560 John Smythe Baptist Church 1608 1739 John & Charles Wesley Methodist Church

39 1500’s Martin Luther Protestant Reformation Pope Leo X Indulgences 31 Oct 1517 95 Theses Charles V Trial at Worms, Germany 1521 Augsburg Confession 1530 Lutheran Church Henry VIII Church of England 1534 John Calvin Presbyterian Church 1536 John Knox Reformed Church 1560 John Smythe Baptist Church 1608 1739 John & Charles Wesley Methodist Church Pentecostal & Holiness Churches

40 1500’s Martin Luther Protestant Reformation Pope Leo X Indulgences 31 Oct 1517 95 Theses Charles V Trial at Worms, Germany 1521 Augsburg Confession 1530 Lutheran Church Henry VIII Church of England 1534 John Calvin Presbyterian Church 1536 John Knox Reformed Church 1560 John Smythe Baptist Church 1608 1776 Revolutionary War 1739 John & Charles Wesley Methodist Church Pentecostal & Holiness Churches

41 1500’s Martin Luther Protestant Reformation Pope Leo X Indulgences 31 Oct 1517 95 Theses Charles V Trial at Worms, Germany 1521 Augsburg Confession 1530 Lutheran Church Henry VIII Church of England 1534 John Calvin Presbyterian Church 1536 John Knox Reformed Church 1560 John Smythe Baptist Church 1608 1776 Revolutionary War 1789 Episcopal Church 1739 John & Charles Wesley Methodist Church Pentecostal & Holiness Churches

42 1830 Mormons 1845 7 th Day Adventists 1879 Christian Science Church 1888 Jehovah’s Witnesses

43 “A Catechism Of Christian Doctrine” Indulgences Indulgences “Granted to those who devote themselves to teaching or learning Christian Doctrine”. “Granted to those who devote themselves to teaching or learning Christian Doctrine”. “The faithful who devote half an hour but not less than twenty minutes to teaching or studying Christian Doctrine may gain an indulgence of 3 years”. “The faithful who devote half an hour but not less than twenty minutes to teaching or studying Christian Doctrine may gain an indulgence of 3 years”.

44 “A Catechism Of Christian Doctrine” Indulgences Indulgences Sign of the Cross: Sign of the Cross: 3 years indulgence 3 years indulgence With holy water, 7 years. With holy water, 7 years. Various sayings and prayers worth: Various sayings and prayers worth: 300 days 300 days 500 days 500 days Some worth 3 years. Some worth 3 years.

45 Exodus 20 Exodus 20 1. I am the LORD thy God; thou shalt not have strange gods before me. 2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image 3. Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain. 4. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 5. Honor thy father and thy mother. 6. Thou shalt not kill. 7. Thou shalt not commit adultery. 8. Thou shalt not steal. 9. Thou shalt not bear false witness. 10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant nor his maidservant, nor his ox, no his donkey, nor anything that is thy neighbor’s.

46 Exodus 20 Exodus 20 1. I am the LORD thy God; thou shalt not have strange gods before me. 2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image 3. Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain. 4. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 5. Honor thy father and thy mother. 6. Thou shalt not kill. 7. Thou shalt not commit adultery. 8. Thou shalt not steal. 9. Thou shalt not bear false witness. 10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is thy neighbor’s. Catechism 1. I am the LORD thy God; thou shalt not have strange gods before me. 2. 2. Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain. 3. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 4. Honor thy father and thy mother. 5. Thou shalt not kill. 6. Thou shalt not commit adultery. 7. Thou shalt not steal. 8. Thou shalt not bear false witness. 9. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife. 10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods.

47 2 nd Commandment Left Out! Why leave out the 2 nd commandment? Why leave out the 2 nd commandment? Answer on page 39 of Catechism: Answer on page 39 of Catechism: What are sacramentals? What are sacramentals? Sacramentals are holy things or actions of which the Church makes use to obtain for us from God spiritual and temporal favors. Sacramentals are holy things or actions of which the Church makes use to obtain for us from God spiritual and temporal favors.

48 2 nd Commandment Left Out! What are the sacramentals most used by Catholics? What are the sacramentals most used by Catholics? The sacramentals most used by Catholics are: holy water, blessed candles, ashes, palms, crucifixes, medals, rosaries, scapulars and images of Our Lord, the Blessed Virgin, and the saints. The sacramentals most used by Catholics are: holy water, blessed candles, ashes, palms, crucifixes, medals, rosaries, scapulars and images of Our Lord, the Blessed Virgin, and the saints.

49 The Augsburg Confession It is always faith alone that apprehends grace and forgiveness of sin It is always faith alone that apprehends grace and forgiveness of sin You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only. James 2:24 You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only. James 2:24

50 Denominational Creed Books The Hiscox Standard Baptist Manual The Hiscox Standard Baptist Manual Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (Church of Christ, Scientist) Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (Church of Christ, Scientist) New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Jehovah’s Witnesses) New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Jehovah’s Witnesses) The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church Manual of the Church of the Nazarene Manual of the Church of the Nazarene The Confession of Faith of the Presbyterian Church The Confession of Faith of the Presbyterian Church The Book of Mormon The Book of Mormon The Book of Common Prayer of the Episcopal Church The Book of Common Prayer of the Episcopal Church The Book of Discipline of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) The Book of Discipline of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) Etc. Etc.

51 Where did we begin? Jesus prayed for unity in John 17. Jesus prayed for unity in John 17. Where is the unity? Where is the unity?

52 Creeds Divisive A simple example: Can we all agree on a name? A simple example: Can we all agree on a name? Would a Baptist tolerate being called a Morman? Would a Baptist tolerate being called a Morman? Would a Lutheran go by the name Catholic? Would a Lutheran go by the name Catholic? Would a Pentecostal allow himself to be called a Jehovah’s Witness? Would a Pentecostal allow himself to be called a Jehovah’s Witness? No! No!

53 Did Jesus Pray in Vain? Unity is possible, but on what basis? Unity is possible, but on what basis? Not by retaining the creed books and specialized doctrines of men. Not by retaining the creed books and specialized doctrines of men. Unity can be achieved with the Bible and the Bible only. Unity can be achieved with the Bible and the Bible only.

54 Luke chapter 8 Parable of the sower Parable of the sower The seed is the word of God (vs. 11) The seed is the word of God (vs. 11) Seed that fell on the good ground yielded fruit. Seed that fell on the good ground yielded fruit.

55 National Geographic 2,000-Year-Old Seed Sprouts, Sapling Is Thriving November 22, 2005 2,000-Year-Old Seed Sprouts, Sapling Is Thriving November 22, 2005 Date Palm seed found at Masada. Date Palm seed found at Masada. Named the palm “Methuselah”. Named the palm “Methuselah”.


57 Bible is The Seed What will result when 2000 year old spiritual seed is planted? What will result when 2000 year old spiritual seed is planted? A Baptist? A Baptist? A Methodist? A Methodist? A Catholic? A Catholic? None of the above. None of the above. 2000 year old spiritual seed will produce a Christian! 2000 year old spiritual seed will produce a Christian!

58 Were there… Jehovah’s Witnesses before 1888? No! Jehovah’s Witnesses before 1888? No! Mormons before 1830? No! Mormons before 1830? No! Methodists before 1739? No! Methodists before 1739? No! Catholics before 606 ad? No! Catholics before 606 ad? No! Christians before the denominations? Yes! Christians before the denominations? Yes!

59 Additions It takes something added to the Word of God to make a denomination. It takes something added to the Word of God to make a denomination. Bible + Catholic writings = A Catholic Bible + Catholic writings = A Catholic Bible + Augsburg Confession = A Lutheran Bible + Augsburg Confession = A Lutheran Bible + Book Common Prayer = An Episcopalian Bible + Book Common Prayer = An Episcopalian Bible + Book of Mormon = A Mormon Bible + Book of Mormon = A Mormon Bible + Nothing = A Christian Bible + Nothing = A Christian

60 What do you want to be? I want to be a member of the church that Jesus established that belongs to Him. I want to be a member of the church that Jesus established that belongs to Him. I want to be a member of the church that Paul was a member of. I want to be a member of the church that Paul was a member of. I want to be a member of the church that can be read about in the New Testament. I want to be a member of the church that can be read about in the New Testament. I want to be a member of the church where I can be a Christian and a Christian only. I want to be a member of the church where I can be a Christian and a Christian only.

61 What happened to that Church? It is alive and well! It is alive and well! There is only one church and it is the church Jesus built and died for. There is only one church and it is the church Jesus built and died for. All whose names are written in the book of life are members of it. All whose names are written in the book of life are members of it.

62 Do you want to be just a Christian? Heed the Bible, forsaking the doctrines of men. Heed the Bible, forsaking the doctrines of men. Believe (John 3:16) Believe (John 3:16) Repent (Acts 17:30) Repent (Acts 17:30) Confess (Romans 10:10) Confess (Romans 10:10) Be immersed in water (Acts 2:38) Be immersed in water (Acts 2:38) Be faithful until death (Romans 6:4) Be faithful until death (Romans 6:4)

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