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North Dakota Full GIS Technical Committee Meeting October 23, 2006 Bob Nutsch GIS Coordinator State of North Dakota.

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Presentation on theme: "North Dakota Full GIS Technical Committee Meeting October 23, 2006 Bob Nutsch GIS Coordinator State of North Dakota."— Presentation transcript:

1 North Dakota Full GIS Technical Committee Meeting October 23, 2006 Bob Nutsch GIS Coordinator State of North Dakota

2 1 Introductions

3 2 Agenda Executive Committee Report Background Accomplishments Current work & goals Feedback & Discussion News from NSGIC Statewide data priorities and needs Future Users Conferences General discussion

4 3 Background Last meeting October 25, 2006 Minutes: minutes.html Executive Order 2001-06 specified: Executive GISTC – 7 agencies Full GISTC – state agencies, local federal agencies, business community

5 4 Executive GISTC Membership State Water Commission – Rod Bassler Dept. of Health – Ann Fritz Dept. of Transportation – Brian Bieber Game and Fish – Brian Hosek Geological Survey – Elroy Kadrmas Parks and Recreation – Chris Dirk Information Tech. Dept. – Bob Nutsch Land Department* - Levi Erdmann Public Service Commission* – Steve Kahl *Associate Members

6 5 Accomplishments Core services continue to evolve: Hub Explorer Metadata Explorer FTP Web Services Database is growing: 2,286gb compared to 1,600gb in October 2005

7 6 Accomplishments – GIS Hub Usage Database is growing: 2,286gb compared to 1,600gb in October 2005 Data downloads: Average over 2,500/mo, 240gb/mo Database: 35+ daily concurrent connections from state agency users Web applications: YTD have exceeded 100,000 hits/month

8 7 GIS Hub Usage – 2006 Image Services

9 8 GIS Hub Usage – 2006 Feature Services

10 9 GIS Hub Usage – 2006 Metadata Service

11 10 GIS Hub Usage – Game & Fish September 2006

12 11 Accomplishments – General Coordinated Training – From February 2002 through June 2006, state agencies combined have saved over $65,000 in training costs alone. 137 trained. Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Service (WMS) – there are now two. Used by ACOE, SWC, others

13 12 Accomplishments – General GIS Strategic Plan GIS Professional Services Contract Pool Added Land Department and Public Service Commission as Associate Members to the GISTC New Sun server

14 13 Accomplishments – Data NAIP 2004, 2005 (’05 only FTP) 24k hydro – USGS – to be used in NHD 2005 Bismarck-Mandan aerial photography 2004 Cass County aerial photography 2005 Fargo aerial photography For listings of updated data visit

15 14 Accomplishments – New Applications Department of Transportation Right-Of-Way Plats Transportation Information Department of Agriculture Groundwater pesticide sensitivity Department of Emergency Services Rangeland Fire Index

16 15 Accomplishments – ND Conferences Started out as GIS Day, transition to Users Conference beginning with 2005 Registered attendance levels: 2001: 40+ 2002: 100 2003: 120 2004: 95 2005: 119 2006: 127 (as of Oct. 20)

17 16 Current Work Merging the Geological Survey clearinghouse – still pending Road centerline study Prepare for the Legislative Session Provide letter of support for Imagery For The Nation Data: NAIP, aquifers, HUC

18 17 Current Work –Data Ann Fritz, Department of Health Hydrologic Unit Boundary delineation Rod Bassler, State Water Commission Aquifer update

19 18 Goals – General Work more closely with local & federal government, identify partnering opportunities Server upgrades – ArcGIS Server 9.2 and new hardware Web tools – enhance Hub Explorer with new interface Add OGC-compliant WFS Improved raster downloading

20 19 Goals – Data Near term: NAIP 2005 onto ArcSDE & as web services Update 30-meter Level 1 DEMs Freshen existing data Road centerlines: seamless, statewide Long term: Update 30-meter Level 1 DEMs Parcel data: seamless, statewide

21 20 Goals - Budget Additional for Increased hosting and storage Application and software development Data acquisition with funding partners Optional (with NDACo) for statewide county GIS coordinator ½ General Funds, ½ NDACo Long-term funding mechanisms

22 21 News From NSGIC National States Geographic Information Council ( Imagery For The Nation TechniGraphics - HSIP Fusion Centers Ramona data inventory tool

23 22 Imagery For The Nation Annual 1-meter imagery paid by feds Estimated $111 million/year but estimated $160 million every three years Buy-up options (higher resolution, color infrared, footprints, etc.) – as stated by state GI councils For more information see on.cfm

24 23 TechniGraphics - HSIP TechniGraphics (TGS) is a contractor for National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency NGA formerly NIMA (National Imagery & Mapping Agency) TGS is collecting Homeland Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP) data from the states – critical infrastructure

25 24 TechniGraphics - HSIP States provide data (doesn’t have to be geospatial), contact info to TGS. States contact officials (e.g., fire chiefs) letting them know of planned activities TGS improves data, makes it geospatial, e.g., Arkansas fire stations No co$t to the state! Current layers: fire stations, prisons & jails, EMS stations, urgent care locations

26 25 Fusion Centers Used to develop and share information Approximately 40 states have them In North Dakota, Bureau of Criminal Investigation, Highway Patrol, Dept. of Emergency Services “A fusion center is an effective and efficient mechanism to exchange information and intelligence, maximizeresources, streamline operations, and improve the ability to fight crime and terrorism by analyzing data from a variety of sources.”

27 26 Ramona Data Inventory Developed and promoted by NSGIC All levels of government can use this tool to inventory their geospatial data and list key contacts More information at _announcement.pdf North Dakota site:

28 27 Ramona Data Inventory In North Dakota, may be very useful: FEMA Census Collaborative data collection Considering creation of tutorials The following slides are from NSGIC

29 28 Status Map & Data Search

30 29 User Profile Separate Tabs for information on: User Organization Systems Policies My Geography Framework Data Inventory Other Data Inventory Metadata Separate Tabs for information on: User Organization Systems Policies My Geography Framework Data Inventory Other Data Inventory Metadata

31 30 User Directory Standard directory tool Several methods employed to prevent data mining Standard directory tool Several methods employed to prevent data mining

32 31 Discussion – State-wide Data Priorities Executive GISTC Priorities Road centerlines Elevation – replace Level 1 DEMs first Continue acquiring NAIP – 2-meter? Parcel data Framework layers Other priorities???

33 32 Discussion – Partnership Ramona Data sharing – local-state-federal Practice now, useful for future, IFTN Data collection – communicate plans! NAIP: buy-up from 2-meter to 1-meter or better Standards/best practices development Metadata hosting – Cass County is doing this, who else is interested? Training/workshops CAP Grant – Statewide Strategic Plan

34 33 Discussion – Future Users Conferences Need your feedback and direction! Considering September Location: Free conference = Limited Funds = Limited Locations Frequency

35 34 Other Discussion? Questions? Comments? Ways to improve?

36 35 Thank You! For more information, please contact: Bob Nutsch, GIS Coordinator 701-328-3212

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