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Large-Scale Optimization in VLSI CAD Igor Markov

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1 Large-Scale Optimization in VLSI CAD Igor Markov

2 Nov 1, 2000Igor Markov, U. of Michigan Goals/Outline of the Talk Give a general idea about the field –success stories and applications –potential for cross-pollination What drives the field Reusable Intellectual Property in CAD Consequences of “large-scale” Sample wide-open problems

3 Nov 1, 2000Igor Markov, U. of Michigan General (VLSI CAD) Very Large System Integration –numerous components + interconnect –emergent properties not apparent in isolated components Computer-Aided Design –better than human design (super-human!) –and then some FOR MORE INFO...

4 Nov 1, 2000Igor Markov, U. of Michigan Integrated Circuits Excellent examples of “large systems” –manufacturing is enormously expensive research can prevent blunders… and pays off –two Moore’s laws keep everyone busy circuits are growing circuit design is getting harder –decreased market windows must design quickly (or else…) –digital circuits amenable to auto- manipulation have a lot of regularity (easier to represent)

5 Nov 1, 2000Igor Markov, U. of Michigan Just How Large? As large as we can handle –a priori (physical) limits are at least 20 years away –pushing the boundaries is our goal Current limits –need to solve many NP-hard problems –poor understanding, mathematical models –lack of efficient algorithms (typical problem sizes will follow)

6 Nov 1, 2000Igor Markov, U. of Michigan Design via Optimization Think of all possible design solutions –“solution space” – need to choose one solution (or several) What parameters should be optimized? –“objective functions” f 1 (x), f 2 (x),… Need to observe design constraints The EDA revolution of the 1980s: –searching, combinatorial and mathematical optimization may outperform engineering intuition when implemented in software

7 Nov 1, 2000Igor Markov, U. of Michigan A Meta-Approach to Optimization Global Optimization –often cannot optimize “accurate” objectives they can be hopeless to evaluate e.g., min routed wirelength as f(placement) –find simpler objectives that correlate well –ditto for constraints Detailed Optimization –improve global solutions by local search can now worry about weird constraints can optimize a better measure of signal delay, etc

8 Nov 1, 2000Igor Markov, U. of Michigan Consequences of “Large-Scale” Runtimes must scale near-linearly –strict limitation on used primitives (e.g., no Gaussian elimination) –wide-spread use of multi-level methods Same goes for memory consumption –cannot represent graphs as dense matrices –use random sampling/walks instead of enumeration Trading solution quality for runtime –especially for randomized algorithms

9 Nov 1, 2000Igor Markov, U. of Michigan Historic Opportunism In early days of VLSI CAD… –the Electronic Design Automation revolution enabling, but short-lived results (can easily do better) e.g., “this new algorithm addresses objective f(x)” –many proposed approaches never picked up As ICs became larger, most CAD tools could not handle leading-edge circuits… –“algorithms for Deep SubMicron circuits” –soon turned out that many algos were weak partitioning, placement, SAT, etc.

10 Nov 1, 2000Igor Markov, U. of Michigan Competitiveness Outdated algorithms cause costly software rewrites and lost opportunity –commercial tools may sell for $400,000+ Learning circuit physics, optics, semiconductor technologies, applied math, CS theory, AI, databases, proper software design, etc is well worth the effort –competitive edge As a result of competitiveness, VLSI CAD offers –some of the best algorithms, very strong implementations –frequent contributions to other fields

11 Nov 1, 2000Igor Markov, U. of Michigan Success Stories Min-cut [hyper-] graph partitioning –(“very good” solutions) –200K 0/1 variables, 1-2 mins of CPU time Minimal Steiner trees (optimal) –hundreds of points in 1 second Provably good routing (approximation) –500K nets in several hours (!!!)

12 Nov 1, 2000Igor Markov, U. of Michigan Min-cut Partitioning Given – [hyper-] graph – k bins each accommodates up to N vertices Seek –to assign each vertex to a bin Minimize –# of [hyper-] edges between bins

13 Nov 1, 2000Igor Markov, U. of Michigan Min-cut Partitioning (cont’d) Numerous apps in VLSI CAD + beyond –supercomputing, data mining, Internet,… Progress in partitioning algorithms –started in 1972 and still going many approaches invented / discarded –now can auto-partition 1M-gate circuits better than manually, with free software couldn’t, even commercially, just 3 years ago (this has nothing to do with Deep SubMicron)

14 Nov 1, 2000Igor Markov, U. of Michigan Min-cut Partitioning (cont’d) UCLA MLPart (ASPDAC 2000) –faster than hMetis per start –returns better solutions on average –never worse than 5% off from hMetis –sometimes (ibm06,2%aa) 30% better –available in source code (C++) and binaries at “the bookshelf”, free for any use w/o notification Used at Cadence, Intel, start-ups Vital to UCLA Capo placer

15 Nov 1, 2000Igor Markov, U. of Michigan Steiner Minimal Trees Given – k points in the plane Seek –a Steiner tree connecting the points add extra points connect all points by straight-line segments Minimize –total edge-length of the tree

16 Nov 1, 2000Igor Markov, U. of Michigan Steiner Minimal Trees (cont’d) Applications –routing signal nets –connecting cities by highways 1989, Scientific American –“cannot find an SMT for 100 US cities” 1999, SODA (Warme/Zachariasen) –with GeoSteiner can do that in <1 sec –implementation available in source code

17 Nov 1, 2000Igor Markov, U. of Michigan Routing of Multiple Nets Given – n-tuples of locations to be connected with Steiner trees (think of signal nets) Constraints (not trivial to satisfy!) – routes cannot occupy same space Minimize – total length of routes, “congestion”

18 Nov 1, 2000Igor Markov, U. of Michigan Routing Of Multiple Nets One of the first circuit design automations (late 1960s) Has enormous solution space A classic AI problem Current commercial tools (e.g., Cadence) –up to a day for 500K nets, no guarantees ISPD 2000, Albrecht (using multi-commodity flows) –500K nets in several hours, within 20% of opt. –(IBM Power 3 chip)

19 Nov 1, 2000Igor Markov, U. of Michigan What Makes a Break-through? (or at least a splash) Study sample splashes Is it enough to minimize a function? ( function - relevant, minimization - efficient ) –Yes –Yes, but … –No –Absolutely not

20 Nov 1, 2000Igor Markov, U. of Michigan Background: VLSI Placement bad placement good placement

21 Nov 1, 2000Igor Markov, U. of Michigan Global WL-driven Placement Objective –total Half-Perimeter WireLength –approximates Steiner Minimal Tree UCLA Capo placer (DAC 2000) –beats Cadence QPlace on many benchmarks <50k gates; unpublished: 30% better on a 280K gate bm. compared by “routed WL” after Cadence WarpRoute in congestion-driven mode; 1 routing violation = failure –used for research at IBM, Intel, Phillips; CMU,… –available in source code (C++), free for any use –(timing-driven mode not yet released)

22 Nov 1, 2000Igor Markov, U. of Michigan Background: Detailed Placement Detailed circuit placement –given locations of circuit elements (“cells”), improve them by local changes (e.g., swaps) –minimize total length of signal nets “Local”, but large-scale problem –entails a very large number of small sub-problems Practically important –local improvements directly translate to large scale –very similar to floorplanning (a high-level problem)

23 Nov 1, 2000Igor Markov, U. of Michigan Background: Detailed Placement Naïve “detailed” optimization - consider 7-8 “cells” at a time - enumerate all permutations - compute HPWL for each - pick the best permutation - repeat for another group of 7-8 Greater groups  better solutions - practical limit: 0.01sec per group Use Branch-and-bound for each group (ISPD `99) Overall linear runtime Easy parallelization (optimize many groups in ||)

24 Nov 1, 2000Igor Markov, U. of Michigan Optimal Interleaving Can handle 30+ elements at a time – easier to implement than B&B – the order constraint turns out very mild Very good result –but, seemingly, nothing more than min f(x) ! ABCDE12345 A12BC34D5E ICCAD 2000, Hur and Lillis (TR available) Optimally in O(n 2 ) time by Dynamic Programming

25 Nov 1, 2000Igor Markov, U. of Michigan Popularity Comparison w GeoSteiner The Hur/Lillis algorithm –appeared several months ago (on paper) –already implemented by several groups with great results … but Warme’s GeoSteiner –is barely used –source code published 2 years ago –instead, used are simple heuristics that are slower Difference: ease of reuse! –of result itself and/or of its representation

26 Nov 1, 2000Igor Markov, U. of Michigan Intellectual Property in CAD Reuse? –today hundreds of VLSI CAD engineers are implementing the same, known, but difficult algorithms Breakthroughs typically produce validated and reusable intellectual property –yet another algorithm to min f(x) does not automatically qualify for validated, reusable CAD IP applicability, generality, quality of description, etc. –CAD IP is not just algorithms and code –CAD IP: benchmarks, evaluation techniques, empirical studies/results, algorithm analyses,etc Studies of CAD IP suggest: –to effectively reuse, need infrastructure

27 Nov 1, 2000Igor Markov, U. of Michigan Intellectual Property in CAD GRSC Bookshelf for Fundamental Algorithms in CAD –a repository for reusable CAD IP, a publication medium –a way to communicate with industry problem formulations are also considered CAD IP – Existing bookshelf “slots” include –SAT, Graph Coloring, Hypergraph Partitioning, Mathematical Optimization, Circuit Placement, Clock Tree Routing, Global Routing, Interconnect Optimization, etc… Leading-edge implementations (free for all uses) UCLA Physical Design Tools (graph partitioners, placers,etc) many more (SAT solvers from U. Michigan, GeoSteiner, etc)

28 Nov 1, 2000Igor Markov, U. of Michigan Reuse and Education Both are necessary to sustain Moore’s laws –not enough designers to implement new chips –not enough CAD engineers to automate design Need to teach/study reusable design –hardware, software/CAD IP (similar? different?) –note: typical “promising” research demos not reusable Design of reusable software –“theory” has been available for years (processes, code metrics, interface languages, modeling, robust public-domain tools, etc) –need [more] infrastructure, practice, experience of reuse –first: reuse software –then: design reusable software

29 Nov 1, 2000Igor Markov, U. of Michigan Research Directions (1) “Citius, Altius, Fortius” –faster, leaner implementations –higher-quality solutions –stronger impact on applications –aid available: latest advances in CS theory, Mathematics, AI, software engineering, etc Large-scale computing aspects of VLSI CAD –memory locality (big deal for irregular circuits) –“memory-less” algorithms (and trade-offs)

30 Nov 1, 2000Igor Markov, U. of Michigan Research Directions (2) Quantified suboptimality of heuristics –(for NP-hard problems) –how close can we get to optima in practice? estimate suboptimality of specific solutions study dependence on input distributions related to CS theory / approximation algos –example: detection of symmetries in Logic Synthesis Kravets/Sakallah, ICCAD 2000 and TR Lower bounds and impossibility arguments for fundamental algorithms

31 Nov 1, 2000Igor Markov, U. of Michigan Research Directions (3) Using better, but still computable, models of reality –simulation as a driver for optimization –modeling semiconductor effects Alpert et al, ISPD 2000 --- a new interconnect delay model, better than Elmore delay; all optimizations assuming Elmore are open to “porting” inductance, noise, etc –effects of statistical variations CAD for new types of semi technologies and styles –subwavelength lithography (optical proximity correction, etc) –System-On-Chip (high-level partitioning, etc) CAD for analog circuits (including RF, MW)

32 Nov 1, 2000Igor Markov, U. of Michigan Research Directions (4) Self-conscious optimization tools –prediction and estimation of solution quality before optimization SLIP 2001 - GTX - –calibration (which solutions/tools are good?) Support for intelligent/expert users –“computer-aided” does not always mean “w/o people” –efficient visualization, diagnostics and interactivity how do you visualize a partitioning solution? how do you visualize many unrouted 2-pin nets in same row?

33 Nov 1, 2000Igor Markov, U. of Michigan Conclusions Large-scale optimization in VLSI CAD –dynamic and challenging field –benefits from other fields and gives back –IP reuse is paramount –research is respected and economically justified –opportunities available FOR MORE INFO...

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